So for years, I prepared for trips into the woods by sitting for hours, sharpening my knives. I took great pride in my ability to put a razor's edge on some blades and an edge that would stand up to anything and stay sharp on others. On one particularly leisurely journey in northern Ontario, I sat by the fire and sharpened my knife till it would shave, and then shaved my head, stopping periodically to clean up the edge. It would be great to have that kind of leisure time again, though I might use it differently.

So all of this is off the point. And I am sure I have come to the right place for an answer to this question.

Where does one get a good sharpening stone these days? I mean the last stone I would ever buy. Does the aficionado go to Japanese Water Stones, Modern Diamond stones, or the old favorite Soft, Hard and Black Arkansas wet stones?

Has new technology brought forth something worthy of note?

It has been 30 years (and 3 months) since I bought a sharpening stone. So what do I get? No limits, spend what it takes, the stones or systems that will take good care of fine blades for the next 40 years or so, longer if my kids use them

Can't wait to hear what you all have to offer.