'Tis the Season! My 3-year-old daughter wanted to be a bat (among other things) this Halloween so I took it upon myself to whip up a little costume for her. When I was a kid we always made our own costumes and to me, it was part of the fun of Halloween. This is a simple, crudely constructed (but durable!) riff on what you can buy pre-made from the store but it's still unique. I had a ton of fun picking out the materials and figuring out how to put my rudimentary sewing skills to use (I didn't make the base sweatshirt or hat though - I just made the stuff that went on 'em). I'll have to get a shot of my daughter actually wearing it but my crap phone camera has a hard time dealing with a happily and constantly flapping bat in indoor/low light conditions. :-) I'm hoping that my daughter knows that the costume was made with love and that she'll respect the idea that making your own stuff (when you can), even if it's not as polished as store bought, can be a fun and worthwhile experience.

Anybody else make their kid's costume/s or something for themselves this Halloween?
