Late night dog walk during Tropical Storm/Depression Debby.
Late night dog walk during Tropical Storm/Depression Debby.
my name is Matt
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Foggy Mendocino coast
That is some serious photography.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
I call that being prepared; luck has a way of rewarding those who are prepared :)
Also, though we have aloe plants in the house, I've never seen anything that brilliant. I'm actually surprised that plants are flowering in the Southern Hemisphere; isn't it a bit early for flowers to bloom?
Shooting these guys is difficult as they are so small that a comfortable distance for them means that even on a 45MP sensor cropping down still remders them as tiny olive blotches in the frame. I got lucky in that I knew the aloe flowers were at maximum nectar production esp. with some sunshine. Over my lunch break I watched from 30m away and noticed just one or two silvereye scouts flitting about the flowers then disappearing. I figured the scouts would bring the flock over for a decent feed so I sat on the ground in front of the flowers and waited - within 2 mins the flock decended upon the flowers, there was perhaps 5 pairs working over the 21 inflorescences in that area and so much nectar that they prioritised food over me swinging a lens.
We live in a winter rainfall area so I garden with mostly winter active plants. These aloe are winter active - they finish their growth cycle at the end of winter / early spring with flowering - I am in Australia and it's the end of winter here now.........
Walking through a lava field in the chilly mist of clouds off the ocean, and everything looks like a huldufolk. I can see where the mythology of Iceland came from. And if your uncle goes out for wood and never comes back due to the density of the mist, huldufolk.
Iceland Air had a movie on their entertainment device called Godland. It gets all the mysteriousness and darkness and light and beauty pretty well done.
Spirit v Arsenal
my name is Matt
Closing time.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.