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Thread: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

  1. #1
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    Default Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Hey guys, I have a sharp pain in my kneecap when fully extending my leg. I don't really notice it riding but I must be stressing it. If I coast and straighten my leg on the bike I feel a sharp painful jab which makes me a little nervous to ride. But if I'm not feeling pain I assume it's ok to keep riding flat and just try to watch it and take it easy?

    I know this pain has to be related to some pretty major atrophy to my quadriceps on my right leg. My quad is noticeably MIA. Basically I had a tumor in my femur that I didn't know about then I broke my leg then knee surgery a year later followed by a year plus of PT. I'm just over 3 years post surgery and not totally in the clear yet as the doc is still seeing something small growing in the spot where he operated me.

    I was doing squats and leg presses at the gym but when the lockdown hit a year ago I ditched the gym. I need to do some serious exercises at home to strengthen my quad. Ideally, these would be single leg exercises. Can anyone throw out any quad exercises that are brutal for major gains? What about wall sits is that good if I do to burnout? I probably need to get a kettlebell as I don't currently have one. The only equipment I have are two 5kg dumbbells.

    What about running stairs and/or jumping up them? I have some stairs nearby that I love to get the heart pumping.

    If someone thinks I may need to join a gym to make the most gains then I'll do it but I'd prefer to do this at home. Thanks for any suggestions ... I didn't see another place to post this.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    You want single leg workouts?

    Lunges, with dumbbells.

    Single Leg Split Squat, with dumbbells.

    Step Ups, with dumbbells.

    I mention these exercises not only because you requested single leg exercises, but because I perform them myself. Also, they require minimal equipment so no gym is necessary. A pair of adjustable dumbbells, and this step stool are all I need.

    Refer to for more.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    I like plyometric when I feel like legs are out of whack. one legged hops. Lunges. Bounding. Skipping. Two legged broad jumps. It works all your little muscle groups for balance too.

    I'm not a big fan of jumping up and down stairs, since a mistake usually results in injury.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Run stadium stairs. Nobody gets left out of that party.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    If your doctor sees something growing and you are feeling a sharp stabbing pain in your knee area in a particular leg position, you should be sure that the two are not connected.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    [quote] I know this pain has to be related to some pretty major atrophy to my quadriceps on my right leg. [quote]

    yeah, i've gone through lots of sports rehabs well as worked with some guys who had serious injuries to quads (one IED, others athletic activity rupture). I don't agree with the above.

    That much atrophy as you describe, if it hasn't already caused it, certainly puts you at high risk for patellar tracking issues. I recommend you get a new knowledgeable evaluation (PT, sports med, or even primary care with good background in such injuries) of your patellar motion so you can do specific exercises that regain strength without damage at the patella (which might take the form of tendinopathy near the patella, chondromalacia under it, retinaculum pathology). Various guys I saw go through major quad injuries use various braces and kinesio tape, for exercising. Not all, but most.

    IF you already have had a recent eval, are all clear on patellar tracking, and haven't been in the gym in awhile, I'd start with eccentric exercises with focus on good form and patellar tracking and then move on from there. You are prime for serious imbalance issues, and I'd be careful and get some expert supervision as you restart.

    We've had to deal with a tumor to fracture scare (unicameral bone cyst). Good luck with your ongoing and continued recovery

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Quote Originally Posted by j44ke View Post
    If your doctor sees something growing and you are feeling a sharp stabbing pain in your knee area in a particular leg position, you should be sure that the two are not connected.
    It's a stress or overuse injury and not related. I ignored the tumor in my knee for (I believe) 5-7 years thinking it was what everybody was grumbling about re: getting older. This is a little bit different believe me I know what the other feels like now.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Quote Originally Posted by vertical_doug View Post
    I'm not a big fan of jumping up and down stairs, since a mistake usually results in injury.
    I don't run anymore because my bad leg got bowed off straight a degree or two so biomechanically running doesn't feel right to me and I ran in hs and college both track and cross country. But I feel normal sprinting up stairs I think because your stride never straightens all the way out like running flat or it's shorter or something. I've only done series a few times but nothing gets my blood pumping like a stairs workout which I really like. So I feel like it's this little piece of running that I can hang onto; I think that's why I look to incorporate it as a form of cross training.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Quote Originally Posted by holliscx View Post
    I don't run anymore because my bad leg got bowed off straight a degree or two so biomechanically running doesn't feel right to me and I ran in hs and college both track and cross country. But I feel normal sprinting up stairs I think because your stride never straightens all the way out like running flat or it's shorter or something. I've only done series a few times but nothing gets my blood pumping like a stairs workout which I really like. So I feel like it's this little piece of running that I can hang onto; I think that's why I look to incorporate it as a form of cross training.
    that sounds great. Also, Jim has a point. Something I teach clients who are nut job cyclists who tend to have over developed lateral thigh muscles are ski squats with a purpose. Hang with me for a sec. What you do is stick a block between your thighs such that your thighs are straight. NOW...lean on the wall, place your hands on each thigh and slooooowly start to lower yourself. You are feeling for Vastus medialus and Vastus lateralus to fire at the same time as you slowly lower yourself. Teach yourself to do this wall squat with both muscles engaging at the same time and equally. It will take some swearing and patience. What this will do is help with patellar tracking. Now go blast up some stairs with your mindful use of this knowledge.

    Of course internet advice is mostly stupid and useless. If this helps, I am glad.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 04-19-2021 at 06:15 AM.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Quote Originally Posted by j44ke View Post
    If your doctor sees something growing and you are feeling a sharp stabbing pain in your knee area in a particular leg position, you should be sure that the two are not connected.
    I'm with Jorn. There is nothing "typical" about this situation when you have had cancer surgery on that leg.
    You should seek input from your surgical oncologist, and the physical therapist who knows your situation.

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    Default Re: Masochist quadriceps strengthening at home

    Yeah I’m not saying you don’t also have all these muscular issues. Just that you are now in a different category of vigilance. My mother thought she’d pulled a muscle in her lower back. Bone cancer. Recurrence of what was originally breast cancer. Malignant bone tumors on her hip and spine. Just get it checked out. Doctor says no es una problema go run the stairs at the Bernabeu until you are delirious.
    Last edited by j44ke; 04-19-2021 at 09:37 AM.

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