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Thread: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

  1. #4801
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    My oncologist looks and acts like Mindy Kaling.

  2. #4802

    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I was going to add something.
    But after reading what some people here are going through, I realize that I have it pretty good and my grumps are trivial.
    Best wishes to all.

  3. #4803
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Sorry to hear about the health issues folks, no fun at all, hang tough as they say, w/they usually being folks w/no health issues. Now, lets swing this back to me and my self inflicted problems, w/an eye toward a laugh or two: I've been seeing a stunning and seemingly normal-esque Woman. She's young, beautiful, driven, cultured, independent, spontaneous, low-key, not afraid to sail w/me, and sexy like there's no freaking tmmrw. We've been having a lot of fun - 3 weeks per month. 3 weeks per month, you say? Yes, her Moon, as she puts it, really impacts her, as she also puts it. It's unbelievable. Have you ever heard the expression, maybe on something like House of Cards, give them something to deny? Well that's it in a nutshell. I've had a pretty bad cold all week - no swimming, no biking, no gym, and no girl. Girl: Are you really sick or just sick or me? Me: (kidding) you caught me! Girl: I hope you're kidding?! I knew something was up! Is it (insert another girl's name)? I knew you were a douchebag! As an aside: I am a douchebag, but she would have no way of knowing thus far. I'll be by to get my stuff, if you wouldn't mind leaving the key... and on and etc...and on and her down from one cliff she catapults stuntman-like to a higher one. God forbid you add a Manhattan or two plus some Sauv Blanco into the mix, it's like wrestling a rabid drunk methed-out PitBull. One morning, after we slept in separate rooms, I brought her some coffee, and got this: Did we have a tiff last night? I hope I wasn't too much trouble. - I just started laughing, it was just so funny. Like something you'd see in a movie/Rom-Com - the sexy kitty kat hottie that turns nutty on the verge of criminal 1 week per month. That or The Exorcist.
    you're not the lord of the flies

  4. #4804
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by mainemike View Post
    Sorry to hear about the health issues folks, no fun at all, hang tough as they say, w/they usually being folks w/no health issues. Now, lets swing this back to me and my self inflicted problems, w/an eye toward a laugh or two: I've been seeing a stunning and seemingly normal-esque Woman. She's young, beautiful, driven, cultured, independent, spontaneous, low-key, not afraid to sail w/me, and sexy like there's no freaking tmmrw. We've been having a lot of fun - 3 weeks per month. 3 weeks per month, you say? Yes, her Moon, as she puts it, really impacts her, as she also puts it. It's unbelievable. Have you ever heard the expression, maybe on something like House of Cards, give them something to deny? Well that's it in a nutshell. I've had a pretty bad cold all week - no swimming, no biking, no gym, and no girl. Girl: Are you really sick or just sick or me? Me: (kidding) you caught me! Girl: I hope you're kidding?! I knew something was up! Is it (insert another girl's name)? I knew you were a douchebag! As an aside: I am a douchebag, but she would have no way of knowing thus far. I'll be by to get my stuff, if you wouldn't mind leaving the key... and on and etc...and on and her down from one cliff she catapults stuntman-like to a higher one. God forbid you add a Manhattan or two plus some Sauv Blanco into the mix, it's like wrestling a rabid drunk methed-out PitBull. One morning, after we slept in separate rooms, I brought her some coffee, and got this: Did we have a tiff last night? I hope I wasn't too much trouble. - I just started laughing, it was just so funny. Like something you'd see in a movie/Rom-Com - the sexy kitty kat hottie that turns nutty on the verge of criminal 1 week per month. That or The Exorcist.
    Run. And I'm not joking. That shit only gets worse.

    Road, CX, Mountain

  5. #4805
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by burgess1108 View Post
    Run. And I'm not joking. That shit only gets worse.
    Yea....Drama is exciting.....until it really gets old.


  6. #4806
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I handle only parts of HR and payroll. The parts I don't handle keep me from doing my job to the fullest extent. I've been waiting for 2.5hrs now for something that needs to be overnighted. The person who I am waiting on has been in his/ her office chit chatting with various people during that entire time. Not work related stuff. Hasn't started to process what I need. I don't really care if I don't get it, because it's not my wallet that this effects. It is, however, excruciatingly annoying how inconsiderate this person can be.

  7. #4807
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by mainemike View Post
    Sorry to hear about the health issues folks, no fun at all, hang tough as they say, w/they usually being folks w/no health issues. Now, lets swing this back to me and my self inflicted problems, w/an eye toward a laugh or two: I've been seeing a stunning and seemingly normal-esque Woman. She's young, beautiful, driven, cultured, independent, spontaneous, low-key, not afraid to sail w/me, and sexy like there's no freaking tmmrw. We've been having a lot of fun - 3 weeks per month. 3 weeks per month, you say? Yes, her Moon, as she puts it, really impacts her, as she also puts it. It's unbelievable. Have you ever heard the expression, maybe on something like House of Cards, give them something to deny? Well that's it in a nutshell. I've had a pretty bad cold all week - no swimming, no biking, no gym, and no girl. Girl: Are you really sick or just sick or me? Me: (kidding) you caught me! Girl: I hope you're kidding?! I knew something was up! Is it (insert another girl's name)? I knew you were a douchebag! As an aside: I am a douchebag, but she would have no way of knowing thus far. I'll be by to get my stuff, if you wouldn't mind leaving the key... and on and etc...and on and her down from one cliff she catapults stuntman-like to a higher one. God forbid you add a Manhattan or two plus some Sauv Blanco into the mix, it's like wrestling a rabid drunk methed-out PitBull. One morning, after we slept in separate rooms, I brought her some coffee, and got this: Did we have a tiff last night? I hope I wasn't too much trouble. - I just started laughing, it was just so funny. Like something you'd see in a movie/Rom-Com - the sexy kitty kat hottie that turns nutty on the verge of criminal 1 week per month. That or The Exorcist.
    Never know what MM's going to write but I'm always going to read it. Like a cross between Hunter Thompson and Erica Jong.
    killing idols one at a time

  8. #4808
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I had temporary crown installed in my head this morning and it doesn't jive with my other teeth.

  9. #4809
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    It's Friday, but I don't give a shit, I need a grump. I'm riding once a week and the first weekday afternoon I've had free of obligation in about 3 months I come down sick. Chills and achy hips. Son of a bitch, I'm going to be sick all weekend.

  10. #4810
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    So... what's the response to the state of a project where deadline is approaching and work isn't getting accomplished?

    Schedule more status meetings.

  11. #4811
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Meetings during my lunch break ride time...

    Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

    "the fun outweighs the suck, and the suck hasn't killed me yet." -- chasea

    "Sometimes, as good as it feels to speak out, silence is the only way to rise above the morass. The high road is generally a quiet route." -- echelon_john

  12. #4812
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I want to go up to every woman I see in yoga pants and ask "Sooooooooo, are youuuu gonna be doing some yoga later, orrrrrr....?"
    Got some cash
    Bought some wheels
    Took it out
    'Cross the fields
    Lost Control
    Hit a wall
    But we're alright

  13. #4813
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Ignored Elevator Rules.

    1) Let the folks off before pushing your way on.

    2) When exiting, the person closest to the doors exits first. 'Ladies First' just creates havoc and doesn't apply in this circumstance.

    And the 'let folks off first thing' also applies to anything that has a door.

  14. #4814
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I ate a too-old sausage Tuesday night. I thought it would be ok after I cooked it. All last night I was sick as a dog and I haven't been able to eat anything today.

  15. #4815
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    I'm allergic to work. Literally. There's something in the ducts in my office that is causing my sinuses to fill up and drip down my throat. Sneezing, coughing and bad congestion start within a few minutes of sitting at my desk.

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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    My gf moved out yesterday and my temporary crown is crumbling, and my tooth hurts :( I'll miss her cats. :(

  17. #4817
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Strongin View Post
    I'm allergic to work. Literally. There's something in the ducts in my office that is causing my sinuses to fill up and drip down my throat. Sneezing, coughing and bad congestion start within a few minutes of sitting at my desk.
    Same here. Could be the 25yr old alfalfa particles still in my lungs from hay days, but pretty sure it's work.

  18. #4818
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinomaster View Post
    ... I'll miss her cats. :(
    Andrea "Gattonero" Cattolico, head mechanic @Condor Cycles London

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    vuolsi così colà dove si puote
    ciò che si vuole, e più non dimandare"

  19. #4819
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daltex View Post
    Ignored Elevator Rules.

    1) Let the folks off before pushing your way on.

    2) When exiting, the person closest to the doors exits first. 'Ladies First' just creates havoc and doesn't apply in this circumstance.

    And the 'let folks off first thing' also applies to anything that has a door.
    Similarly, I've noticed an uptick in people getting off planes attempting to jump to the front before letting everyone into the row ahead of them. "I have a tight connection" doesn't cut it. So do I. So does everyone else. Did you think everyone on this plane is really going to visit Newark for the weekend?

  20. #4820
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    Default Re: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

    First world grump of the day....

    Purchased wheels left retailer in Germany on 10/10..... and didn't leave DHL Germany until 10/20..... and US carrier still hasn't received on 10/22

    I hate waiting for new bike bling.




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