I hope this is ok to post here. My girlfriend and I have been working on pulling this project together for a little while. She's really excited about it, and has got together a really well designed series of products. The entire project will be produced here in the US as well, almost entirely in New England. I will say she tested these shapes tirelessly, and i'm sure its going to hurt my CX season from all the "testing" on my part.


She has a few bike related side goals I hope I can show you guys soon as well. The end goal will be to really get her company, Morsel Baking tools off the ground and get some well designed baking and entertaining tools out there.

If you have any critic of the kickstarter or anything else, let me know, I'm all ears, this is our first foray into all this. I know kickstarter gets some flack on here, but in my opinion this is how its done right, shes trying to get the minimum amount to get her company off the ground, even if it doesn't mean turning a huge profit at this stage.

Anyways, we'd be really excited if anyone on here was interested or knew others that were.