It is the Paramount Building in NYC. Times Square.
It is the Paramount Building in NYC. Times Square.
Sub Pop Records store SEATAC.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
^ be careful around the feeders…a local woman was attacked by a Momma bear a few weeks ago when she went out on her deck with her dog and happened upon a bear and three cubs eating from her bird feeder.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Unfortunately the bears always lose. We had a conference call with the birds after the bear ate two suet cakes & their metal cages the first year we were here. They all agreed they could get enough food from the other feeders in the neighborhood, and that they'd see us in the spring. So no feeders at our house. Usually my neighbor takes his feeders down March 15, but spring is early this year. And word is that some bears did not hibernate. Maybe January at most.
Last edited by j44ke; 03-23-2024 at 10:45 AM.
Pizza on the Boulevard, Nice France.
Bird day apparently.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Durdle Door
my name is Matt
I took this shot a few weeks ago on a late afternoon MTB ride. I like to play with black and white, and I was pleased with how this one displayed a certain lunar surface quality with the tire print in the dirt.
Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
House finch somehow got down the chimney and into the wood stove. We have a cap with a screen over it and the wood stove is an insert with a pretty tight fitting baffle - not really sure I understand what kind of ninja this bird had to be to get all the way down. But I heard him pecking the glass. I draped a towel over the front to darken the inside and reached in and nabbed him. When I took him outside, his mate was chirping from a nearby tree, and he went straight where she was as soon as I let him go.
They aren't normally this dark colored. But he's been doing some chimney sweeping.
Spring is when birds do weird things.
I almost took that to be a purple finch instead. But it seems that a purple finch generally doesn't have those whitish feathers at the back of its neck, which your does have.
Color is off here due to soot, but male House finch is a redder bird with chunky but curved beak. Purple finch (at least in the eastern US) is a more raspberry jam colored bird with a chunky triangular beak. The Purple finch looks bulkier and more big headed. The House finch is trimmer. Also the notes and songs are completely different. See here:
Another difference is that House finches get their name from their proclivity to nest on houses, which is probably what got this guy in trouble. They've been trying to figure out the skylights in our porch roof for the last week, looking for a ledge to stick a nest. Purple finches tend not to be interested in houses and are more secretive nesters.
Last edited by j44ke; 03-25-2024 at 11:34 PM.
Saw an old friend the other day...
I am always amazed at how it shines on a cold, bright winter day.
I always wondered what the very tippy top point measured but was never able to find out.
In the late 80's (I think) I got to explore the top after sneaking away from a Municipal Art Society tour of the building. Quite an amazing place.
March 29, 2024 by SPP™ SlowPokePete, on Flickr
There is a group of porcupines under the abandoned cabin next to my house. They are becoming unwelcome because they are decimating some prominent trees. The oaks I planted I put collars on so they can't climb, but there's a 120' pine in front of the cabin that will die soon. So, I give thanks to the Fisher.
Jay Dwight
Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast