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Thread: a job in sales

  1. #1
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    Default a job in sales

    Auto sales to be more precise.

    Anybody here know the job from the inside out?

    I'm exhausted and broke trying to run down jobs that fit what i really want to do. Everything in precision metal or fabrication requires experience (in the field for money experience, not a man in a shed experience). Whereas car sales appears to be constantly hiring new/inexperienced folks and offers potential for income based directly on performance. I know the high turnover is reflective of the difficulty of the job, but get a chance to work for money is all i need.

    Thinkin' this might work pretty good with my wildly varied background and computer skills and general gabbishness.

    PM if you'd care to kick it around w/o blowing your "cover". I know the position is one that folks love to hate (and that many deserve the hate) but that this is not the thread for that. If you'd like a salesman hater thread, please feel free to start your own.

    The way i see it, folks buy cars everyday, salesmen are paid to help them, if he does his job properly-they will refer him to their friends and might return for their next vehicle. That if you can't keep 'em happy (and committed to the sales end of the deal), you don't deserve a commission.

    Been studying this one for a couple of weeks, learning the biz/lingo, general concepts, and such. AS SOON as i can sell one of my spare trucks so that i can replace the windshield in my main truck, then I'm going to start knocking on doors. (I smashed my windshield last Saturday, so i have to stay home when it rains).

    Glengarry Glen Ross yo!

    and also i appears that the guys with the SuperStar selling skills move on to become business consultants/motivational speaker sort of guys. MUST be mega more money in that. Grant Cardone is a hot one right now. They all reference the Kings of that industry: Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill, Dennis Waitley, etc. I "charge" myself with that stuff too.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Seems a good place to start: Transcript: 513: 129 Cars

  3. #3
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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Oh lookie, now "Psychology of Winning" is on the innernets now... I heard it first on cassette tape set. Optimism reinforcement well-timed.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Not much help here but both my FIL and BIL were in the biz. They got their ass on the finance side (the real closers) as fast as they could and did well for themselves, though always stressed and never home. D-plans on Supercrews were nice while they lasted. Good luck to you WP.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Thanks, i'm too mentally torqued over my present situation to even ride a bike (probably technically called depression). Which is what i need to do most, but i haven't...i know i'll feel/think better when i do, but sometimes it's hard to get up the gumption to throw a leg over.

    Yeah, no, F&I is interesting, but i'm not planning on turning it into a career that consumes me. I have too much need to make things (I don't mind being consumed by that). I just want to eat and buy shop necessaries and have something to drive.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    This is worth a read. It gets pretty funny, too.
    John Cully
    I ride bikes...not enough.
    I drink wine...not enough.
    I play guitar & bass...not well enough.
    I travel...not NEARLY enough.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Could you name the thread please? I can't use that link w/o registering. I found "Car salesmen" from 2010 where some clown expects "best price" over the phone.

    Quote Originally Posted by echelon_john View Post
    This is worth a read. It gets pretty funny, too.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Yeah, here's a nugget. But methinks the situation is a product of the marketing the industry/dealers created themselves. Without getting into the hows/whys of it all, methinks it is completely ridiculous to retail for such slim margins. No other industry does such, ever, anywhere.

    But that (it appears in car sales) I can get a Jay_Oh_Bee and sell some stuff. Maybe i can move on to something else with real margins and compensation eh? Until I am able to secure a position and establish a track-record I got nuthin'. Or maybe I take over the show, nobody knows tomorrow.

    I gotta get somethin'.

    from reply #52

    [Which is a "hey the salesman didn't give me the best price instantly over the phone complaint" being dealt with severely and various other sales-stories filtered in]

    Car salesman are just like you, they are employees of a company that has policies and procedures that they must follow. It has not always been this way! In the day, when you went into a dealership there would always be a couple of old pros, guys that had been salesman in the same store for years. Raised their families, bought their houses, sent their kids to college and were solid reliable members of their communities. When I first sold cars, we averaged about $100 a car in commission, now 40 years later, with inflation taken into account, salemen should be making about $546.00 a car. In fact they are making about $250 a car. This is why you can't find educated professional salesmen in a mainline car store. in the 60's the markup on a domestic car was 20 -25%, and the luxury marks as much as 35%, and a salesman was paid 25% - 35% of the gross profit. Now, markup ranges from as little as 7% and to a high of 20% and the salespeople get 15 -25%. I made as much money as a salesman in 1972 as most salesman make today, and that doesn't include any adjustment for 40 years of inflation. The other thing that happened is the advent of the "desk system". In the day, you would sit with a salesperson and work out the whole deal, and do the paperwork. Now, the salesperson has no authority to answer any questions regarding price or payment, he has to run back and forth to the manager, the man in the little office that you can't see! It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain". Anyway, All of these techniques are because and designed to overcome the increased information available to consumers. No other industry in the world, not one, has it's costs and wholesale pricing published and readily available to anyone that wants to see it. Most customers say they don't want to play the game, but it is the customers that have created the game. If customers simply paid the price that is being asked, the entire process would be clear and simple, and everyone would get an equal, therefore, fair deal.

    But the question still remains, what is fair, and what is a good deal? The one you got, because you agreed to it. You have nobody to blame but yourself. The dealer didn't make you sign, he didn't twist your arm, he didn't threaten your family! In the end, YOU made the decision and you are responsible for your deal. If you didn't like it, you shouldn't have signed! It's really that simple! The dealer has to make a profit in order to stay in business, and you don't want him to! Are you being fair to him when you say you want to pay only $200 over invoice on a $30000 product? What sort of profit margin to you have in your industry? Would your business survive without a profit? Would you invest $30000 to make only a 6 tenths of one percent return, no I don't think so, but you think a dealer should do it? And on top of that, you think he should be happy to have an argumentative, aggressive, uncooperative customer accross the desk from him, or worse, just on the phone asking for "his best price". Why would he give it to you, you're not there, and you most likely won't actually buy the car over the phone. You still have to go sit and sign. It's a no win situation for the dealers, and they have only the weak willed dealers among themselves to thank for it. Look at how Harley has been able to maintain retail pricing and excellent resale value, compare that to a Ford or Volkswagon or Nissan. But who has the most loyal and satisfied owner body? Do you think they go hand in glove? Let's talk about another industry for a moment...In retail fashion, who has the best reputation, of course Nordstorm's, and who has the highest markup, and profit and prices, yes that's right, Nordstroms! Always, the most satisfied customers are always the ones that spend the most.

    I rant, a little, but it is the truth...

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    I was selling Audis for almost seven years. It's tough, you don't always get what you want and the money you get depends on your employer. In my case, they made it so difficult that some months I got nothing, so the relationship was truly bad. It's very disappointing when you sell an Audi R8 and you only get 100 €.

    Customers? Some of them are really nice people, while others should be buried under a pile of junk.

    Anyway, give it a try, but be very cautious and don't take anything by granted.
    luis prado alonso

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Feel free to PM me. I feel confident saying I know pretty much everything you need to know about this question. My father owned 9 new car dealerships, I occasionally worked there when they needed help. From wrenching to sales.

    The hardest part is for an honest man to stay honest, and overcoming the reputation of past sales people. But, I think it is a great opportunity to get started making money quick. My father always paid proper and had a low turn over. Salesmen would be there till they retired. Downfalls are long hours and occasional bull shit. Around our parts a good salesman will make 50k a really good one makes 125k. Make sure you apply where you are paid a percentage of the deal, never a flat rate. Lots to say about this.

    Give it a go, it ain't that bad. Seriously, if you are interested in a job in cookeville, I can have you one today. My fathers partner bought him out a couple of years ago, they are still good friends and I see him often.

    What's the old truck, always buying shit?
    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Quote Originally Posted by rowdyhillrambler View Post
    ... Around our parts a good salesman will make 50k a really good one makes 125k. Make sure you apply where you are paid a percentage of the deal, never a flat rate. Lots to say about this...
    And yet teachers even in the wealthiest of districts are not likely to ever reach that kind of salary. So much wrong with our society.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    I have recently been asked to teach at a technical school. I am going to talk with them next week. I majored in Classical Studies when I was in college. Never any intention of teaching, although I minored in secondary education. I always knew I was going to weld/fabricate for a living. I have been lucky and fortunate to do that. Had my own shop for 15 years or so, I am 36. However, not sure my body can do what I do when I am 60. I have been thinking a lot about this recently, starting to have hand problems. Couldn't really imagine not being involved in creating things and working blue collar. I love the trades. This may be a good opportunity. But, it will come down to money. If I give my time, I expect fair compensation.

    As far as sales goes, if I was in WP's position and needed a check, it is an easy way to get started now. Jump in, give it all you have and get paid. I assume that is why we work? Fair or not, it is a way..
    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Always, the most satisfied customers are always the ones that spend the most.
    ...though not necessarily on the hardware: One sales tidbit I picked up at a seminar on proposal writing for high-end custom consumer A/V a dozen years ago was

    - Customers want to see big discounts on the hardware, so they can brag to their friends "Look at this awesome deal I got!" But those same customers are willing to pay handsomely, perhaps even extravagantly, for the labor to have that hardware installed, because then they can continue bragging to their friends "...and I had it done by the best company in town!"

    Not sure if that philosophy is applicable to cars... Good luck w/ the hunt, Wade.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Great and Kewl, but: rowdyhillrambler has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

    Which is what happened when i tried to reply to your last PM wrt property over there in the crack off Hills Creek (near me). So I'll stand by until I hear from you. Mebbe email is better?

    Quote Originally Posted by rowdyhillrambler View Post
    Feel free to PM me...

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    Email sent to 4D.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Got it, will call you later.
    ‘The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those that are killing it have names and addresses-‘ Utah Phillips

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Go for it. Why not? You'll kill it!
    you're not the lord of the flies

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Quote Originally Posted by rowdyhillrambler View Post
    Got it, will call you later.
    This place is so nice. Great people wanting to help.

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    hey wade,
    no to sound paranoid, but be smart about what you say here, or elsewhere about your job search.
    you'd be surprised by how many employers are doing simple searches to get info on candidates.
    i did a search for "wade patton" and it leads right to your smoked out page.
    a quick look into most recent posts would take them to this thread.
    we live in a new world.
    david corr

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    Default Re: a job in sales

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    hey wade,
    no to sound paranoid, but be smart about what you say here, or elsewhere about your job search.
    you'd be surprised by how many employers are doing simple searches to get info on candidates.
    i did a search for "wade patton" and it leads right to your smoked out page.
    a quick look into most recent posts would take them to this thread.
    we live in a new world.
    Good advice.

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