From Friday, certainly not today.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
You are perhaps thinking of moles, small insectivorous non-rodent mammals with limited eyesight that are in the same family as shrews and hedgehogs. Voles are rodents, herbivorous, and sighted. And evidently tasty, because nearly everything - foxes, bobcats, coyotes, owls, hawks and snakes - eats them.
My friend Tina wishes her local owls were more on the ball. She has at least 40 rose bushes on her property. Before last year she had at least 60. She said when she uncovered her roses in the spring she was catching voles with her bare hands.
Tom Ambros
The cover is what the voles come for. The roses just happen to be on the menu. She needs to find an alternative to covering over in winter or restructure her beds so they are not open to the ground - like raised beds with wire hardware cloth bottoms. Spray the ground around the roses with a diluted (water) mix of soap and castor oil. Poisons will help break up an infestation, but most of them will also kill your dog, cat and any predator that eats the voles that have ingested the poison. If poisons will be used, keep other animals safe.
Best might be to get a couple coyotes.
Last edited by j44ke; 4 Days Ago at 09:38 PM.
I wish. Goats are the best farm animals. But they also eat barns.
Shingles. Originally were cedar shingles. Barn is from 1830. Asphalt shingles since the 1950's approx. The concrete floor was hand poured and not leveled and there was no stable base installed underneath. So you have to watch where you walk or your foot will go straight through, that's how crumbly sections are.