Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)
In my town it is the start of UN Week. Which I think is great even with the frozen zones and so on that are an inconvenience to the locals.
The grump is that I don't understand why every diplomat below the level where they get police escorts (or at least these lower diplomat's drivers) feel like the diplomatic plates not only free them from every traffic law but allows them to ignore human life pedalling in the protected bike lanes. They enter the "mixing zone" (a HORRIBLE idea that the pro-bike Transportation Alternatives thinks are brilliant) without even checking their mirrors or slowing. Between 39th Street and 63rd Street on First today, I was almost T-boned 4 times. Once I actually hit one of these guy's side view mirrors with my wrist as my rear wheel skidded into the side of his car when I couldn't stop in time and did a sharp steer to attempt to avoid him. And he was screaming at me.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel