I really liked the suit, since there was just enough of tweedy impertinence that I could wear it to almost any occasion (except for a formal interview). Wore it for my civil ceremony and our subsequent honeymoon to Berlin and Amsterdam. I wear the separate pieces as I saw fit (the trousers were really nice in the cold Wisconsin winter). Hell, I could have even wore the jacket and/or vest to a tweed run.

Unfortunately, said trousers have met a perhaps early demise, as I've worn a hole through it (after three years). In the old days, i hear that one could just go to where the suit was bought and commission that a new pair be made. However, I don't think this is presently possible (I even asked at the time of purchase but was told that it's not possible).

It would appear that heavier weight, slightly patterned, three-piece suits have largely fallen out of favor, and I'm wondering where I could go to get a replacement.
A few years back, when the USD to GBP exchange rate was more favorable, I could have sourced something from clothiers in the UK, but at 1.40 USD to 1 GBP, I'd rather look elsewhere first. Brooks Brothers, from whom I bought the suit, has been steadily shying away from such offerings. I know there's J Press, but I'd need to show up to a retail location to get fitted. Ralph Lauren actually offers something that would fit the bill, except not in my size (38" shoulders paired to standard cyclist thunder thighs). What else am I missing?