For the last 12 years or so, I’ve battled with insomnia. As with many parents, it starts when our kids are babies, when interrupted sleep leads to an inability to sleep soundly and one finds oneself waking easily and unable to return to slumber.

I fall asleep fine and typically wake 3-4 hours later. If I’m lucky I can sleep for an additional hour or so. I tend to give up around 3:30-4AM at which time I make coffee and either get on the trainer or wait for sunrise to go out for a ride. My training has my caloric needs around 5,000 cal/day to maintain my current weight. I mention this only to say there’s no shortage of exercise and physical labor in my life.

I don’t drink coffee after 9 AM. I eat well, don’t drink soda or consume much sugar.

I don’t take prescription medications and will not consider benzodiazepines or other sleep aids.

Marijuana was the only natural solution to helping me sleep but I stopped that a long ways back because of its impact on other facets of my life... training, motivation, overeating, etc.

I’ve tried meditation.
I take melatonin and valerian.
I limit screen time at night.
I have a white noise generator.
I tried baths.
Breathing techniques.

Something has to give. Anyone else spend hours feeling alone while your family sleeps? Anyone here kick this shit and if so, how?