Vegetable soup with a lot of garden goodies like zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, with just a tad of sausage for good luck.
Vegetable soup with a lot of garden goodies like zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, with just a tad of sausage for good luck.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
The farmers market delivered.
Bought a bucket of tomatoes for five bucks. It's 55 and raining here, so I'll make some pasta sauce.
Turning my attention to salsa in a bit.
Just made burgers on the grill. Thought I’d try something different so just bought a big pack of lean mince, rolled it pretty thin and cut it into squares. Cooked really quickly, no worrying about the internal temp and with a slice of cheese between 2 thin burgers were pretty tasty.
Pasta sauce conclusion, with heavy mushroom content.
I've been knocking off projects on Mrs. RW's list such as updating the Master Bath and painting the main hallway. Will work for food I guess...Chicken Parmesan with fresh pasta and veggies.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Our daughter has been visiting for a few days so we had a few family members over for dinner this wine braised short ribs with mashed potatoes (kid's favorite), homegrown tomatoes and a little sourdough of course.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Took my pizza game on the road. I'm part of a so called Chef's Club. We meet every few months and cook for each other. The new portable pizza oven was on point. I've figured out the right hydration for my dough and am knocking out 90 second Neopolitans. Yee haw.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
Great looking pies Josh!
Guy Washburn
Photography >
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
Pre-game photos for pesto-fest. For scale, that’s my old mortar and pestle inside the new one. The Doric column at bottom is a 20” rolling pin.
We are nearing the end of the chanterelle season here in Tyrol. There have been lots of wild mushrooms this year but not many wild berries unlike last year which was a huge harvest of fruit. We plan an end of season mushroom rustle up with oils, flour, stock, tomatoes, and garlic. A local lady is baking some healthy bread and some bacon might be involved. My local retired chef friend will be in charge and he has said I can help by which I think he means he wants me to clean the mushrooms.
Canadian Thanksgiving and my Canadian sister-in-law requested a Cajun Fried Turkey again for Sunday night dinner.
Which meant I had to inject it with the marinade yesterday afternoon.
My recipe calls for a half cup of liquid crab/ shrimp boil which is such a small amount that I usually cheat and just use a commercially available pre-made bottle. But this is Quebec and they don't stock such a product anywhere that I could find.
So, I threw some mustard seeds, coriander seeds, whole allspice, dill seeds, cloves, crushed red peppers and bay leaves in a piece of cheesecloth and made up a batch.
This meant that I had an extra 3 quarts or so of crab boil so I did the only thing I could think of after shooting up the turkey...I went out and procured some shrimp. And, of course, a hunk of roast to grill on the Weber charcoal.
Saturday dinner solved...
IMG_2332 by Jon Mandel, on Flickr
And the Sunday turkey came out ok...
IMG_2337 by Jon Mandel, on Flickr
Of course, my wife made too many sides that belong here but I didn't make them.
And I gotta learn how to do food shots like the rest of y'all.
But suffice to say that tomorrow's ride will probably be a much slower pace than my norm due to the excess weight I will be carrying.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel
Our youngest was home for Fall break so Mrs. RW cooked up a batch of his favorite dish, as she does for all three of them...her version of beef stroganoff.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
RW, I meant to request the recipe for the red wine/short ribs. S'il vous plait.
Mike Noble
Mike...the boss essentially uses Ina Garten’s recipe...aka the Barefoot Contessa. Good use for in-law wine too...the kind that my brother-in-law brings to my house in good faith...I think.
Beef Short Ribs Recipe | Ina Garten | Food Network
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
Fall is hear and the Squash are running!
This is a small Blue Hubbard. Stuffing is wild rice, home grown onions, crimini mushrooms, reconstituted dried shiitake mushrooms, smoked bacon flavored seitan, and parm cheese.
Guy Washburn
Photography >
“Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver
time for a holiday bump. can't promise I'll document with pics but 1st time doing the turducken on 12/25. Neighbor who has tried them all claims these folks do it best. Should have seen the sausages, oyster dressings, etc.
They do make a great turducken. Really like their sausage stuffing. I have been known to fly back to NYC with one from them in the overhead bin on my visits down your way. The TSA folks at MSY never even blinked at them. I don’t know if that last part is a good thing or not.
« If I knew what I was doing, I’d be doing it right now »
-Jon Mandel
I've been on a India cooking jag of late.
Made Palak Paneer last night. Homemade Paneer and frozen chopped spinach blah blah blah. I'll put this in the camp of incredibly good fast India chow. Great dish over re-heated Basmati Rice.
For tonight I made Roasted Eggplant "salad" however it's going with rice. Medium effort but oh gosh the citrus flavors that the cilantro bring to the dish with eggplant/garlic/tumeric/toasted cumin are uhhhh-mazing. *Go easy on the yogurt.
Josh Simonds
Vsalon Fromage De Tête
Mrs. RW’s version of chicken cacciatore and homemade country white bread...salad and dessert not shown.
rw saunders
hey, how lucky can one man get.
New Year's Eve tonight, so a load of us will be out trying to stay up as long as possible. For tomorrow however I have managed to get a neck of pork from the butcher who supplies the local restaurants and hotels. He is used to supplying commercial clients, and so it is huge. We are only 3 in the household at the moment and the meat will easily feed about 12, so my neighbors will receive a present. It is a fairly cheap cut but if you slow roast it with oils, butter, lemon, whatever seasoning you have around, dice the garlic, prick the flesh, insert the garlic, wrap in aluminium foil, turn half way through it can be fine. Carbs will be mashed potato with onion, and veg will be spinach. New Year is huge here and I hope you enjoy yours.