Whatcha got going on these next howevermanyweeks? My wife is a nurse practitioner, so no time off for her, unless she gets sick...and only if she's sick with the flu or COVID-19. We expect daycare to close tomorrow, so I'll be staying home with baby girl and then going into work evenings/nights to minimize using my PTO and keep my projects moving forward and on schedule. So, our goals for food are easy to cook stuff so at dinner time when the wife gets home I have it ready to eat, then I can help get little lady to bed, and then off to work. Lunch time, same thing, easy stuff to make as the toddler can't be left unattended too long as she's into/climbing on to everything. We don't have a lot of storage space at home, so we can't stockpile food, so we'll have to get groceries once a week.

So, I went to the store Sunday morning, and we have at our disposal: pasta, pasta sauce (red and alfredo), chicken breasts, a few pounds of ground beef, enough veggies for the week, snacks for the little one.

Smoked a whole chicken last night, we'll get a few meals off it, and leftovers package easily to make lunch for the toddler.

This whole ordeal is going to be a real hardship for a lot of people. I'm glad we're in a good position to weather the storm with just inconveniences. We're (relatively) young with no underlying health problems and I don't expect an interruption to paychecks. I'm vowing not to whine and bitch and moan. And the little one and I will have a good time together during the days ahead!