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Thread: What should a show bike be?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post
    Ive said it before and I'll say it again, the awards are a huge part of the show. The attendees love it. It caps off the entire weekend.

    Sorry all the builders hate them so much.

    My problem with the awards is that they are not awarded based on any legitimate, objective criteria. They are just a feel good vote and are no reflection of the actual quality they imply.

    For them to be of any value you need to select a panel of judges one of which is an expert in each area being judged. If the frame is judged on construction quality it needs to be unpainted when judged. Most importantly I think that frames should be submitted rather than just judged. The reason is that when a builders frame does not win it is implied to be less than that which does. If you require builders to submit a frame to be judged in each category it gives builders the option not to participate.

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    I was trying to do that this year. I have a panel president, or head judge, but the panel suggested to me was a bunch of CR lister's and all they care about are vintage bikes... not that there is anything wrong with that...


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    Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post
    vintage bikes...

  4. #44
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    a good builder - one you want to buy a bike from - should be too busy getting their clients their bikes on time or {gasp} early to have time to make "popular mechanics 2025 concept car" material. just sayin' my take on awards {not that it means shit - it's not my show} is keep the voting to the people displaying, if you must have awards. this would have more meaning to the attendees as it should show what the group of peers feel really excells. just my dos centavos - probally not worth the paper it's printed on! steve.
    Steve Garro, Coconino Cycles.
    Frames & Bicycles built to measure and Custom wheels
    Hecho en Flagstaff, Arizona desde 2003

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    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    a good builder - one you want to buy a bike from - should be too busy getting their clients their bikes on time or {gasp} early to have time to make "popular mechanics 2025 concept car" material. just sayin' my take on awards {not that it means shit - it's not my show} is keep the voting to the people displaying, if you must have awards. this would have more meaning to the attendees as it should show what the group of peers feel really excells. just my dos centavos - probally not worth the paper it's printed on! steve.
    What this guy said.

    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


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    Default Hear hear

    Quote Originally Posted by steve garro View Post
    a good builder - one you want to buy a bike from - should be too busy getting their clients their bikes on time or {gasp} early to have time to make "popular mechanics 2025 concept car" material. just sayin' my take on awards {not that it means shit - it's not my show} is keep the voting to the people displaying, if you must have awards. this would have more meaning to the attendees as it should show what the group of peers feel really excells. just my dos centavos - probally not worth the paper it's printed on! steve.
    In the famous Model Engineer Exibition there are awards, however they are to a "Standard" to gain an award.
    A maker submits their item to be the appropiate category, ie: 5" Steam Loco, IC engine etc.
    Each item can only be entered once and once only for ever.
    They are judged by a panel of judges who have long established careers in engineering and model making.
    They use a marking system.

    The awards are Gold, Silver, bronze and Highly Commended.

    So it is possible no one gains a "Gold" if the standard is not reached to the level the judges deem needed to reach Gold.
    It is possible that if more than one builder/item is of Gold Standard then more than one "Gold" can be awarded in that catergory.

    In the current system, you could have three crap entries and one may win the trophy, because that is the best that there is on show that day. There is no standard/quality to meet.
    Just beat the item next to yours in the comp.

    I think a people's choice added to the medal standard awards is the go
    if you must have awards.

    Just an idea that I think has more merit than the current system.
    Any thoughts?

    Cheers Dazza

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazza View Post
    Any thoughts?

    yeah - no awards atmo.
    we are there as peers and equals, mutually supportive of each other and the trade.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazza View Post
    In the famous Model Engineer Exibition there are awards, however they are to a "Standard" to gain an award.
    A maker submits their item to be the appropiate category, ie: 5" Steam Loco, IC engine etc.
    Each item can only be entered once and once only for ever.
    They are judged by a panel of judges who have long established careers in engineering and model making.
    They use a marking system.

    The awards are Gold, Silver, bronze and Highly Commended.

    So it is possible no one gains a "Gold" if the standard is not reached to the level the judges deem needed to reach Gold.
    It is possible that if more than one builder/item is of Gold Standard then more than one "Gold" can be awarded in that catergory.

    In the current system, you could have three crap entries and one may win the trophy, because that is the best that there is on show that day. There is no standard/quality to meet.
    Just beat the item next to yours in the comp.

    I think a people's choice added to the medal standard awards is the go
    if you must have awards.

    Just an idea that I think has more merit than the current system.
    Any thoughts?

    Cheers Dazza
    What this guy said too.

    One other thing that no one has mentioned is the blatant campaigning on one builder's behalf, by another builder, to win an award. I know this happened in the past. One exhibitor goes to all his builder friends and urges them to vote for builder A because they feel he deserves some props in general. Not that builder A's bike is the best in that category but that the supporter feels it's time to have this guy recognized. Builder A didn't even know this was happening and certainly had no part in it. He just thinks he "won".

    It takes only a very few votes cast this way to skew the results. When one looks at the numbers and thinks about how few votes it would take to change the results it's surprising.

    Let's put at least one name to this - mine. Last year I won best fillet brazed bicycle for the frame I had displayed. It was good work and I was proud of it. But did it win because it was the best fillet work there or did it win because I've been in the business for a long time and know a lot of folks that would like to see me win? Was it the work or was it me? I don't know of any behind the scenes work on my behalf but I suppose there might have been. The point is there is no way of telling as it's a popularity contest that can be manipulated.

    My point is that politics enters into this no matter what. It's not necessarily the best example of the work that wins. It might be and it might not. Want builder A to win an award? Get 1/2 dozen builders to vote for him and I bet it happens.

    Now the public choice best in show deal is a different kettle of fish and it has it's own issues but that's for another time. I need to tune some skis.

    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


  9. #49
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    A little behind the scene's, if-you-will, from the Portland show.

    You were locked in a tie with another builder. It was decided by a non emotionally involved 3rd party as to who got the nod as the winner.

    Both bikes were outstanding in craftsmanship, and if I personally had to call it, I would have issued a tie.

    I try, as much as I possibly can, to be fair.

    The Presidents Choice award is a different issue. Its whatever bike really triggers an emotion with me.

    I'm not difficult to figure out.... i love track bikes....


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    Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post
    The Presidents Choice award is a different issue. Its whatever bike really triggers an emotion with me.

    I'm not difficult to figure out.... i love track bikes....

    Don - With all due respect, it seems that the built-in bias (track bikes) guarantees anyone not showing a track bike won't receive the same consideration. True?

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post

    A little behind the scene's, if-you-will, from the Portland show.

    You were locked in a tie with another builder. It was decided by a non emotionally involved 3rd party as to who got the nod as the winner.

    Both bikes were outstanding in craftsmanship, and if I personally had to call it, I would have issued a tie.

    Hey Don,

    That's interesting if nothing else.

    The two of us were tied - how many votes did we get? Just curious.

    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14max View Post
    Don - With all due respect, it seems that the built-in bias (track bikes) guarantees anyone not showing a track bike won't receive the same consideration. True?
    I thought I said
    Its whatever bike really triggers an emotion with me.
    as well....


  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Kirk View Post
    Hey Don,

    That's interesting if nothing else.

    The two of us were tied - how many votes did we get? Just curious.


    I dont recall? I think somewhere in the 40's or 50's...? Both of you were at least 20 votes above 3rd place, that much I recall...I suppose I could dig around for the tally sheet, if I can find the time to do it.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Slapshot View Post

    I dont recall? I think somewhere in the 40's or 50's...? Both of you were at least 20 votes above 3rd place, that much I recall...I suppose I could dig around for the tally sheet, if I can find the time to do it.


    Please don't make any extra work for yourself. It's not important.

    thanks and back to your regularly scheduled programing.

    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Kirk View Post

    One other thing that no one has mentioned is the blatant campaigning on one builder's behalf, by another builder, to win an award. I know this happened in the past. One exhibitor goes to all his builder friends and urges them to vote for builder A because they feel he deserves some props in general. Not that builder A's bike is the best in that category but that the supporter feels it's time to have this guy recognized. Builder A didn't even know this was happening and certainly had no part in it. He just thinks he "won".

    was this one of those track bike things atmo?

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by e-RICHIE View Post
    was this one of those track bike things atmo?
    I don't think it was competing in the 120mm class. Banana.

    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Kirk View Post
    I don't think it was competing in the 120mm class. Banana.


    sure - make yet another joke about a serious issue, an issue i am invested in and vocal about since the early days
    in houston atmo. these awards are gay. and they send the wrong message. we can talk about the chads, and the
    cronyism, and the, er - president's choice. but at the end of the day, all you, dave kirk, want is the truth huh. well
    i have your inner framebuilder truth right here atmo: you can't handle the truth! son, we live in a world that has walls.
    and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. who's gonna do it? you? you, carl "i am so" strong? i have a
    greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. you weep for sacha and you curse the itty bitty tricycle. you have
    that luxury. you have the luxury of not knowing what i know: that greg townsend's best of show paint award, while tragic,
    probably saved lives. and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves don't want the truth.
    because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. you need me on that wall. we use
    words like alignment, stem angle, and atmo...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent creating something. you
    use 'em as a punchline. i have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under
    the blanket of the very entertainment i provide, then questions the manner in which i provide it! i'd rather you just said,
    "Just sayin'" and went on your way. otherwise, i suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. either way, i don't give
    a damn what you think you're entitled to!


  18. #58
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    Thank you sir, may I please have another!

    PFC Dave
    D. Kirk
    Kirk Frameworks Co.


  19. #59
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    sure - make yet another joke about a serious issue, an issue i am invested in and vocal about since the early days
    in houston atmo. these awards are gay. and they send the wrong message. we can talk about the chads, and the
    cronyism, and the, er - president's choice. but at the end of the day, all you, dave kirk, want is the truth huh. well
    i have your inner framebuilder truth right here atmo: you can't handle the truth! son, we live in a world that has walls.
    and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. who's gonna do it? you? you, carl "i am so" strong? i have a
    greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. you weep for sacha and you curse the itty bitty tricycle. you have
    that luxury. you have the luxury of not knowing what i know: that greg townsend's best of show paint award, while tragic,
    probably saved lives. and my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves don't want the truth.
    because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. you need me on that wall. we use
    words like alignment, stem angle, and atmo...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent creating something. you
    use 'em as a punchline. i have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under
    the blanket of the very entertainment i provide, then questions the manner in which i provide it! i'd rather you just said,
    "Just sayin'" and went on your way. otherwise, i suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. either way, i don't give
    a damn what you think you're entitled to!
    Sorry for barging in on the Telai-ista board, but that is the POTFM (Millenium)
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    OK how could DW NOT chuckle. ATMO you slay me boyeee.

    Can I tell a small story? I restored a 1951 chevy truck some time ago. I did alot of the work myself and it is and never was intended to be a show truck. None the less it looks great and is pretty darn close to origional. It is very common for folks to talk to me in parking lots and relate fond memories of their dad's truck etc etc. Those conversations about the passion and love, nostalgia for good things are pure gold....than there are the dopes who ask me if I "show" and will point out things about my truck that are "not right" or could be done better. I say eff' them I use the thing and dig it just fine I'll NEVER show the truck...wait I'm getting to my point yo ;)

    When I go to car shows I bybass the judged "winners".
    These shows have "judged" awards based on class / category eg. the folks who enter their cars know in advance what is being scored. Basically they have a playbook. You can buy a car that will slay at the shows...apparently it is a popular rich mans thing to do...or so I hear. HAHA often these cars are much better than when they came out of the factory...what the he!!!? Feh.

    To balance that out and BECAUSE the avg. schmuck has zero interest in owning/paying for and keeping a trailer queen you have PEOPLE'S Choice awards. Folks MOB these cars and fawn over them with beers in hand and lots of childish OOOOs and Aaaaahhs...THAT'S what I'm talking about:) PASSION, Childish adoration and emotional wellings...not a dry eye in the house. These people's choice awards are connected to a practical side of the beauty and craft of restoration, ownership and having an old a word you "could" drive them and infact most of these cats do drive their cars. They are real as real can be.

    Hear me...if NAHBS is about handbuilt "things" that are utilitarian in nature why have awards that are anything other than popular?

    If you have a "judged" category fine offer a playbook I think there will be folks who aspire to be the kings and queens of this aspect and will have followers.

    I've typed too fast. There are sure to be mistakes. xxoo, Too Tall.

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