So...learning some things.

My cardio has improved dramatically and I guess that's in part due too my semi-regular roller sessions where I can focus on intervals...

It's one thing to read and think you understand and then, you have self experiences.

My climbing, albeit not fast, has improved in the sense that I can just chug at a decided upon steady state that's much more tolerable versus a year+ ago.

I like to stay sub-threshold for a sustained, controlled, but vigorous effort, and when I see the top I punch it a bit into anaerobic, but not quite popping. Sometimes I cook off... It's a funny feeling when you've overdone it at that point and have no legs to take advantage of a descent.

Anyhow, all of this has me wondering that "Threshold," at least one aspect of it, can be independent of what your heart is doing.

Meaning there's been times where I've picked too hard of a gear and the burn really ramps up but, I'm sub-threshold in the heart rate context.

I noticed this after a month off the bike due to tendinitis/bronchitis (June sucked....)

I was able to get my heart back to snappy response coincident with effort, but I noticed on aggressive stuff my legs were like lead.

I've been told this is where doing sprints come in, to raise the "lactate threshold," again....

So, is lactate threshold something that can drift relative to aerobic/anaerobic threshold?