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Thread: Get Your Grump on Thursdays - Was (What's chapping my @ss today?)

  1. #4741
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by ron l edmiston View Post
    -- "lets have a scotch or 2.."

    You're making me grumpy, too. No scotch until you're a healthy grandpa.

  2. #4742
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by WayneJ View Post
    Seller: "the rock ledge is not included. I plan to take that with me"
    What's so frustrating is that they just need to admit to something that all of our inquiries makes totally obvious.

    I think they're afraid that if they say it out loud we'll walk. We are more likely to walk if they don't say it.

  3. #4743
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    FML - in the last 2 days The following happened re my wife's health care:

    - She has a central line put in outpatient. No one will commit to clean and bandage it and supply the IV equipment and supplies she needs.
    - First we were told we couldn't get the IV fluids She needs
    - Then we found a place to get them (I had to do the hunting to find them)
    - Then we were told we couldn't get a pump, supplies and tubing for the fluids because the only insurance authorized suppliers are out of fluid allocation and wouldn't give us the pump
    and stuff w/o being able to supply fluids.
    - Found someone that would provide the pump, fluids & supplies as well as the home nursing care.
    - Were told the group above was rejected by insurance.
    - then 10 hours later we were told that they were approved
    - then we were told Insurance wanted one group to do the home health while a second group supplies the pump and all the supplies. All approved by Ins. Wonderful!
    - We are told everything is now set. We should hear from the home health people to schedule the first visit. Finally!
    - We never get the call... instead the Home health from the group supplying everything else (the one we were told was not doing the Home health care) calls to schedule an appointment for home health....WTF? Of course the person coordinating everything is gone for the day.

    Are you confused yet? So after 48 hours, we have no idea who is doing what to whom. And my wife , whose illness is exaggerated by stress, is stressed out of her mind. There has to be a better way.

    How do people with no support do this stuff? I've spent the better part of 2 days trying to make sure she had what she needed. Our Health system is crazy.

    End of Rant

  4. #4744
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Len J View Post
    How do people with no support do this stuff? I've spent the better part of 2 days trying to make sure she had what she needed. Our Health system is crazy.

    End of Rant
    Man, I am sorry to hear of all these difficulties you are having. To answer your question, I think that people with no support don't get this stuff done and have very bad outcomes as a result.

  5. #4745
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by dutchess View Post
    Having to avoid pushups long enough to vent about the wannabe hipster that attempted to pass me to the inside going around a blind corner on a heavily trafficked path yesterday. I'm not quite sure the empty nester on the folding bike he ran off the path agreed with my choice to stop short of rearranging the smug features on his face. It takes a certain kind of person to recover from nearly putting an innocent woman in the hospital by pulling alongside to finally complete the pass and telling me what a nice day it is with a mock friendly wave. My only hope is the looks of fear over his shoulder before I turned off signaled his ability to learn better behavior from the one sided discussion that took place.
    My grump is people who never get tired of their own schtick...

  6. #4746
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    First legitimate grump in a long time. My sisters long-time/serious significant other died in a motorcycle crash last Friday. He was a really good guy, things were going well for them. Every day is a gift.

  7. #4747
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Len, I'm very sorry for the trouble you and your wife are having. I think the problem is it's not "a" system.
    Dan Fuller, local bicycle enthusiast

  8. #4748
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Len J View Post
    FML - in the last 2 days The following happened re my wife...

    End of Rant
    I feel you. I just got past colic with our infant, then my wife falls off a ladder and gets a compound tib-fib fracture. We are one surgery down with more to come and 16 weeks of recovery time. Goodbye bikes. Glad it wasn't a hip or a skull.
    Jason Babcock

  9. #4749
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    ^^^^ OUCH

    Quote Originally Posted by C.Dyer View Post
    My grump is people who never get tired of their own schtick...
    Thursday grumps came early and now Friday is covered as well.

  10. #4750
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Shit, Jason. All the best on a speedy recovery for your wife. That looks rough.

  11. #4751
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chad View Post
    First legitimate grump in a long time. My sisters long-time/serious significant other died in a motorcycle crash last Friday. He was a really good guy, things were going well for them. Every day is a gift.
    So sorry... shame that too often, it takes something like that to remind us what is important

  12. #4752
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    I try not to grump but my last 12 months has been the hardest. I had to work FIFO last year after already having CFS. Ended up in hospital with a chest infection. Marriage broke up at Xmas. Lost my job in February. Fortunately a few things fell into place for me. New job and "hanging my shingle out" (though some would say prematurely, another day). I had been feeling pretty poor the last few weeks but put it down to my CFS flaring up from work a full time job and doing a lot of hours in the work shop making sure my shingle will have a chance. Last week I felt a lump in the side of my neck. Went to the doctor last night and he's a little concerned. Now I'm up for a round of scans and biopsy's and god knows what else. What will be, will be but it would be nice to go back to having a easier run at things and not feeling like utter crap all the time. Top it off I haven't ridden my bike in months and that is really hurting.

    "Even my farts smell like steel!" - Diel

    "Make something with your hands. Not with your money." - Dario

    Sean Doyle

  13. #4753
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Umpqua Community College. Another sad day in our country.

    Mike Noble

  14. #4754
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    My health insurance anniversary date ended yesterday so I go back to paying copays and deductibles for awhile. I'll hit my max out of pocket number again in March most likely. I'm thankful for insurance, I pay for expensive coverage. I just added up how much My insurance co paid out in benefits this past 12 months and there are a few oncology visits, blood tests and ct scans left to tally but as of now there were about 9k in reimbursements directly to doctors and $98,000 in pharmacy payments. I expect another 3-5k to hit soon for last year. I'm grumpy and thankful. I have a lifetime left of needing those resources and glad I have them right now. Maybe I'll post this tomorrow too.

  15. #4755
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Quote Originally Posted by Shinomaster View Post
    My tooth broke :(
    I broke one last Monday morning, went in got a temp crown and a root canal. Then it got infected. Oh for the love of god last week was painful.


  16. #4756
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    The county surfaced the gravel route this past spring. They put some kind of oil based coating that combined the gravel into a thick pavement with a chip&seal surface. It's absolutely awful. It was so much better when it was smallish gravel on the hard packed rail bed. Now it has big chasms a few inches wide and with the leaves falling, you can't see them. That is my route for weekday evenings all winter. I have nice collarbones, I'd like to keep them that way.

    Another, yesterday evening I was returning from a ride and approaching my left turn into the alley behind my house. A guy on a three wheel motorcycle was behind me. I signaled my turn and started to swing left when the jackass passed me on my left. I yelled at him and called him a jackass. He was an older guy and he stopped and told me he would kick my ass so I stopped and told him to go ahead, I had the time. I've seen him in the neighborhood, probably pushing 70, around 300 pounds, kind of short, and likes to wear basketball shorts, muscle shirts, and high tops. We'll meet again. I could use a good ass kicking.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

  17. #4757
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Bill, give us some advance warning. I'll buy a ticket to see that.

    My grump.... first vacation in 2 years... to South Africa no less... and this hurricane looks like it's serious about messing with my plans.


  18. #4758
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Doing significant work that's due tomorrow. I've been working on it all week. It's still a dog's breakfast and I'm barely making headway. Lame.

  19. #4759
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    Ate an MSG-laden lunch yesterday. Still feel tweaked.

  20. #4760
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    Default Re: What's chapping my @ss today?

    Yoga. I understand that I don't understand this ancient and healthful practice, and I'm fully supportive of anything that helps anyone feel good in mind/body/both/either or...That said: it's a bit much these days and the primary offenders seem to be Women who get a few months/years/or a teaching cert under their belts, and suddenly have all this grand insight/wisdom/grace/blessedness/thankfulness/etc...that the rest of us rubes are simply missing and utterly unable to access, unless we do Yoga. Another thing: if you are deep in mediation, experiencing all this wonderment and gift, how are you taking a selfie at the same time? While I'm at it: most Yoga poses look pretty silly, we can't see/feel what you are seeing/feeling, we can however see that you look odd and are also humble-bragging. Nonetheless, I'm supportive, and in particular: the simply astounding/inspiring/downright moving photo and video work of Luba Shumeyko and Sara Jean Underwood.
    you're not the lord of the flies



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