I was in an RV park in Panama City Beach on the 18th next to a man and wife from Mobile. He was a construction worker on a larger project which was attempting to meet the state guideline at the time which precluded groups larger than 10 congregating. He figured the job would be shut down. There were many itinerant workers in this RV park. I was up at 5:30 and saw them heading out to work- clearly subcontractors given the markings on the trucks. Subcontractors are more likely to be respectful of each other given they work in crews.

As I returned from the valley today I saw a few houses in process with a few people working. It can be done carefully and where I live people are taking the possibility of infection very seriously to judge by the use of gloves and masks in town.

I don't think construction workers are any more given to expectorating than cyclists and as for toilets, any public toilet can be pretty rank, no matter where it is.