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Thread: Bernie Sanders

  1. #41
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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by BSUdude View Post
    Does Trump seem like the type of person to turn down a TV appearance in front of a huge audience?
    Oh, I completely agree: If it were up to him alone, he'd be there. (And I would especially love to see him try to hold his own in a debate against Pete Buttigieg. But I'd gladly settle for him trying to hold his own in a debate against any of the Democratic candidates.) But there has to be someone left on his team (no?) who's savvy enough to realize that the best Trump can do in a live unscripted debate with any of those candidates* is come out even. He can't possibly have enough zingers and insults up his sleeve to come out ahead in any but the most rabid supporters' minds, and even morons recognize that if the debate gets bogged down in actual facts about policy and/or his record Trump stands a decent chance of shooting himself in the foot. Why take that risk? Just say "No thanks, I'm good" when the invitation from the League Of Women Voters comes in, and cruise to November without ever engaging face to face.

    *except Joe Biden. I fear he is so capable of shooting himself in the foot that Trump stands a better-than-50/50 chance of winning [sic] a debate against Biden.

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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    Its funny to read that other folks ideas are far fetched or blahbedy blah when we currently have this ridiculous show. To think anyone here thinks trump is looking out for them more than any other name one can possibly mention is quite the excersize in imagination. Its less possible than any one of warrens ideas.

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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Ross View Post
    *except Joe Biden. I fear he is so capable of shooting himself in the foot ....
    Seems to me that he's already done that.
    Mark Walberg
    Building bike frames for fun since 1973.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    'I'd like to vote Democratic': the swing voters who want a reason not to back Trump again | US news | The Guardian

    My Takeaway:
    1) Trump is a huckster, folks would like to vote democratic but the job outlook and economy have improved..
    2) Other countries have affordable healthcare for everybody, why not copy the best one here?
    3) Don't trust politicians.
    4) Bernie and Warren too socialist!

    My retort:
    1) Look at the unemployment chart since, say, 2000 and tell me who's policies did the heavy lift of reducing the UE rate.
    2) Bernie and 'Liz propose a proven, cost effective single payer system that already covers a large portion of our population.
    3) Trump??? Bernie's message has been consistent for ever, 'Liz makes sense and both have been walking the trust talk for a long time.
    4) If you want healthcare for all, unions, a military and an economy that results in a wide distribution of wealth then you intrinsically support, and require, a fair chunk of our economic activity to be based on public programs, AKA socialized activities, along with well regulated capitalism.
    5) Bern and E'a proposals address all of the above and have done for a long time.
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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  5. #45
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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by jclay View Post
    'I'd like to vote Democratic': the swing voters who want a reason not to back Trump again | US news | The Guardian

    My Takeaway:
    1) Trump is a huckster, folks would like to vote democratic but the job outlook and economy have improved..
    2) Other countries have affordable healthcare for everybody, why not copy the best one here?
    3) Don't trust politicians.
    4) Bernie and Warren too socialist!

    My retort:
    1) Look at the unemployment chart since, say, 2000 and tell me who's policies did the heavy lift of reducing the UE rate.
    2) Bernie and 'Liz propose a proven, cost effective single payer system that already covers a large portion of our population.
    3) Trump??? Bernie's message has been consistent for ever, 'Liz makes sense and both have been walking the trust talk for a long time.
    4) If you want healthcare for all, unions, a military and an economy that results in a wide distribution of wealth then you intrinsically support, and require, a fair chunk of our economic activity to be based on public programs, AKA socialized activities, along with well regulated capitalism.
    5) Bern and E'a proposals address all of the above and have done for a long time.

    Im so tired of hearing people say there isnt an electable democrat, or they dont want trump but... thats bullshit. Even this article opens with insanity:
    "I’d like to vote Democratic. But I watched the people they have and some of what they’re talking about and some of it’s just crazy"
    So Trump talks about toilets and sharks and dishwashers and windmills and the democrats are crazy? whos crazy? where does this disconnect come from?

    any choice right now is better than trump. any of them have led, any have experience governing, they all have public service experience. Trump had zero plans, so if you are a person who votes on policy, surely policy with goals that might not work are better than kill rattlesnakes to build a wall. The equivalencies being presented should be embarrassing. Trump has no policy, none, except money. if you are voting for money, why? any of your relatives money? didnt think so.

    you can vote for a serious adult who is trying to help American people, or you can vote for an orange man child who can hardly form sentences and when he manages it, can't do it without name calling. how is this a hard choice for the so called most advanced nation on earth?? are we devancing?

    just like we didnt build a wall, the stupid ideas get flushed out. but anyone who works harder on the environment and health care reform should be considered over trump. anyone.

    the economy will be fine because rich powerful people will make sure that it is, like always. they crash it and they advance it, not a president. stop thinking a president changes that, never has, never will. just nudges here and there when bad players crash the toy

    Yeah, i dont like the guy one, bit, nobody does, not even his wife. thats obvious. but even worse, hes not doing his job. hes really poor at this. you cats who like him because immigration, well, he doesnt plan on doing shit about immigration reform, he just likes to be ugly to humans to prove his power. there is no solution there for you, just animosity to keep you in line and voting for a savior, not a president.
    Matt Zilliox

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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    To be crystal clear, in my #44 above, "My Takeaway" = My summary of what the interviewees were saying. And specifically, they are saying that they know he's a huckster, liar and otherwise bad news....but they also say that the economy's doing well and figure/assume it's down to Trump. Look at the damn UE curve for this century and tell me how it supports such a claim!

    Trump can get credit for keeping the fed so low, and the equities market in it's happy days bubble, but that's not really a good thing. He's screwed up a fair bit of the economy for small improvements around the edges of NAFTA and trade with China. He's not wrong that there were/are problems with those and I'm happy for any improvements but the cost was high and we have candidates who can do much better. Aside from that he's a total disaster. His power comes from echoing the voices of the aggrieved.

    It's amazing: People describe what they want and then refuse to vote for the very folks who propose the same things...or have supported them for decades!!! And all because of labels. I am in serious need of a drink.
    John Clay
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  7. #47
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    Default Re: Bernie Sanders

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    any choice right now is better than trump. any of them have led, any have experience governing, they all have public service experience.
    And every one of them is a constructive individual. They want to build, mend and improve.

    Trump is a destroyer. That is his track record, it's what he is and that is who he is right down to his DNA. He is acid poured on a flower, a common grifter, born into uncommon money, someone who would have done well in Hitler's world, and it's all about self aggrandizement.

    This is not the kind behavior a second cousin of mine who was President during the Civil War demonstrated or countenanced. This is not the kind of behavior a Capitan and Navy Cross GGF, a Rear Admiral/base commander/WWII carrier skipper GF, or a lowly Marine Major fighter pilot father countenanced or demonstrated; it's what they fought against, it's antithetical to everything I was taught and how I was raised, and it makes me want to vomit.

    I wish that I could be the adult that I am now for an afternoon, back on my grandparent's porch in Warrington, with my father, GF, Capt (Pop) Carlson, Lt Cmdr Harry Carlson Jr., Capt Gray, Adm Wagner and some other WWI/WWII war horses whos names are fading but who were always (ALWAYS) there for cocktails, to get their take on this bullshit. I was an imature kid and they were seriously hardboiled but, knowing my family, I'm pretty sure they'd be livid with the behavior and policies of DT; even Harry Jr who was a bit on the conservative side. And if they were not I'd go toe to toe with them, too.
    John Clay
    Tallahassee, FL
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