Odiel was the first of the family with bike fever in his blood. He participated in Milan-San Remo and in 1932 he won the toughest stage in Tour of Belgium. This was the start of the Jaegher adventure. Odiel was a phenomenon.

That same year his son Etienne was born. He started a café / bike shop in Ruiselede (Belgium) in the fifties. Pouring pints and building bike frames, it doesn’t get more Belgian than that.

Etienne was also a great cyclist, but since his father had died prematurely, his mother didn’t allow him to compete in races. So instead he just rode for fun on the bike he constructed himself.

Etienne's son Luc (1958) is built of no lesser steel. For Luc, Eddy Merckx was not a god, but just one of the many racers who would stop by the family’s workshop. Merckx would come to pick up his personal bikes with which he won just about every race on the planet. A few years later (during the 70’s and 80’s) the Splendor cycling team would also order their frames from our company, for cyclists such as Sean Kelly, Walter and Eddy Planckaert, Michel Pollentier, Claude Criquielion, Rudy Dhaenens, Jan Jansen and others.

Diel, who is named after Odiel, also inherited his passion for racing and for steel. He grew up amidst the steel of our workshop in Ruiselede.

Together with his father Luc, he is now exclusively responsible for the fabrication of every Jaegher leaving our ateliers.

During this four generation period our bikes has won the biggest races all over the world, have traveled to the Himalayas, participated in P-B-P or are just enjoyed by many, many cyclists.

Nowadays we still do what we have always done, building high-end frames in steel and steel only. We strongly believe in made to measure, that’s why we offer this service as a no-cost option. We build both lugged frames and TIG-welded ones in (mostly) Columbus Spirit and XCR. While not offered on our site, we build many randonneurs. This ranges from race bikes with fenders to round the world bicycles.

Luc & Diel & Steven