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Thread: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

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    Default perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Before DIY was a network folks shared ideas and inspiration via word of mouth, photocopied 'zines and bootlegged cassette tapes. Growing up immersed in this movement anything seemed possible. The action itself became the reward. I found my inspiration there and I'm sure that train of thought eventually led me to do the things I do now. This interview came out today and I thought I'd share:

    and the full intro etc here:

    ‘Rear Window’ with Ian MacKaye – Vol. X | Paradigm Magazine

    Seth Rosko
    Rosko Cycles
    New York City

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    The into to this says it all for me.

    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    First a disclaimer: I was (and in many cases still am) a devotee of punk. I love the DIY ethos.

    But I think the anyone-can-do-it/hipster-hobbiest mentality is not good for cycling. There's a difference between a bunch of excited, earnest kids who can barely play their instruments banging out songs or collage-ing a fanzine and an excited, earnest kid who can barely measure a pipe or light a torch building a vehicle meant to be operated at a high rate of speed on an open road.

    There's a time and place burning down the received wisdom, and there's a time and place for standards; for care & thoroughness; and for respect for the achievements of one's forebearers.

    It's possible, indeed essential, to get excited by both possibilities and to recognize when each one is the appropriate response.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by davids View Post
    First a disclaimer: I was (and in many cases still am) a devotee of punk. I love the DIY ethos.

    But I think the anyone-can-do-it/hipster-hobbiest mentality is not good for cycling. There's a difference between a bunch of excited, earnest kids who can barely play their instruments banging out songs or collage-ing a fanzine and an excited, earnest kid who can barely measure a pipe or light a torch building a vehicle meant to be operated at a high rate of speed on an open road.

    There's a time and place burning down the received wisdom, and there's a time and place for standards; for care & thoroughness; and for respect for the achievements of one's forebearers.

    It's possible, indeed essential, to get excited by both possibilities and to recognize when each one is the appropriate response.
    Nice wet blanket, David!

    We had to grow up DIY - we didn't even have a grocery store and my dad was the town welder :)
    My dad really did have "An awesome set of tools" and I had free rein to build things like a ballista powered by a car leaf spring that would shoot a pipe so far you would never find it.
    It's just what you bring to the table and what you do with it that we are trying to conveigh I reckon.
    But yeah - listen to your pops when he says "That is going to blow up in your face and I will laugh"
    because he would..............
    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    My dad used to say: "Don't expect me to take you to the hospital if you keep doing what you are doing." I believed him.

    Trying things in different unconventional ways is OK if there isn't risk involved. When we are riding a bicycle in extreme conditions, the engineering and execution must be functional.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    I think we may be closer to a set of standards now than we have ever been. Having said that, we're nowhere near a set of standards. At least there are a lot of great guys on the internet that will help you learn if you let them

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Even if I'm not saying Id o agree with it, I'll say something just to make discussion a bit more spicy... ;)

    Have we forgot about how things were done in the 70's with some of the racing components? many of the "ultralight" components were develop without any engineering (no computers or simulation programs back then...) just pure drilling around every bit of piece so to make them as light as possible, and as Zeus original owner told me once, apparently meant to have most of those parts back in the factory with interesting breaks all the way (no surprise!).

    Many things have been done in the edge of "safety" and "knowledge" just to reach new "limits", probably this is not as easily undestandable nowadays when you can not only test some things with all the techy gimmicks available, but also with so many years of experienced people who have tried many things before you with different results.

    But... would we be where we're now if some "crazy" people didn't go the punk way even with some things intended to be used at insane speeds at high end racing?

    Ok, I might deserve it... I'm ready to receive your bunch of stones! ;)

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Funny how we as people can take such different things away from from the same thing.

    I found two small ideas really hit the spot- the first being how happiness could be finding the work you are compelled to do (and do WELL). The second being how these days the documentation and sharing of an act are almost more important than the act itself.

    Small insights I thought may apply to worlds we occupy.

    I couldn't find an endorsement of any recklessness or jackassery. These guys are no slouches and are REALLY good at what they do. They wanted to share their art with the world. In the process they built a scene, created a successful business and made a lot of people happy. All this on their own terms which is pretty inspirational.
    Seth Rosko
    Rosko Cycles
    New York City

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Thanks for this Rosko. Ian's work is indeed inspirational and is a good reminder of living in that moment. (One of the reasons I refuse to wear headphones when I ride nor carry a cell phone - I feel disconnected and I'll deal with whatever happens as that's part of the adventure). His words are also a strong reminder and one that I struggle with a bunch. A lot of my process is much about documenting the process. I use it as a visual record for my own purposes. I'm finding that I'm learning a bunch about my own procedures and what I can do better or improve through this. In many ways all that I do and share is really for me as a visual record and journal. Documenting work was drilled into me in design school. I'm not sure why, but it was always stressed to "document your work". I also do all of my own graphic design, so it's great to have all of my work documented and I can pick and choose which ones to use for myself or for anyone who should ask for permission. But there's many a moment when I'm thinking something is a great shot or something interesting is happening visually, but opt not to shoot it because that's actually an interruption of my craft. So it's a balance of craft and need to document that I work with. It's a challenge, but that's an ever evolving process. But making it just part of the process makes it easier for me.

    One of my favorite parts is when Ian states something to the effect: "Want to see Minor Threat? Form your own band. That's as close as you'll get to seeing Minor Threat." DIY is nothing new - it's been in our culture for a long time. That generation like many before it repurposed it, and made it their own. And that, I think, is one of his points: Don't just regurgitate or copy. This is good for the process overall, but at some point, you gotta make it new and you gotta make it your own. That's what they did. Living now or building "in the now" is definitely going to get you closer to finding something new and making it your own. That moment is special, and sets you on the right path.
    Kristofer Henry : 44 BIKES : Made to Shred™ · Flickr · Facebook · Instagram

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosko View Post

    The second being how these days the documentation and sharing of an act are almost more important than the act itself.

    Be the 'zine,
    (According to Garro's Meaningless Opinion)
    A giant leap compared to buying a 1"x2" every month in a bike mag and waiting for a call & sending out a brochure.
    I think a Blog of your work is all DIY as fuck, as DIY as a Five Dollar Five Band venue.
    YRMV - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    I totally agree- the interwebs has opened up a world and lowered the barriers to promoting your own work. Balancing between working and documenting the work is a tightrope I'm sure we all walk to varying degrees. Imagine a band who released an album everytime they jammed. Some bands you'd love it, the rest? Not so much. Sometime you just have to put down your head down and do your thing- regardless of whether anyone is watching or not.

    or something like that.
    Seth Rosko
    Rosko Cycles
    New York City

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by Rosko View Post
    The second being how these days the documentation and sharing of an act are almost more important than the act itself.
    Interesting. imho, when the process of documenting and sharing what you do even APPROACHES the import of what you actually do, you are doing something wrong.

    You can affect perception in one of two ways. By doing what you do well, OR sharing pictures and words that create the perception that you are doing what you do well.

    The perception created by actually doing something very well again & again has MUCH more staying power than the perception created by posting words & pictures online.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by GAAP View Post
    Interesting. imho, when the process of documenting and sharing what you do even APPROACHES the import of what you actually do, you are doing something wrong.

    You can affect perception in one of two ways. By doing what you do well, OR sharing pictures and words that create the perception that you are doing what you do well.

    The perception created by actually doing something very well again & again has MUCH more staying power than the perception created by posting words & pictures online.
    I am not sure what you just said, and wonder if others - or you - do. I am of the belief that sharing is important, and giving it away equally important. It's up to the receiver to decide what is real and what is not (perception). But if anyone believes the work he, himself, is doing is important, whether shared or not, and/or if he is his own judge regarding whether the work is actually being done well, whether shared or not, I'd wonder about the bubble he lives in.

    I know what I just said, but wonder if others will.

    The ideal is to do good work and and also create goodwill.

    I sound like FM radio atmo...

    I'll probably edit this later or just quote myself when the time is right.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    My pictures suck so hard and have for so long I don't think that's giving me much.
    I just want people to know I'm not idle, and am working on or towards their project, and have not skipped to Bolivia to spent their $$$$ on hookers & blow (I know where you can get a villa with serfs that belonged to a coke lord for a cool 15K)
    For reals........
    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    My pictures suck so hard and have for so long I don't think that's giving me much.
    Is that code for you are out of sprinkles for your ice cream?
    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    I just want people to know I'm not idle,
    Oh - word has spread, huh...
    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    and am working on or towards their project, and have not skipped to Bolivia to spent their $$$$ on hookers & blow (I know where you can get a villa with serfs that belonged to a coke lord for a cool 15K)
    For reals........
    - Garro.
    Are you channeling 21 Grams again atmo? I mean - nobody talks about that movie enough for me. Naomi Watts is so bright I have to wear two pair of Wayfarers.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
    I am not sure what you just said, and wonder if others - or you - do. I am of the belief that sharing is important, and giving it away equally important. It's up to the receiver to decide what is real and what is not (perception). But if anyone believes the work he, himself, is doing is important, whether shared or not, and/or if he is his own judge regarding whether the work is actually being done well, whether shared or not, I'd wonder about the bubble he lives in.

    I know what I just said, but wonder if others will.

    The ideal is to do good work and and also create goodwill.

    I sound like FM radio atmo...

    I'll probably edit this later or just quote myself when the time is right.
    Let me illustrate another way. Two guys at a party.

    Guy 'A' is engaging, entertaining, makes great conversation, makes 10 new friends, leaves with a flight attendant on a 3 day layover.

    Guy 'B' never takes his eyes off his phone the entire time. Is focused on tweeting and posting pics to give the perecption he had a great time at the party.

    My point, put more effort into doing 'it' (whatever 'it' is) than promoting 'it'.

    Basically, keep it real.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by GAAP View Post
    Let me illustrate another way. Two guys at a party.

    Guy 'A' is engaging, entertaining, makes great conversation, makes 10 new friends, leaves with a flight attendant on a 3 day layover.

    Guy 'B' never takes his eyes off his phone the entire time. Is focused on tweeting and posting pics to give the perecption he had a great time at the party.

    My point, put more effort into doing 'it' (whatever 'it' is) than promoting 'it'.

    Basically, keep it real.
    That's ^^ a hypothetical rather than an example that relates to the short film in the OP. It's difficult to judge or dispute a hypothetical.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Earl of Granthem
    We all have different parts to play, and we must all be allowed to play them atmo.
    From what little I know about the cat, skateboarding, or the era, the fellow answering the questions sounds like anyone else who has a mic, an audience, and fifteen minutes in which to condense his life's (his recent life's...) philosophy.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
    Is that code for you are out of sprinkles for your ice cream?

    Oh - word has spread, huh...

    Are you channeling 21 Grams again atmo? I mean - nobody talks about that movie enough for me. Naomi Watts is so bright I have to wear two pair of Wayfarers.
    Did I piss in your wheaties too?
    Seem to be something I'm getting good at lately.
    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    Did I piss in your wheaties too?
    Seem to be something I'm getting good at lately.
    - Garro.
    No - I was giving you more credit than you were willing to accept atmo. Your pics are fine.
    Your presence is. Your give-back is. And no one thinks you are idle. Idol, maybe. But not idle.

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    Default Re: perhaps some of this applies to what we do...

    Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
    No - I was giving you more credit than you were willing to accept atmo. Your pics are fine.
    Your presence is. Your give-back is. And no one thinks you are idle. Idol, maybe. But not idle.
    Ok, Thanks - I get what you are putting down, see, it just goes over my head, credit & stuff.
    I just try to be who I am, and that's all I got.
    It's all so confusing, hold your line.............hold your line..........
    - Garro.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003



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