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Thread: Rowing - New Concept 2

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    Default Rowing - New Concept 2

    I'm looking to do some better cross training this winter and bought a Concept 2 rower a couple of weeks ago. I feel like I have my technique dialed in after watching (way too many!) Youtube videos on the subject. Right now, I'm rowing M, W and F, doing 5000 meters in 22 minutes or so.

    I see that there are a number of rowers here on VSalon and I'm wondering what sort of workouts you might recommend. 22 minutes on the rower doesn't seem like much compared to the time I spend on the bike. Should I be increasing my distance, doing intervals, or what? I'd love to hear how you are using your rowers.

    For reference, I'm doing 60 minute TrainerRoad sweet spot intervals on Tuesday and Thursdays and try to get outside on the bike on the weekends for a couple of hours.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Create a login for the Concept2 web logbook, and sign up for the daily workouts. They send 3 a day which can give you some good ideas to shake things up a bit. (There's also an iPhone app called ErgData that connects to your rower and syncs your workouts straight to the website (and Strava, if you care...))

    I think rowing 5K's can have lots of good benefits for a cyclist, but just like with cycling, you need to make sure your base miles don't become junk miles. Throw in ten hard pulls at the top of every minute, or slow your stroke rate way down and focus on power for certain intervals, etc.
    my name is Matt

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Thanks, Matt! Signing up for the daily workout seems like a great idea. I've uploaded the ergdata app too. Thanks for your input.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    I'm less structured and row by watts and strokes per min.
    Want to have some fun? If you know your bicycle FTP use that to row 4K and see if it isn't on the money.
    The Oarsome Foursome have excellent videos if you need some more technique input.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    I picked up the the C2 skierg last fall. When I’m diligent my torn rotator cuff fells as good as new and I sleep better. You definitely have to start slowly and build. Up to 30 minutes and better than 6k. So it’s time to start structured workouts for the season. Put on some tunes and it goes fast. I had a knee issue last fall and you can do seated rehab work as an added bonus.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    i got a Concept 2 a few years ago and found it tricky to get in to. For winter they are boring but excellent - in that it is a full body work out. I know all the electronic measurements are a motivation but I have found I prefer to turn off all the wizardry and go by feel for 20-30 mins. If you are strong you can go eyeballs out for a while but as you go through life any miles are good ones. Junk miles are what you do on the sofa.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    I'm still looking for mine. There was one on Freecycle last week, but when I had finally convinced my SO I should grab it it was gone...
    Guy Washburn

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by guido View Post
    I'm still looking for mine. There was one on Freecycle last week, but when I had finally convinced my SO I should grab it it was gone...
    Look for a Crash B event and scoop up a lightly used one.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by guido View Post
    I'm still looking for mine. There was one on Freecycle last week, but when I had finally convinced my SO I should grab it it was gone...
    Unless you're getting an old one with a similarly dated Performance Monitor (some folks upgrade to get the modern tech interface of a PM5) you'll find that C2 ergs hold their value very well, so it may be worth it to just bite the bullet and get a new one. (I'd suggest getting a Model D, for home use you probably don't need an E) Now is the right time of year to get one, as the weather gets worse and worse...

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    To the OP:

    Be careful you don't get into a rut, doing the same thing every time. As was suggested above with the C2 "Workout of the day" stuff, you want a variety of workouts.

    One thing you might want to do is figure out about what your max effort 2k pace is. The tricky thing for folks new to rowing (assuming you have your technique down) is choosing the right pace for your attempt. You might have to experiment a bit, but once you have that it's a valuable bit of information because it will help you choose your pace for many of your other workouts.

    You'll want some with shorter, harder pieces (most likely intervals) where your pace is 2k - a few seconds, and some longer ones where your pace is 2k + 10-20 seconds.

    You've probably already discovered that the PM has a few built-in workouts, and with a few keystrokes can be programmed for time or distance intervals, and for pyramids. The variety is good for your body and over time keeps things interesting for your brain.

    Finally, I've found that a challenging workout on the erg can be brutally hard and (for me) requires much more mental concentration and effort than cycling. My theory is that it's because if you slack off for even one stroke the PM lets you know right away, and if you're working toward a specific goal you have no choice but to keep pushing yourself, constantly making the decision with every stroke that you're not going to back off. For me it's much less boring than rollers indoors, which turns my brain to mush.

    Good Luck

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    if you are looking for some kind of structure, then the beginner pete plan might suit?
    Beginner Training << Lunch hour
    considering your other training sessions you could play tunes with it, perhaps doing one/ two long distance ergs and then doing the interval sessions from the plan?

    What kind or drag factor are you using? I would suggest keeping it low until you body gets used to the new movements and loading. Also don't be afraid to keep rating low, esp on longer pieces- 18-22 is fine for long sessions, the focus should be on long and loose strokes rather high rates.

    When you say you have your technique dialled, the best thing you can do is always assume that it needs improving and spend a bit of time each session trying to make it better- can be drills during warm up or just focusing on technique during a session. I like doing feet out (i.e. the feet rest on the foot plate but don't use the straps) or building up the stroke from backstops (so row JUST arms only for a period of time, then arms and body swing, then arms, body, bit of legs etc etc till after 1K or so I am rowing full strokes) as drills, and during sessions I will think about engaging my lats and keeping my shoulders low. The problem with technique is that is easily slips when you get tired and can cause injuries, so it is well worth keeping an eye on it.

    I will caveat this with the fact I am a fat ex cox who hasn't pulled a decent erg in his life, so feel free to ignore me!

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Mabouya View Post
    Unless you're getting an old one with a similarly dated Performance Monitor (some folks upgrade to get the modern tech interface of a PM5) you'll find that C2 ergs hold their value very well, so it may be worth it to just bite the bullet and get a new one. (I'd suggest getting a Model D, for home use you probably don't need an E) Now is the right time of year to get one, as the weather gets worse and worse...

    +1 do not wait - used ones go for $650- $750 and most are at least 4-5 yrs old - I have never seen a rower for sale below $500 that would be worth looking at.... at least in this area

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    My budget was for a free one. A rowing machine would be a purely speculative venture... I spend a lot of time on the trainer and an alternative activity would be nice but certainly not essential...
    Guy Washburn

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Every now and then I hop on the rower at the gym and one minute is an eternity!

    It's an old school rower. I set the resistance in the middle (10/20) and struggle to stay on it rowing steady, nothing crazy. I can't imagine a 22 min workout but good luck with your machine.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    From a workout perspective, I prefer to warm up 10 - 15 minutes before any extended intensity. 10 or 20 intermittent hard strokes during the warm-up are fine. It’s pretty easy to row for 50 minutes to an hour with a warm-up, main workout and cool-down. Basically that’s what one does on the water, and if one has never rowed in a shell, think of it like a cycling or running workout. One thing to note is that most people set the fan resistance way too high. Without getting all technical about drag factors, etc., I’m an overweight lightweight and I usually set the resistance setting around 4. If I want to row above 30 spm, I’ll set it even lower.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by holliscx View Post
    Every now and then I hop on the rower at the gym and one minute is an eternity!

    It's an old school rower. I set the resistance in the middle (10/20) and struggle to stay on it rowing steady, nothing crazy. I can't imagine a 22 min workout but good luck with your machine.
    Being used to warm weather in Bermuda, heading to university in Ontario was quite the shock come winter time. I couldn't cycle - didn't have a bike there and even if I did, there was no way I was going to do so when there was snow on the ground which didn't leave too many months to ride! - so I started rowing on a Concept 2 in the athletic center. I worked my way up to doing two hour sessions! I didn't do any super high end efforts and it was mostly steady state rowing to zen out and burn some energy. I have been tempted to buy a Concept 2 for my wife and I to use a bit. Still haven't pulled the trigger but this thread is making me think...

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Madships, this "Pete Plan" is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

    I have my drag set to 120 and that seems to work really well for me. My stroke rate is usually between 22 and 26; occasionally I'll increase the rate, especially in the last 250 meters.

    I found some good Youtube videos (Dark Horse Rowing) that offer "guided workouts" and I'm able to put my iPad just above the foot rest and and follow along concentrating on my form while being "coached". Good point about allowing the technique to slip when tired though.

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Look for a Crash B event and scoop up a lightly used one.
    Northeast Erg Sprints

    Is your club or school looking to upgrade or purchase rowing machines?
    Reserve yours today!
    Brand new Model D, with PM5
    Direct from the factory
    Includes full Concept2 warranty
    Price: $800 (regular price: $900 + S/H)
    Deadline: We will need payment by January 8th, 2020

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    Default Re: Rowing - New Concept 2

    Quote Originally Posted by steve d View Post
    I have my drag set to 120 and that seems to work really well for me. My stroke rate is usually between 22 and 26; occasionally I'll increase the rate, especially in the last 250 meters.
    If that's what you're doing, then you're off to a good start. Most newbies slam the damper lever to 10 (they'd use 11 if they could) and / or use a much too high stroke rate.

    I also set it at 120, and for the majority of the row try to keep the stroke rate at 20, but let it creep up in the last 1k or so, then for the last 200-500 meters I give it all I have, which typically takes me to around 28.

    Another thing - try rowing strapless for a bit, and if you can't, that means that you need to tweak your technique a bit, because you're using the straps to arrest your motion, which is a waste of energy. Unless I'm going for a pb (which I hardly ever do) I do all of my rowing strapless, no matter how hard I'm rowing.

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