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Thread: Workout regimen(s) regimenae? whatever

  1. #1
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    Default Workout regimen(s) regimenae? whatever

    I shoulda looked at the Oxygen depraved subforum sooner. I have been on VS for more than 7 years and this is my first time. Giving up racing will do that.

    Anyway, I have just ridden since hanging up the number. While I have no aspirations apart from maybe some MTB races or a mid 40s tour divide or Leadville or something, I realized that, as I will soon be closer to 40 than 30, I need to start thinking about strength and athleticism ... I started doing pushups a few years ago and made good upper body gains, then added chinups, and joined a gym this winter to support my new MTB habit. The post lift feeling is almost as good as a post ride feeling.

    I went down the YouTube rabbit trail and I got onto Jeff Cavalliere's program - a progressive program focusing on combined, athletic movements, recruiting multiple muscle groups, explosive movements, fun cross-training (jump rope will kick anyone's @ss I don't care who ya are), plyometrics, etc.. It's really good for my goals - becoming more athletic, taking as much muscle into my 40s as possible, ditching the skinny fat. I think I will see some help on the bike, though I'll get back to focusing on squats and deadlifts once I reach some of these other goals with ye olde musculature. I saw too much when I was a chaplain at the VA and then a retirement community, viz. what not able to get out of a hospital bed will do to you. Wanna be strong.

    What workout programs do you like?
    Last edited by deano; 05-30-2019 at 07:43 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Workout regimen(s) regimenae? whatever

    Interested in this too.. Hitting 40 this year, and I need to not be so one-dimensional in my fitness. My limiter above 100mi is upper body strength more than legs - especially on gravel. Plus I'm prone-to-barrel and need some fitness options when travelling that don't involve 4-hr bike rides. I used to run (a lot), but consistently get injured and have a hard time maintaining it - 6'4", size 15 feet - I'm just not built for that sport, even though I love it. Interested in hearing what routines others have put together to build/keep strength upstairs - especially those who are chronically lazy and undermotivated to do anything other than ride, yet still found something that worked and became a habit...
    Dan in Oregon


    The wheel is round. The hill lasts as long as it lasts. That's a fact. Everything else is pure theory.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Workout regimen(s) regimenae? whatever

    I do a boot camp class 2-3 times a week. It has lots of stretching, plyometrics, kettlebell and dumbbell work, shit-tonne of lunge type work, and lots of abs. I'm stronger all over. I'm also 54 with a few back surgeries so a strong core is vital to me. When I started, I was riding a lot of miles each week. Even with that, the lunges killed me, totally different work on the muscle. Now it nicely complements my 4-5 days a week of riding. This time of year it's MTB/Gravel after work during the week and road on the weekend.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

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