Throwing down some beef spare ribs tonight. Love the BGE!!
Throwing down some beef spare ribs tonight. Love the BGE!!
Nathan H
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
Prep: Yellow mustard, salt, pepper, and paprika. Cook: smoked for two hours, then braised in beer for 3 hours. Result was absolutely declicious.
Nathan H
Smoking was with oak (tons of it here in TX, kinda a go-to for beef) and a little pecan. The entire cook was in the BGE, all done at 225 degrees indirect. The was the first try at it so I only did 6 ribs. If I had more I would probably go a little longer next time. I preped the ribs and then smoked the indirect for 2 hours. Then I moved them into the glass Pyrex in the picture and added about 2/3s of a sour ale to the Pyrex. Wrapped it up in foil and then put it back for 3 hours. By the time it was done, the meat slide/fell off the ribs. The result was super tender and full of flavor.
Nathan H
I am with you. Even grocery store shirt ribs are a really easy smoke/cook TT, you should try. Just rub, add some chunks (hickory, oak, whatever) and cook at low/medium temp until tender. make sure to get some direct heat exposure (easy to do in last 1/2 hour) to get a nice sizzle on the outside.
Andy Cohen
Threw down a roast this morning, first time I've done that in the BGE so looking forward to seeing how it comes out.
Nathan H
Should have left them on a bit longer...
Ooooooooooo that's sad.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
They're almost perfect...
Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...
"the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea
"Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
My folks are coming to visit this weekend, so I'm going to take a 2nd crack at doing some BBQ pork. Last time the temp was a little too high (blame in on inexperience with the Egg), so a 5lbs half shoulder cooked at 350*F for 12hrs. It was awesome. This time I'm going to do it right and lock it in at 225* and let it go for 14-16hrs. Can't wait!
Dustin Gaddis
Why do people feel the need to list all of their bikes in their signature?
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
I've used my BGE as everything from an 800+ degree pizza oven to a low and slow smoker. (it is way better as a low and slow tool than specifically cooking pizza, but that's not the egg's fault, that's physics)
Tonight I tucked a couple potatoes and some halved onions up against the outer wall and then stabilized the temp around 400. Once the sides had cooked for a while I threw two ribeyes over direct heat until mid rare. 38 degrees here in Nashville and the thing is so easy to control I only had to spent a few minutes outside getting it started and flipping stuff.
Long cooks almost demand something like a bluetooth remote thermometer with two probes. One for the food and one for the grate. I usually see a 50+ degree difference between grate temp and dome temp. The probe thermometers remove any question. Brisket and pork shoulder both usually get cooked at 275. Maybe a little lower for pork shoulder. Whole chickens I usually run closer to 350. I almost always fire it up around midnight and let it run overnight when I need bbq the next day.
Once loaded up with big chunks of good lump charcoal and some big pieces of smoking wood (chips are near useless in the egg, in my experience) I am confident that I could run it for 20+ hours with only minor bumps in the vents and without lifting the lid in nearly any weather. I have run two 8 lb pork butts in 16 hrs in constant 50 degree rain, for instance. Pulled them from the grate when they hit 190 and they were perfect.
With the base egg, what would I looking at as far as accessories goes to get me into smoking? Thermometers, any recommendations? The previous Webers did fine as grills for burgers, chicken and steaks. I'm really looking to get into slap-yo-mama brisket/ribs/etc. Brisket first because I'm from Texas and cannot find anything proper up here. The butchers typically even remove the fat cap (Heathens!).