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Thread: CX Start Strategy

  1. #1
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    Default CX Start Strategy

    I race in the Masters 30 field which is pretty competitive top to bottom. Last year I finished third-from-last every race which was 26th out of 28 racers. It was my first year racing 'cross and I was pushing a 53 x 39 through the mud on a Surly Cross Check. About 1/3 of the field lapped me towards the end of the race. On the 3 km courses I had a better shot at staying free but the front riders are so strong their passing was inevitable. So I was basically fighting for my life to not finish last. On paper looking at the results there were a couple riders not that far in front of me so I'm hoping with a new bike, better gears, and a season of experience that I can move up the ranks a little bit this year.

    I'm wondering what strategy to adopt at the race start. Last year I started conservatively and filed in towards the back of the pack which was fine; I never had to deal with any bottlenecks. I doubt many cx racers ride a negative split yet everyone hustles off the line to get jammed at the first turn or run up. So I'm wondering if I won't be better served this year to start conservatively again and hold something in the tank to attack the last lap or two when the field is tired. I will avoid bottlenecks; if I go in with a confident game plan and know it's go time with a lap or two and trade a kick at the start for a kick towards the end wouldn't I be better served to try this strategy. I guess I don't see much advantage to sprinting off the front if you're just going to get boxed in. Racers vying for the podium have an advantage to being out front but the back of the field doesn't. In fact the whole field benefits the sooner it's strung out.

    I ran track and cross country in high school and college and always finished strong versus running too quickly at the gun. Rut roh: I think I see the flaw in my logic which is the bottleneck. Everyone's sprinting to lessen their piece. So it really matters where I am in the equation this year more than anything and if I'm in front of the bottleneck rather than behind it like I was last year then I'm in a better position from the start. Last year I really wasn't competitive so it was all a wash in terms of place in the field for it's always comfy in the back. But this year if I ride aggressively from the start and can salvage a place or two in the bottleneck even if I have to go in the red to get there I have a shorter track to a faster race and that's the whole point right?

    Any strategies re: starts please share, training too.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    Unless you're faster than everyone, it's best to start at the front. Try getting out there and seeing what happens. You may find yourself inspired to keep pedaling if the whole race is chasing you.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    You don't need to work on your race start you need to work on fitness. I'm just giving you the facts Jack. None the less you can practice HARD starts and it is a terrific way to end a workout session.
    Are you practicing CX with these guys during the week? You should.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    Lose the 53 ring atmo.
    Get a 44 or smaller.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    Starts, new bikes, gears are just details. The quickest way to better results is to improve your fitness, then go fast the entire race.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    I agree with all the above. A 53? Jeebs, you are a beast if you can even finish a race in that chain ring.

    Its worth burning a match (or two) to get up front at the start ATMO. Go hard.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    Agreed with those that said to ditch the 53. If you're trying to mash that, then you're burning too many matches right there. Although, you could stay in the 39 and that's not a terrible 1x10 setup, so that's probably not the big problem.

    The big problem is that you need some more fitness. It takes a lot of energy to work your way up through the traffic, so a better start position is always advantageous, but if you're finishing last, don't be that guy who lines up at the front of the grid.

    Train some more, do some cross specific practices and work on your skills. I've found that cross is extremely difficult if you're not in good shape. I'm very competitive on my mountain bike in XC races, but when it comes to cross, I haven't put in the work and it shows in a big way.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: CX Start Strategy

    don't even change your stuff, just leave it in that 39 and spin! I run a single ring 42 and it's not like I'm spinning out the 42-12, so I'm sure you'll be fine leaving it in that 39. Think of the 53 as your bash guard and chain keeper. Now you have eliminated front shifting as another thing to think about when you are on the limit.

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