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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #301
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    this last week:

    Monday: 2 hrs @ 56% of FTP
    Tuesday: 2 hrs, 6 x 4 @ 110% FTP, the rest 56%
    Wednesday: 2 hrs @ 56%
    Thursday: 1:15 @ 60% (was supposed to be 2hrs @ 56-60, but 3 flats and a walk until I got a ride -- in the rain. oh joy.)
    Friday: 2hrs @ 57%
    Saturday: 3hrs 2 x 8 @ 110%, 3 x 4 @ 110%, the rest easy 58%
    Sunday: 1 hr @ 97%, 2 hrs @ 58%

  2. #302
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I had 203 miles in 5 rides this week. Friday was 37 miles and Saturday was 67 miles with 4000 feet of climbing. Today I'm light headed and feverish. I seem to recall something about overtraining. I'm not dehydrated, I think I'm just a little blown up. I'm resting today but unfortunately the remainder of the week is supposed to be rainy.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

  3. #303
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I've been doing some threshold work again.


    I'm learning to love-hate the trainer.

  4. #304
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Monday - 60 min at 70%

    Tuesday - 3 x 7 min at 110%

    Wednesday - 90 min at 75% (rolling)

    Thursday - Max hill efforts. Have a 90 min route with a half dozen 3-6 minute climbs. Ride is a strong tempo all the way and drilling the hills. Following the Sean Kelly axiom of ride hard routes hard and you end up being stronger for it. Dunno if it's right but it sounds good and see,s to help me so I do it.

  5. #305
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Not sure if this has been posted yet, but it seems apropos :


  6. #306
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Back at it after a couple weeks of too much work travel. Conveniently placed between the first and second halves of TT season. 40Km effort coming up this weekend.

    Sat and Sunday were both two hour tempo rides

    Monday was an easy recovery day

    Tuesday: 2 x 8 min at 105% and 25 min at 90% Good workout to shake the legs loose.

    Wed is a hill loop of 90 minutes then cruise into the weekend for the 40 km TT

  7. #307
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I have been off work for 12 days now and it has thrown off my workout schedule. I'm still at it just not with the normal structure. Lots of sets of pull-ups but I still can't do that many per set. On the bike I just try and push a little harder.

  8. #308
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Both Monday and Tuesday night I did specialized workouts.

    1. Don grey wool blend slacks with reinforced crotch and an underarmour tshirt.
    2. Put on shin guards, protective heavy shoes, chest protector, cup, and a black jersey.
    3. Put on a short billed hat and facemask.
    4. Put your feet about 4' apart and then squat lower when required.
    5. Wait for the batter to get in the box, and position yourself to make the ball/strike call.
    6. As the pitcher winds up, squat down so your eyes are at the top of the strike zone.
    7. Make the call.
    8. Repeat about 170 times a game.
    9. Try to stay hydrated and ignore the parents in the stands.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
    Assistant Operating Officer at Farm Soap homemade soaps.

  9. #309
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    45 miles on the bike with some Tower Road hill repeats and light pole sprints. I got home ate then went to the yard to do 10 sets of rope exercises with pull ups between each. Then 3 minutes of sledge hammer. The grip on that sledge really wants to give me blisters.

  10. #310
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Nothing to do with WOD but I like this thread so...

    A while back mentioned that I was going to continue weight lifting (upper body, no legs) and core work straight through the season. Set a milestone of bench pressing my weight by spring. Hit that objective earlier this week and setting sites on the next goal - 175 pounds by New Years.

    Not doing any serious lifting program. I just leave the barbell on the rack and a couple other bars with weights on them. When I get done riding pop down to the basement and do a couple quick circuits and the core routine. Adds 10-15 minutes to the days exercise.

    The core work has paid off significantly in cycling performance and all around strength. We all know we should do this stuff but to do it and actually see and feel it work is fun.


  11. #311
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Overhead Press x6
    Renegade Row x6
    Plank x3min changing position every 30 seconds.
    Ride fairly hard
    10 sets of alternating ropes and pullups. 25 seconds of ropes, rest, max pullups, rest repeat. 5 different rope exercises 2x.

  12. #312
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Volunteered for an experiment at the sports physiology lab associated with the campus I work on, so some interesting stuff.

    Yesterday was a PMA test (Puissance Maximale Aerobic), done as a ramp of 20 watts per each two minute segment, starting at 100 watts and requiring a cadence of 90RPM +/- 3. That last bit made it hardest. Ended up cashing out during the bout at 420W, but it made me wonder how much was due to the wattage and how much was due to sitting at 90RPM for 30+min.

    Today is the followup, 6 bouts of 7 minutes at 85% PMA at variable cadence, 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 - 110.

    Then I'll be ready for some pizza.
    "Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants."

  13. #313
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by Octave View Post
    Volunteered for an experiment at the sports physiology lab associated with the campus I work on, so some interesting stuff.

    Yesterday was a PMA test (Puissance Maximale Aerobic), done as a ramp of 20 watts per each two minute segment, starting at 100 watts and requiring a cadence of 90RPM +/- 3. That last bit made it hardest. Ended up cashing out during the bout at 420W, but it made me wonder how much was due to the wattage and how much was due to sitting at 90RPM for 30+min.

    Today is the followup, 6 bouts of 7 minutes at 85% PMA at variable cadence, 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 - 110.

    Then I'll be ready for some pizza.
    Keep us posted!

  14. #314
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by dogrange View Post
    Keep us posted!

    So they ended up adjusting the RPM for each segment based on my step-test, then randomized the numbers. The experiment ended up being as described, but in the following order: 95rpm, 65prm, 110rpm, "libre (free, in which I chose 90)", 50rpm, 80rpm. Each was done using a respiratory mask to measure oxygen usage, and a lactate blood-spot was taken before and after each. I also had to mark on a white board immediately after, how difficult each felt on an RPE scale which went from "facile" to "leger" to "semi-leger" to "dur" to "absolument dur" to "haute." There was a 10 minute rest between each bout.

    A lot of neat insights. As I expected, my highest oxygen efficiency was at 90rpm, where I often sit. Not much of a difference between there and 95. 110rpm was less efficient than I thought, and actually resulted in my highest lactate reading of the day. Perhaps the most interesting was that due to the underlying physiology of lactate production vs. oxygen consumption the lactic acid peak for the most difficult bout (50rpm, unquestionably) was actually after the 10 minute rest period. For example, post 95rpm I had a lactate reading of 9,6mmol which recovered to 3,4mmol after the 10min. But after the 50rpm bout, the lactate reading was 4,5mmol and 10min later it was 10,2. Super interesting stuff.

    I'll be repeating the experiment in a different randomized order next week, but with LED trackers, EMG electrodes on 5 muscles per leg and 3D orientation pedals to make a complete construction of pedaling efficiency.

    Et voila, me in the torture chamber.. (taken during the 50rpm)

    "Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants."

  15. #315
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Octave - Super Cool.

    Wed Night Workout:

    3 x 6 min tolerance work. Each set ride 60 seconds at 235w (FTP) then 30 seconds at 275-300w (VO2max) then back to 235 for 60s then 30s...

    Finish with 1 x 12 min at 235w

    Full recovery between sets. 60/30 just a variation on 30/30 efforts. Ends up being an AP of about 250w per each 6 min. It is important to create LT tolerance by doing this type of stuff. I don't do enough of it.

    Total time is about 75 minutes. The hardest part is often the 12 min LT segment. The 6 min intervals are fun and go by quickly when you are rolling. I should probably work up to 2 x 10 min instead of 3 x 6. I've done this as 1 x 18 before and that is puke bucket territory toward the end.

  16. #316
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Back to work yesterday and I tried doing one of my normal workday work outs. It didn't go well. I don't know what it is about my hamstrings but they need to be very gradually introduced to exercise. After one circuit that included squats and dead lifts my hamstrings were already pissed off. I have noticed this even when just doing body weight. The reps themselves are no big deal but my hamstrings almost cramp right after. Looks like I have to start all over.

  17. #317
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    5x10min of 20s @ 140-160% FTP, 40s @ 60-65% FTP, 3min rest between sets, +/-60% FTP remainder of ride.

  18. #318
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by BSUdude View Post
    5x10min of 20s @ 140-160% FTP, 40s @ 60-65% FTP, 3min rest between sets, +/-60% FTP remainder of ride.
    Tolerance work - ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.... I've got some of that this week too. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch....

  19. #319
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    Tolerance work - ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.... I've got some of that this week too. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch....
    For some reason for me this is more tolerable than straight up FTP work like 10, 15 or 20 min flat at 95-105% FTP. I think it's cos mentally I get a recovery between the hard stuff. Your version sounds harder than mine since you don't really get to recover, just go back down to FTP. Yours probably works your FTP more too.

  20. #320
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I'm the opposite - have done so much steady state training and purposely worked on holding constant power that all I'm good at anymore is cranking out the same power for days on end. Diesel motor to the max.

    Have specifically added in more VO2max and Tolerance work (30/30 being the classic but 20/40, 30/60, etc all work too) to gain back some versatility and to be better at rolling TT courses where constant power does not produce the fastest possible time.

    For crit / road racers add in some telephone pole sprints too. Old school terminology :-)

    Fun stuff this bike training.

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