Laid down the road bike on the ride home from work last night for the first time. Nothing major, just a little road rash and some scratched up bike parts. Been a long time since I've crashed on pavement. Low speed, front tire washed out in an off camber turn. It was raining. I was going slow, didn't think I was anywhere near the limits of the tires. Speaking of which, are the Vittoria Zaffiro tires on my bike especially sucky in the wet?? Or is my perception of grip in the wet just way off? I know I've taken corners much harder, with a lot more lean, in the pouring rain on my mountain bike. I was really surprised when the front end slid out yesterday. Anyhow...

So, what's the best way to quickly heal road rash?

Right now I'm keeping an ointment (neosporen (sp?)) on it and bandaged. If I didn't have to wear pants at work I'd leave it uncovered, but, alas, we have a pants required policy.

Is this why so many of you are afraid of carbon bars on your road bike?