Oh how the droll "he who smelled it, dealt it" rings true yet again. I guess none of us should be surprised that Walker is a hypocrite on the issue of abortion

I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise, as there has been the incident of an anti-abortion PA congressman who had to resign b/c he did in fact pay to terminate a pregnancy as result of his extramarital affair.

But this is perhaps the highest profile of such incidents. It is reported that Walker, who's actively running on an anti-abortion platform, has recently been closing the gap to Sen. Warnock, only for this tidbit to be unearthed. No idea what effect this might have on the GA senatorial race.

The prevarication and cynicism aside, one wonders how strained the father-son relationship is that the son, who was previously spotted wearing a pro-Trump T-shirt, is trying to actively sabotage his father's campaign.

In the grander scheme of things, one gets the sense that selective enforcement would always be how things operate. "Inner Party" members get a free pass; "Outer Party" members might get a free pass if the morality police deems a particular person worthy; proles and all others get smacked with full brunt of the law.