Re: Help losing 20 lbs
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That sounds right to me.
One question I am working on is how to get the right mix of training to facilitate weight loss and fitness.
My plan is to do longer rides with threshold or steady state efforts versus rides where I hammer a few climbs and then tend to (i) overeat and (ii) need more recovery. Gotta keep that mileage up ...
This of course assumes I can get enough time to ride. During weeks where I have more limited time I am thinking harder intervals and perhaps some running. Thoughts?
Depends on your job, morning schedule, lunch schedule, work place dress code, personal stinkability factor but I kept an mtb and a road bike at work for years, doing a short blitzkreig to work, another 15-20 min to get chicken, lunch, whatever. Then a long lunch road ride, hour ten or so.
Studies have shown, and I've verified, a couple few short hard efforts a day will kick-start your metabolism. I could eat like a horse and couldn't keep the weight on without piling on mega-miles.
"Old and standing in the way of progress"