You never disappoint. I need to move to Pittsburgh.
You never disappoint. I need to move to Pittsburgh.
Mike Noble
Fried Oysters and Boiled Cabbage with potatoes.
Sometimes you see something that just speaks to you. Caught this one in the NYT cooking page and instantly craved it. Asking my wife to put this together tonight and she excitedly agreed. Stand by for actual photo!
We roasted two chickens last Sunday and ate the meat all week.
For stock I added some ginger and star anise. Highly recommend. I’ve been using it all week for some homemade ramen. It’s not conventional but it’s an easy lunch: dinosaur kale, broccoli rabe, celery, spinach, and Hakubaku noodles. Season to taste.
Speaking of: for Christmas my wife got me a huge assortment from Little Goat (Chicago chef Stephanie Izard) sauces, spice mixes, and dried crisp toppings. Highly recommend all but the Southeast Asian sauce is really nice- just the right amount of fish sauce in there to punch it up.
my name is Matt
Yes to that stew. Thursday night we're having the new neighbors over, he cooks for a living, and this is the perfect combination of skill required and tastiness. Following up with a double chocolate cake soaked in honey rosemary syrup. If that doesn't work we'll just keep refilling their dram glasses when they aren't looking. "Hey, what's that over there?" "What?" Glug glug. "Oh, nothing, I thought I saw something." By the time they go home one way or another they'll be happy.
Made some frijoles a la Garro, and the blood orange Ricotta cake from Liz Prueitt via the Smittenkitchen blog.
Did some BBQ this weekend. Had the ribs for lunch, pulled the butt last night and packed it up into small portions and put 'em into the freezer for super easy weeknight tacos for the next few months.
BBQ details :: Hardcore Carnivore 'Red' rub, lump charcoal and cherry chunks, 230-250*F, 3-2-1 on the ribs and the butt took about 12hrs. I did bump up the temp to around 275*F after the ribs came off the smoker.
Dustin Gaddis
Why do people feel the need to list all of their bikes in their signature?
Made a Forkish Poolish on Sunday and only used a strong half for bread. Saved the rest and made Calzones tonight. Ricotta, Ham, Sausage and Mozz, with some Rao's marinara on the side. The crust was amazing!
Frank Beshears
The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
Empanadas on deck for tonight. spicy pulled chicken to be exact.
A little pre-weekend debauchery. Bo Sssam pretty much straight from the Momofuku cookbook. Delicious as always.
Maine dry packed scallops parsnip puree chips melted leeks and apple gastrique been a minute
Game on for Mrs. RW today…Winter Minestrone soup.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
About a pound and a third of tepary beans I grew last year, with 2 pounds of carrots, a couple parsnips, 3 red bell peppers. a few leeks, a couple onions, a head of roasted garlic, several fennel bulbs, and about a pound of mushrooms. cooked one by one, then mixed at the end, along with sage and thyme from the garden. Took all day. Tastes very good.
Mark Walberg
Building bike frames for fun since 1973.
Crappy picture (workin' on it) but made absolutely delicious Korean braised short ribs.
Tasty looking vittles above (all)!
Needed a pot of beans in my life after a bunch of ice, sleet, and snow rolled in so this weekend made it happen. Used a Domingo Rojo varietal from Rancho Gordo; very pleased with them.
Pork Shoulder on the egg today for eating tomorrow. Hard to tell from the photo, but an unexpected "Snow Squall" blew through with tons of gusty wind and snow for a very chaotic 20 minutes. Damn near blew me over it was so powerful. Crazy times we live in. To be updated with pork pics tomorrow.
Three slabs of ribs tonight. Younger daughter’s favorite meat.
Two sans flavors. One with a rub. Wrapped in foil for last 45 min including snapping the rubbed One in half and drenching my half in green salsa.
All were tasty
Dogs were keyed up. Had a few scraps.
my name is Matt
I'm cooking a roast chicken this weekend. It's a really easy dish to make, and it's always a crowd pleaser. I'll also be making some roasted potatoes and green beans.