I spent a few days this week with a client in Baton Rogue and of course, the big news was Brian Kelly coming to Tigerland for $100M. Something like $9.5M/year, a $500K raise every year, $1.2M for a house, 2 cars and 50 hours of private jet use/year…that’s what was published, so who knows what else lurks out there. The top ten college football coach’s salaries were published as well and #10 was making $7.5M/year plus percs. Hell, Stanford’s football coach is making $9M and I wonder how that compares to a top researcher’s earnings in Palo Alto? They don’t even mention the trickle down salaries of the other coaching staff members. Nuts I tell you.

On a side note, I’m going to send a letter to the editor of the student newspaper and suggest that they take advantage of the spell check option on Word…