Hey folks,

A friend is asking for some help bringing an early 2000s Klein back from the dead. His request: segmented fork w/brake bosses. I've made about a dozen forks (4 of which are segmented) but I've never had the "luxury" of worrying about canti/v-brake studs + their placement.

I could use a bit of guidance here:

1. Shimano tech docs are saying that the bosses should be spaced 80mm apart (C-C). How much "wiggle room" is there to this number? I came to riding at the tail end of v-brakes but it seems like rim width and brake selection might affect the final placement.

2. My current drawing is telling me that I have have 24mm between the center of the fork blade (1.125"/28.6mm diameter) and the center of the boss. Is there/was there an appropriate brake boss made or at least one that'll get me close? If not, that's fine, I can adjust the design and sleeve/alter bosses as necessary.

3. Any "whammies" I should be aware of as I walk into this?

Thanks for schooling me on "ancient tech."