I started going to a chiropractor near my house for work on my legs today and got 30 minutes of massage on each leg and it was awesome. When my wife got home she even mentioned that I looked more relaxed. I plan on going as often as my insurance will let me because I have had pain and tightness on and off for a year. I exercise and stretch at least once a day but it just doesn't cut it.

Here's what I'm wondering about: The chiropractor also has a MLS laser that is supposed to help with pain and inflammation. I searched briefly and haven't found any information that makes me think I need this treatment instead of the massage work that I know helps. Insurance pays per unit so I don't want to waste them for something I don't need if it isn't as good. When I was going PT they would routinely use ultrasound or some sort of electrotherapy. I didn't notice much with that.

So anybody know the deal with these lasers?