Quote Originally Posted by TTX1 View Post
Respectfully, "whataboutism" isn't a useful position.

It's a lot easier for all of us to say what we don't agree with than to prescribe what should be done.

Care to take a shot at the latter option?

In regard to Biden. He's a politician. He's happy to test this position at this point in the campaign and adapt later. In any case - What does his position have to do with what I posted?
I honestly don’t know what to do. But as far as what Biden has to do with what you said, you said “no one is coming to take your guns” but that’s exactly what he’s currently saying he’ll do...at least he says he’s coming for assault weapons, which again, I don’t know how that’s defined exactly. But most victims of gun violence aren’t even killed by “assault weapons” (which most people picture as AK/AR style rifles). Most are killed by pistols. Technically the Dayton shooter used a pistol.

According to this chart from 2010-2014 more people were killed by shotguns than by rifles, but you never hear anyone wanting to ban shotguns. Even ol’ Biden has said no one can take his shotgun. Knives killed way more than shotguns and rifles combined.

FBI — Expanded Homicide Data Table 8