rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
You just inspired me to learn about a place in Huntingdon, PA. Open-face meat loaf sandwiches and homemade crab cake under the same roof?
Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast
Innsbruck is…way…down…there.IMG_3490.jpg
Last edited by rwsaunders; 07-05-2024 at 06:46 PM.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Hazy with a chance of showers.
my name is Matt
I attended many an event in this building (West End Pulaski Society Lodge) as a young kid, while my grandfather was having a shot and a beer (or two) with his friends. It’s still there which is amazing to me and even more amazing, was that my grandfather was Irish and they let him join the club.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
I'm working on acquiring this sign/tarp from a local beer distributor.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Technically half a day........ but honestly I shot this through a glass window from indoors at my leisure. I leave my long lens on the kitchen bench and am carefull how I approach that window so as not to upset anything outside. I saw this guy at 8am leaving in a blearly streak of black but he came back at 5pm for a feed before last light.
You can't get within 20 or 30m of the mature males without the hide of being indoors - they hear everything and I mean everything - great listeners - great at reproducing noises in their environment so great hearing........... I'm no ninja!
Thank you. Sounds like a great set-up you have.
The shooting through a pane of glass isn't a surprise only because you mentioned that before. Were I unaware of that, there would be no way for my untrained eyes to tell. Speaks volume to the quality of the preparatory craft (and cleanliness of the window pane).
Now that we've bought a house and have a back yard, I'm thinking of putting in a feeders (in particular one for hummingbirds). One hummer quite like a few plants we have (daisies, I think), and hopefully, it can grace the backyard as well.
I had been thinking of getting 5-7 year old DSLR set-up (say Nikon D500 paired to Nikon AF-S 200-500 mm F/5.6), but I'd imagine the mirrorless aspect of the camera body makes auto-focusing (and shooting through glass) easier compared to DSLR.
RIP Thomas Hoepker
Gift link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/a...smid=url-share
Sept 11, 2001
I used to shoot mostly landscapes and static product sales imagery before I began chasing birds in my garden and beyond. Autofocus is everything when it comes to birds and tele lenses. I have an excellent 500/5.6 pf Nikon lens but I am part way through switching from DSLR to Z series mirrorless. My prev. body was a D810 which had very good autofocus for birding in poor light. My Z7 Mk1 has average autofocus with same lens / same light. The Z series have had a significant AF upgrade in the more recent bodies but I just keep building up more bikes instead of upgrading my camera body!
RIP Thomas Hoepker
Excellent article :- ties up a loose end for me as I saw this image with no explanation or context a while ago and was unsure if it was 9/11 or earlier as the subjects could have been dressed in the 90's and that Diamondback is vintage.
I look at this image now and wonder if it may be a visual metaphor for current political circumstances in the US?