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Thread: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

  1. #1
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    Default Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    This may be a silly question, and the answer to my question may be “Are you nuts? Of course not!” but is there such a thing as a gun manufacturer that minimizes it’s support of the more rabid lobby groups, such as those who encourage and promote unfettered carry laws, including permitting blind people to carry guns in public? (I kid you not.)

    I live out in the woods, because the cycling out here is great, but I’m neither a hunter nor a gun owner / fancier. However, over the last few years there have been enough instances of me wanting to put a wild animal out of it’s misery (e.g. deer hit by car and left to die by some idiot driver) and not having the right tool for the job I had to make due with what I had. (Mashing a partially paralyzed deer’s head with a sledgehammer is not a fun thing.)

    So, I’ve been thinking that some sort of semi-automatic pistol (probably 9mm, I haven’t done much research yet, .22 LR is another option) would be the simplest way to deal with the problem. However, it occurs to me that I would rather not support a company that contributes to various lobby groups that fight tooth-and-nail against towns or states like Newtown CT when they try to pass what I think is perfectly reasonable legislation in response to horrific incidents.

    To clarify, this would be only one of several criteria applied as I consider this purchase. Obviously the quality and reliability of the product are also important.

    PS I’d rather this not turn into a huge 2nd Amendment debate. I'm just trying to find a tool that appropriately balances the multiple priorities that are important to me. You may have a different opinion, and that’s great too - you’re entitled to it.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    If this is a concern for you, I'd suggest buying a used version that the company will not profit from. Additionally, older units are often higher quality than newer examples, and hold value more readily. This holds true for most of the major American brands.
    steve cortez


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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Does a knife not do the job?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    These are all valid points and very noble. I'd like to state that I don't say this with any hint of sarcasm but really what is important to me is the humane disposal of an injured animal. Your feelings have come second in this instance but again I'd like to commend you.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Guns are tools to be used for a job ~ whatever that may be:

    1) hunting
    2) self defense

    I won't debate you about companies attempting to insure their longevity, kinda like bike companies and bike friendly legislation, trail access, etc. There are lots of US companies producing weapons who employ skilled American workers etc.

    If you are truly interested in purchasing a weapon for you own use; then I heartily recommend a concealed weapons course that includes actual firing of weapons. This will insure your safe handling of the weapon. Possibly you can find a course where they will provide weapons.

    Buying a used gun is like buying anything else second-hand. Sometimes you make out ok if you know what to look for. Otherwise you may now be in the posession of someone's abused POS that will be more problems than it's worth.

    Knowledge in the form of a course or some range time with a firearm owning friend is your best bet in my opinion. Better to know what you're getting into before you make an investment in a firearm.

    I am a liberal and a lifelong gun owner. There are problems in the USA that concern me much more than adding to the already voluminous gun laws currently on the books.

    Feel free to PM if you'd like to chat on the phone. I don't know what state you are in, so can't make any recommendations.

    Good luck in your search.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    I hear you. Injured deer are dangerous. Steve has it, go buy a used gun from a shop and be done with it.
    FWIIW check local law wrt dispatching the critter you'd be surprised.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    For strictly utilitarian purposes, sounds like a decent used shotgun would fit the bill. Remington 870 or Mossberg 500. Indestructible and very user-friendly in terms of safety. A good tool to have around the homestead in rural areas - can shoot more than just shot (rifled slugs, etc). I agree that a used firearm would fit your moral reasoning demands, especially a used shotgun.

    Like TT said, check your laws, and be sure to know what's legal and what's not, both on your property and off.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Another point: you don't need a handgun for what you're talking about, and since it sounds like you don't have much training/experience, it will likely be more difficult to use than a rifle.

    The rules for rifle ownership are much more lax than handgun ownership in many places, and the supply of decent quality used single shot long guns is virtually limitless.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Where I live it's the responsibility of Fish and Wildlife Service to dispatch animals hit by cars, etc. But all it takes is a .22 in the right spot to kill an animal, and it's much less messy than a shotgun.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by ides1056 View Post
    Where I live it's the responsibility of Fish and Wildlife Service to dispatch animals hit by cars, etc. But all it takes is a .22 in the right spot to kill an animal, and it's much less messy than a shotgun.
    Agreed. For this purpose a .22 would be sufficient, if not the tool of choice. I'm thinking more broadly, however, in terms of the most useful thing to have around a rural home. Absolutely spot-on, though - the wildlife control guys around here use Ruger 10-22 rifles.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    You have two issues:

    1) Euthanizing an injured animal. I bet there's a law about that, as TT alluded to. Most municipalities frown on gunfire even in the woods unless it's for some sanctioned reason. Heaven help the person who accidentally injures another while trying to do the humane thing for an animal.

    2) Gun purchase from a socially-conscious manufacturer. That's seems next to impossible to identify since they all lobby for their corporate interest, which is selling merchandise. Perhaps try to identify manufacturers that support organizations that you like; for example, scouting, the local youth rifle club. I can't think of another way to identify their Capitol-hill lobbying positions.

    I'm pretty anti-firearm (the regulation, not the actual implement), having had to deal with the aftermath of a massacre many years ago. If I wanted/needed a gun, I'd just go buy one after taking the appropriate refresher training. I wouldn't burn calories on the political background of the company.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    I have seen more than one report where you could be charged with hunting without a license, taking a deer out of season ect. Toots is right check local laws.
    Frank Beshears

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    overcomes the hardest thing in the world.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    I'm not getting into gun recommendations besides maybe saying to not buy one at all..given what your stated purpose, background, and overall inclination is. Just call the police or animal control. Last time I made a sensible recommendation I got berated by some posturing mod and who needs that shite.

    As for a, (big) company who fits your criteria..I'd say Ruger is as close as it gets with regards to promoting safety, responsibility, etc. Of course they fund the NRA..but good luck getting around that with any arms maker.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by chancerider View Post
    Last time I made a sensible recommendation I got berated by some posturing mod and who needs that shite.
    Yes, that was me. I'm sorry you're hurt.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Perhaps buying a gun from a European manufacturer would help your conscience? I don't know if they support the pro-gun lobbyists. Or one of those Indian-made Lee-Enfields?

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    Yes, that was me. I'm sorry you're hurt.
    It's just annoying. I should have saved it for Thursday!

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by chancerider View Post
    It's just annoying. I should have saved it for Thursday!
    You should fix your fragility, nobody like a whiner.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by NickB View Post
    Perhaps buying a gun from a European manufacturer would help your conscience? I don't know if they support the pro-gun lobbyists. Or one of those Indian-made Lee-Enfields?
    Before Congress passed legislation shielding gun manufacturers from most common law tort claims the (believe Italian, possibly Austrian) Beretta CEO gave a deposition. When asked whether his company monitors sales for possible black market activity, he said something to the effect that of course his company follows what he described as comprehensive but necessary fire arms sales legislation. Beretta later issued some lame press releases to the effect he was getting European concerns mixed up with U.S.

    Do not know first hand, but from what I read the OP could do a whole lot worse quality wise than buying a Beretta.

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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
    You should fix your fragility, nobody like a whiney Mod.
    fixed! done.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Are there any gun manufacturers a liberal can live with?

    Quote Originally Posted by chancerider View Post
    fixed! done.
    So let me get this straight. You have a problem with me calling you out for recommending a shotgun for bear protection to a guy who has his hands full with toddlers he sometimes leaves unattended outside while he sees to one or the other. Are you not tired of reading about unattended toddlers and guns? Get mad all you want that a mod called you out. Sheesh. Giving gun advice to a guy you dont know who admits his toddlers are a handful? I'm sure your a very intelligent person, but you missed the mark that time.

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