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  1. #81
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    And the motherfucking shitstain flag humper still gets military support. Any response yet to russian bounties on American soldiers? Nope. Enablers skeered of a nasty tweet.

    But, but, Nancy got a haircut and that will dominate the news for days. And Helsinki Surrender Bunker Bitch Putin fellator I imagine is heading off to golf.

  2. #82
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I'm not at all impressed by those who are enraged at Trump's "losers" comments. You should've been enraged when he dehumanized people, and declared open season on non-white lives. Letting that pass, but finding a comment about the dead something you can't stand for puts you very much in the same camp.

    Only after the living are cared for should you look at the dead.

  3. #83
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    ...Government sends unmarked government agents to nab people off the street...
    Sorry, i thought you were talking about Belarus. My mistake, as you were. I see now its a first world western country. FFS.
    Colin Mclelland

  4. #84
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Pelosi's haircut and Trump's contempt for the military is dominating headlines, but my favorite story is the one about Bill Barr determining which liberal cities make the list of "anarchist jurisdictions" which need to be punished. These are the same cities that were "nanny states" not long ago. What a miraculous, political spectrum-spanning transformation! The irony is lost on the target audience though, as both phrases strike equal fear into their hearts as they vigilantly scan their cul-de-sacs for radical lefties. What a shit hole country we've become.

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    Pardon the interruption but hey you know my role. Let's all do our best to speak our minds without (excessive) vitriol. Cussin' is V approved and practically required yet denigration of our fellow V pals however implied or outright is not.

    Changing the subject.

    Who ever thought that the Presidency would be used to tear down our founding fathers principles? Sure as hell not me. In the tone of a solid Yiddish curse >> Bill Barr shold spend the remainder of his life in a dark room yelling at the TV.
    Last edited by Too Tall; 09-04-2020 at 05:51 AM.

  6. #86
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    So let's turn the focus of the thread toward what good will come when we have a new President.

    I for one will believe there is a god.
    Jay Dwight

  7. #87
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by ides1056 View Post
    So let's turn the focus of the thread toward what good will come when we have a new President.

    I for one will believe there is a god.
    Wears Prada or Birkenstocks? Asking for a friend.

  8. #88
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by ides1056 View Post
    So let's turn the focus of the thread toward what good will come when we have a new President.

    I for one will believe there is a god.
    So do the evangelicals and look what that got us

  9. #89
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    I got in a passionate discussion with my brother in law in 2018 before I moved to AZ. He asked who I thought would win between Ted Cruz and Beto. I said Cruz would win based on the numbers, the recent primaries had seen more people vote for Cruz in the Republican primary than voted in total in the Democrat primary. The race ended up closer than people thought, but Cruz won. Personally I think Cruz is a turd, but I was trying to leave feelings out of it and just go with numbers. I'm not sure this fall is a slam dunk for Biden, the polls are all over the place. I am an engineer, I look at numbers and data and leave feelings out of decisions.

    As an OT, my thesis is focusing on the persistance of Confederate monuments and role of the myth of "Lost Cause" in perpetuating false history. Good stuff. If you ever feel like some interesting reading, the Confederate Veteran Magazine is archived at UPenn and the Journal of Negro History is archived at the University of Chicago. Compare and contrast similar years.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

  10. #90
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by bigbill View Post
    I got in a passionate discussion with my brother in law in 2018 before I moved to AZ. He asked who I thought would win between Ted Cruz and Beto. I said Cruz would win based on the numbers, the recent primaries had seen more people vote for Cruz in the Republican primary than voted in total in the Democrat primary. The race ended up closer than people thought, but Cruz won. Personally I think Cruz is a turd, but I was trying to leave feelings out of it and just go with numbers. I'm not sure this fall is a slam dunk for Biden, the polls are all over the place. I am an engineer, I look at numbers and data and leave feelings out of decisions.

    As an OT, my thesis is focusing on the persistance of Confederate monuments and role of the myth of "Lost Cause" in perpetuating false history. Good stuff. If you ever feel like some interesting reading, the Confederate Veteran Magazine is archived at UPenn and the Journal of Negro History is archived at the University of Chicago. Compare and contrast similar years.
    I will be very surprised if Biden does not win popular vote by more than Hillary with something close to 5-7mm votes.

    But since this is really 50 separate elections, you just need to focus on the a few states and a few districts.

    Pennsylvania is a toss up right now, but if somehow you can suppress the vote in Philly, you can increase your chances of the state remaining red.
    The same can be said of all the battleground states.

    Add the crazy comments about voting twice, so you have already preset the stage to challenge the vote and it's a mess.

    Add the recent poll tax in Florida to prevent ex- Felons from regaining the right to vote even though it was a approved in the last election by a overwhelming majority in Florida.

    I can see Trump losing popular vote yet squeaking through on Electoral with 271.

  11. #91
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Good stuff Bill.

    If I were a betting man Biden is not favored to win. Should the conservatives, whom I dearly used to love, decide to sack up and fight for our democratic know return to regular order and such....Biden by a massive landslide.

    Having one party "all in" for winning by any means necessary backed by DOJ and the power of the Prez. pen it is looking like we'll have another term with DJT followed shortly by a second impeachment.

    We are not happy.

  12. #92
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    The 2020 Election, a Race in Which Everything Happens and Nothing Matters | The New Yorker

    "Does anything matter anymore in American politics? In the week since Donald Trump’s Convention ended with a personality-cult party on the White House lawn, the President has completely refocussed his campaign on threats to law and order from “Rioters, Anarchists, Agitators, and Looters.” He has suggested there will be a “Rigged Election”; urged supporters in North Carolina to commit election fraud, by voting twice; and likened protesters demanding racial justice to “Domestic Terrorists.” The President personally ordered a review of federal aid, with the goal of withholding funds from “anarchist” Democratic-run cities that have allowed “themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones.” And he has baselessly alleged that his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, is taking some sort of “enhancement” drug, and claimed that Biden is the pawn of shadowy “dark forces.”

    On his Twitter feed, Trump repeatedly promoted misinformation about the ongoing coronavirus pandemic while also attacking “Crazy Nancy Pelosi”; the “highly political” National Basketball Association; the governor of Oregon; the “wacky Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Mayor of Portland”; the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, and his brother, CNN’s Chris Cuomo; and various other figures in the “Enemy of the People” media, including the conservative Internet aggregator Matt Drudge and MSNBC’s “very untalented” Joy Reid. Trump’s Administration, meanwhile, is withholding briefings on election interference by Russia and other foreign powers from congressional intelligence committees and telling leaders in key battleground states to be prepared for a coronavirus vaccine, which may be approved by the government just days before the election. And that’s just this week.

    The rest of the news in Trump’s America, two months before Election Day, is equally gutting: twenty or so U.S. states have rising cases of COVID-19, and, as many schools and universities reopen, the numbers are expected to grow. On many days, more than a thousand Americans die as a result of the pandemic. By comparison, in the worst week of the Vietnam War, just more than five hundred American personnel died, the national-security expert and former C.I.A. official David Priess noted. All told, American deaths from COVID-19 are approaching two hundred thousand. Mass unemployment continues, and many companies are bracing for new, more permanent layoffs. Food banks are overwhelmed. Congress, stuck in an impasse between House Democrats and Senate Republicans, has failed to pass a new round of economic relief, and the initial aid package for small businesses and the unemployed has run out. The national debt as a share of the economy has reached its highest level since the Second World War.

    None of this, apparently, has any electoral consequence. In fact, looking at the polls, you would be hard-pressed to discern that anything of consequence is happening at all. On Wednesday, news organizations and respected universities released a slew of post-Convention opinion surveys, all of which revealed the same thing: nothing new. The state of the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is unchanged—Trump is losing, just as he was a month ago, and a month before that, by somewhere between seven and ten points. By Thursday afternoon, in fact, the average calculated by FiveThirtyEight had Biden leading the race by 7.3 percentage points, 50.2 per cent to 42.9 per cent. The average was the same over on RealClearPolitics, which showed Biden with a lead of 7.2 points. A month earlier, on August 3rd, RealClearPolitics had Biden leading by 7.4 points, which means that—after all was said and done at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, and in Trump’s endless tweets and Fox News interviews, after more than thirty thousand Americans died in August of the coronavirus, and millions of children started the new school year stuck at home—the Presidential race had changed by exactly two-tenths of one percentage point.

    By now, this should not surprise anyone. It’s long been apparent how bizarrely consistent and impervious to events Trump’s approval ratings are. Through impeachment and scandal and now pandemic and recession, a more or less straight line of roughly forty per cent of Americans have supported the President, no matter what he does or says and regardless of what is happening in the country or around the world. Previous Presidents—all of them—saw their ratings go up and down depending, at least in part, on their performance in office. Not Trump. He appears to be living a politician’s dream: a Presidency free of consequence and devoid of accountability. What this means for the nation, for American democracy, is a different issue altogether."
    Last edited by guido; 09-04-2020 at 11:31 AM.
    Guy Washburn

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  13. #93
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by marley View Post
    So do the evangelicals and look what that got us
    I lived with evangelicals and taught Sunday school in their church. After several months of this I told the pastor that Hitler's name could be substituted for Jesus' with the same result.

    Needless to say that was the end of my teaching gig.
    Jay Dwight

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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Wears Prada or Birkenstocks? Asking for a friend.
    The Devil wears Prada.

    Ask me how I know.
    Jay Dwight

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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    Bill Barr should spend the remainder of his life in a dark room yelling at the TV.
    Why give him a TV?
    Guy Washburn

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  16. #96
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Trump doesn't want to be re-elected, what he needs is a way to save face, to 'win' by losing the election.

    He wants return to his lifestyle being complain about stuff instead of being expected to actually work.
    Democratic strategy is to provide that exit door. Start talking of full pardons and statues.

    EPOst hoc ergo propter hoc

  17. #97
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by guido View Post
    "By now, this should not surprise anyone. It’s long been apparent how bizarrely consistent and impervious to events Trump’s approval ratings are. Through impeachment and scandal and now pandemic and recession, a more or less straight line of roughly forty per cent of Americans have supported the President, no matter what he does or says and regardless of what is happening in the country or around the world. Previous Presidents—all of them—saw their ratings go up and down depending, at least in part, on their performance in office. Not Trump. He appears to be living a politician’s dream: a Presidency free of consequence and devoid of accountability. What this means for the nation, for American democracy, is a different issue altogether."
    Trump did something no one else thought possible: he crated a coalition of the angry, one-issue voters. He's their messiah, and nothing he does or says will sway them because they believe they can count on him for their one important issue. The reverence in which his supporters hold him is almost religious in nature. Whether you're a racist (overt or hidden), anti-abortion, pro-second amendment, xenophobic, or greedy, he's your guy. Until his opponents can pick apart Trump's coalition of the angry, I'm afraid we're stuck with him. What this means for our nation and democracy? It's being ripped apart. Most dictators need economic discord to rise to power. Trump and his minions are creating more economic discord AND adding to their power. Sadly, 48-49% of American voters are incapable of seeing this.


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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by GrantM View Post
    Start talking of full pardons and statues.
    Over my dead body. Seriously.

  19. #99
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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Ross View Post
    Over my dead body. Seriously.
    it's political suicide if you don't. Americans seem too close to this situation, you think there are good options on the table.

    You are already completely FUCKED.

    If Dems and the "deep state" start talking about making a martyr of him,
    you'll ensure that you have 60 million Trump voters who will oppose everything you stand for.
    If you want a war - keep on present course.

    Trump will be gone one day, the question on the table is what do you do with the supporters
    and the lessons of his time in power. When Trump is gone, so is the religion, since he stands
    for nothing but chaos and bullying.

    So if you're going to war, you better have a plan to win it. Good luck, you need it.

    EPOst hoc ergo propter hoc

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    Default Re: 2020 Political Chatter

    Quote Originally Posted by GrantM View Post
    You are already completely FUCKED.
    I don't disagree... but then what do we have to lose?

    Y'know what I'm not gonna lose? One minute of sleep worrying about how his base is gonna spin a fair trial that results in Donnie T going to jail for genuine crimes. So any Dem who's going to make the case for "full pardons" is going to have to provide a much more compelling argument than simply "the other team will oppose everything we do"

    They already do.



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