Life is good. Life is even better when you find a fresh turkey at the grocery. Stuffed a bunch of fresh rosemary inside and expect this will make the house smell incredible for the day.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tęte
True story. I took some stuff out to my Folks today. Dad's 82 and Mom's 80, still live out in the country, and he like's to Garden. He'd been to his favorite Greenhouse and got some tomatoes and other plants, then he shows me his new Pepper plant. Yep my 82 YO Father has a 7pot Jonah ready to go into his garden :>)
Frank Beshears
The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
Striped bass with braised red cabbage, apples and onions. Cabbage was better on the 2nd day. I used balsamic vinegar. Not sure it might have worked better with apple cider vinegar -Mike G
when i cook the fish is the side dish, not the veggies
Dinner fit for a Redneck King.
Currituck Sound soft-shell crab, Eastern shore Blackdrum nuggets wrapped in craft made bacon, Franklin County Deer meat chili, fresh corn on cob and good old Jiffy Cornbread!
Softshell sliders with sweet Hawaiian rolls for memorial day breakfast!!! I'm going to regret only getting 3 dozen of these when I had the chance.
Chicken Tikka Masala from last night. Spicier than last time was the request. Request granted!
Pork butt that's on the smoker right now.
We took the Dog for a walk at the local County Park yesterday, and found a few of these.
Ideas? I took enough for a couple meals and left the rest. I'm going to saute a few with garlic and butter, wilt some baby spinach and toss it all together with some Linguine. What are other ideas? BTW the patch is about 3'tall and it circles the tree and there were more on the logs laying down. Thanks for any ideas.
Frank Beshears
The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
Are you sure of your id? It should have a faint fishy scent. It will have a white to lilac-grey spore print (use a black paper).
Just looking out for your health my friend!
Guy Washburn
Photography >
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
Yes Sir! I did some research before we cooked them and it's a Golden Oyster Mushroom, the fishy smell intensifies when you start to cook them. From what I've researched they started to spread in the wild after they became popular with the home growers. My daughter Jessica found some last year and Wade Patton harvest's them regularly. Thank you!
Frank Beshears
The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
Sounds like you got it right. There is a look alike that can mess up your entire day...
Guy Washburn
Photography >
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
Impromptu cookout this evening as we have had a run of awesome weather and there are several kids home this week from various parts of the country. One can’t go wrong with slow cooked ribs finished off on the grille, with some brats, dogs as and all the trimmings...missed a photo of the peach cobbler but my Mother in Law didn’t and she even stayed around for the fire.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Soaked the beans overnight and started the slow simmer about 10:00 this morning. House is starting to have that great aroma. Jalapeńo cornbread and salad will finish it off.
Mike Noble
We cooked Momofuku Bo SSam this weekend.
The shrimp paste was a little too pungent for us, but the pork, ssam sauce, and kimchi were spot on.
my name is Matt
Well the pot of bean soup is almost gone(grand daughter saw to that) so I’m in search of other recipes you guys may have. Looking for soups that get better with age and not to difficult.
Mike Noble
This is one of our favorite Beef Soups. Winter Vegetable and Beef Soup recipe |
It holds well and is even better after a couple days rest.
Frank Beshears
The gentlest thing in the world
overcomes the hardest thing in the world.
Didn't even light anything on fire in the process. Next time I'll use hotter oil.
Andalucia style Tortalitas with shrimp
With a salad from the garden they make a great hot weather meal...
Last edited by guido; 06-22-2020 at 06:42 AM.
Guy Washburn
Photography >
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
That looks too good to not share the recipe.
Mike Noble