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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #241
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    2 hours Zone 2ish
    3X5 hanging leg raises (shins to bar)

    That's all I got today

  2. #242
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Deads, squats, overhead presses, pushups, leg raises, and a few minutes trying to figure out how not to kill myself on the TRX contraption we received as a gift. Full on torture device.

    A post workout lethargy is quickly washing over me.
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  3. #243
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Formula 1 racing was in Australia this weekend, whcih meant that qualifying and the race came om around 2am and 1am.
    So I was trash this weekend as I watched it all and tried to get sleep inbetween.
    Yesterday was interval day on the bike. I did the five minutes at a cadence in the 60s for five minutes with five miunutes recovery for
    an hour again. This time I really focused on form and the contraction of muscles throughout the pedal stroke for the whole five minute hard pulls.
    Calves, hams, got a great burn on those as well as the usual qaud burn. It was hard for me to make the full hour:
    I feel stronger during the pulls but I'm definitely at the tipping point to where I need less gym time and more bike time for stamina.
    After effects from the intervals were strong. I ate a late dinner after the workout and passed out on the couch soon after!
    This morning my legs have that nice burn.
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  4. #244
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    This weekend's workout was my first race abroad - 110km, 5kft of climbing, and quite a whooping. Top-10 finish for a first race in the mountains and first in a foreign land (and language) ain't too bad.

    For what it's worth, it ended up being around: 30min Z4, 30min Z5, 40min Z6 and 20min Z7. The rest in Z1/2 (lot's of descending time). Legs = shattered.

    So, today was pure Z1/2. Spin out that pain..
    "Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants."

  5. #245
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    One of my favorites Tuesday night. Rollers / Basement:

    30s on / 30s off is the base structure. This particular workout was low cadence. The "on" segments were 300w (off an FTP of 240) and the "off" segments were 190-200w. I did 5 sets of 6 min intervals with 6 min recovery. Makes for nice units and brain engagement. Its amazing how quickly 30 seconds passes between "on"s and how quick a 6 min recovery is once you start feeling it. For me, 30/30 and 15/15 type workouts just fly by.

    Workout structure:

    6 min warm up (take longer if you need)

    Work period: 6 minute total 30sec on then 30s off and repeat for duration of interval. Keep cadence 70-75 and the recovery segment is not easy but about 80-85% FTP. So popping between VO2max and sweetspot.

    Recovery period: 6 min total, gear and cadence of your choice

    Repeat for a total of five units.

    Cool down as you like then do your core and stretching.

    Can do variants on this with numbers of sets and interval duration. There is no magic to five sets or 6 minutes but the 30s part is good. The above fits nicely into a 60-70 min workout


  6. #246
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Yesterday was the hard weight routine plus a short ride but I kept up the pace into and with the wind.

    Today no weights but a good bit of rolling.

  7. #247
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Wednesday bammed it up a notch with a long series of 2:00 on, 2:00 off work. This time the "on" parts were 100-105% FTP and the "off" parts were about 85% FTP. Basically start out at a comfy sweet spot level for two minutes, bang up to LT / LT+ for two minutes, repeat a whole bunch of times.

    This workout morphs over the next couple months to 1 x 48 or 2 x 24 at FTP (LT) once we get outside.

    Was slated for 4 x 12 (total four sets of 12 minutes). This year I've been "ganging" my intervals to produce longer work periods. So if the workout is supposed to be 4 x 12 I might do 2 x 24. Reason being in the past when I've done a lot of 8, 12, 15 minute efforts I've tended to shut down a bit in the last stages of a TT effort. A flat 10 miler takes me 21-22 minutes and if I'm flogging at 15-16 minutes that is no good. Even worse if it's a 12, 15, 18 mile event. 40Km is a different ball of wax entirely. Anyway, here is the workout:

    6-12 min warm-up to taste

    48 minutes total of 2:00 at 85% LT then 2:00 at 100-105% repeating this structure for the interval duration. (I did a 36 and a 12 last night with 6 min in between to relax a bit from the effort).

    Cool down as you like then core and stretch

    Again, no magic to 48 min or the 12 min segments. Could be 8, 10, 12, 14 whatever. Could be 2:30 / 2:30 or even 3:00 / 3:00. Indoors 2:00 is a nice number. Outdoors I like to do these workouts on a loop that takes 10-15 minutes around. Whatever you have at home can work. The objective is tension in the legs at 85% then the LT work. If you are starting out indoors and gaining fitness coming into spring might want to try 2 x 12 then perhaps 1 x 24. As fitness and goals build crank it up.

    As for the Tuesday workout, this one has enough change in tempo to keep the brain engaged and the time flies by. Total TSS about 80-85 for an hour and an IF in the 0.85 range.

    Next couple days are easy with some higher cadence and "form" work. This weekend looks good so TT work outside Saturday and hills outside on Sunday.

    First TT is April 17 which starts a run of five weekends in a row with a TT each weekend. Every year the season sneaks up on me. Even with a good plan...


  8. #248
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Weights Tuesday
    DL, bench press, bent over row and push press

    2x20 last night

    hopefully 1 1/2 hours of z1/2 tonight.
    Brian Littlefield

  9. #249
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    Wednesday bammed it up a notch with a long series of 2:00 on, 2:00 off work. This time the "on" parts were 100-105% FTP and the "off" parts were about 85% FTP. Basically start out at a comfy sweet spot level for two minutes, bang up to LT / LT+ for two minutes, repeat a whole bunch of times.

    This workout morphs over the next couple months to 1 x 48 or 2 x 24 at FTP (LT) once we get outside.

    Was slated for 4 x 12 (total four sets of 12 minutes). This year I've been "ganging" my intervals to produce longer work periods. So if the workout is supposed to be 4 x 12 I might do 2 x 24. Reason being in the past when I've done a lot of 8, 12, 15 minute efforts I've tended to shut down a bit in the last stages of a TT effort. A flat 10 miler takes me 21-22 minutes and if I'm flogging at 15-16 minutes that is no good. Even worse if it's a 12, 15, 18 mile event. 40Km is a different ball of wax entirely. Anyway, here is the workout:

    6-12 min warm-up to taste

    48 minutes total of 2:00 at 85% LT then 2:00 at 100-105% repeating this structure for the interval duration. (I did a 36 and a 12 last night with 6 min in between to relax a bit from the effort).

    Cool down as you like then core and stretch

    Again, no magic to 48 min or the 12 min segments. Could be 8, 10, 12, 14 whatever. Could be 2:30 / 2:30 or even 3:00 / 3:00. Indoors 2:00 is a nice number. Outdoors I like to do these workouts on a loop that takes 10-15 minutes around. Whatever you have at home can work. The objective is tension in the legs at 85% then the LT work. If you are starting out indoors and gaining fitness coming into spring might want to try 2 x 12 then perhaps 1 x 24. As fitness and goals build crank it up.

    As for the Tuesday workout, this one has enough change in tempo to keep the brain engaged and the time flies by. Total TSS about 80-85 for an hour and an IF in the 0.85 range.

    Next couple days are easy with some higher cadence and "form" work. This weekend looks good so TT work outside Saturday and hills outside on Sunday.

    First TT is April 17 which starts a run of five weekends in a row with a TT each weekend. Every year the season sneaks up on me. Even with a good plan...


    Awesome Mark! I'm going to try the 2X2 routine you laid out this Sunday. Thanks for sharing and I like that you go into detail. Much appreciated.
    I don't have a power meter, so I'll gage 105% as when I feel like I'm going to pass out from the effort. Ha!
    Seriously, I'll just do the max I can for that period and try to make the 48 minutes using good form and holding power. That's going to be very, very hard to do. Love it. Good stuff.
    Mark, you are going to be a beast in April!

  10. #250
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Yesterday was leg day. I wanted to do super sets and it’s better to have two people when you do them. A co-worker wanted to try it, so I met him late last night (the only time he could make it) to do the routine. I have been doing squats in a standard pyramid where you start with light weight and add weight each set for four sets, then subtract weight each set for four sets as you go back down.

    After warming up with lower back/abs machines, yesterday’s routine started with squats in a reverse pyramid (start heavy, descending in weight for four sets, and then ascend in weight in for four sets.

    I did a super set with the leg extension machine and the leg curl machine, which means you do one set on the leg extension machine, the immediately go to the leg curl machine and do a set, then back to the leg extension machine. You do this for three sets. Last, we end on the calf press machine.

    Squats- four sets descending in weight, then four sets ascending in weight (all weights include bar)
    Set 1- 155lbsX30 reps, Set 2- 135lbsX30 reps, Set 3- 115lbsX30 reps, Set 4- 95lbsX30 reps,
    Set 5- 105lbsX30 reps, Set 6- 115lbsX30 reps, Set 7- 125lbsX 30 reps (I got 25 reps), Set 8- 135lbs to failure (I got 17 reps)

    Leg Extension Machine/Leg Curl Machine- no rest Super Sets, 3 sets each, in series
    Set 1 for both- 30lbsX30 reps, *Set 2- 30lbs leg curl/20lbs leg extentionX30 reps, Set 3- 30lbsleg curl/20lbs leg extensionX30 reps

    Calf Press Machine- 5 sets in a reverse pyramid (start heavy, subtract weight each set for three sets, add weight each set the last two sets
    Set 1- 45lbsX20 reps, Set 2- 40lbsX20 reps, Set 3- 30lbsX30 reps, Set 4- 35lbsX30 reps, Set 5- 40lbsX20 reps

    *I had to go down to 20lbs on the leg extension on the second set onward to hold good form and reach higher reps.

  11. #251
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Burnette, your workout makes me tired. All I did today was some easy riding before a storm came through. I may go do some core work before my next conference call.
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  12. #252
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Strongin View Post
    Burnette, your workout makes me tired. All I did today was some easy riding before a storm came through. I may go do some core work before my next conference call.
    I may have lost a friend with that rouitne, he was hurting pretty good on those squats, Ha!
    I was too. Really feeling the burn right now. I hope to recover enough to try one of Mark's interval plans.
    Knock out those abs/back Matt!

  13. #253
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Lousy week for workouts. I can make excuses, but fact of the matter is that I didn't get around to doing as much as I'd like.

    Keep on posting! You guys are keeping me motivated and excited about doing the work.

  14. #254
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Shoulder day. This morning I did super sets with the over head press and the lateral raise. I omitted super setting shoulder shrugs and upright rows by mistake (I don’t like to wear my glasses on the gym floor!), but it worked out well. My wife had an early appointment today and I made it back just in time to get my daughter and take her to breakfast.

    Rear Delts Dumb Bells, Chest Against Incline Bench- 3 sets descending in weight
    Set 1- 15lbsX10 reps, Set 2- 10lbsX 15 reps, Set 3- 5lbsX20 reps

    Flat Bar Over Head Press/Dumb Bell Lateral Raise- no rest super sets, 3 sets, in series, descending in weight
    Set 1- OHP 50lbsX8 reps LR 15lbsX15 reps
    Set 2- OHP 40lbsX10 reps LR 10lbsX15 reps
    Set 3- OHP 30lbsX12 reps LR 5lbsX 16reps

    Standing Curl Bar Curls- 4 sets ascending in weight
    Set 1- 20lbsX15 reps, Set 2- 30lbsX10 reps, Set 3- 40lbsX8 reps, Set 4- 50lbsX6 reps

    Incline Bench Dumb Bell Curls- 3 sets descending in weight
    Set 1- 20lbsX6 reps, Set 2- 15lbsX8 reps, Set 3- 10lbsX10 reps

    It was the perfect short workout that left me pumped for the day.

    Tomorrow I’m back on the bike, attempting to do one of MarkC’s 2x2 minute intervals above. The more I look at that routine the more I believe that I’m going to be in trouble early on in that one! Wish me luck.

  15. #255
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I did intervals on the rollers today. Looking at MarkC’s 2X2 routine, there’s no way I could do it! But I wanted to try one sequence of it, so I wrote down what I believed was the structure of the program. 2 minutes at 85%, 2 minutes at 100%X 4 sets with 6 minutes recovery between each set.

    So, instead of 48 minutes total of 2:00 min at 85%, 2:00 min at 100%, I did a total of 16 minutes in these ranges. I did a 6 min recovery between each 4 min section, which I know now is wrong! Ha!

    During the first set I went a bit too hard a gear during the first 2 minutes at 85%. I made the change on the next set. I could feel the soreness in my legs at first, then they finally loosened up. First set netted 21.7mph avg/cadence at 80. Gearing too aggressive, changed it and got into a rhythm.
    A highlight for me was at the 26 minute mark during the second set, good form and feeling strong at that point. Of course that hurt me on the next two minutes at 85%, I really struggled there.Then again at the 36 minute mark, good form and really went for it, it dumped me hard on the next two minutes though. I was definitely oxygen deprived! It was very humid today with fog and rain, but this workout is the main reason for the amount of sweat I was pouring out.

    I like this program and will elongate it and will omit the 6 minutes in between the 4 minute efforts move that to recovery time to the end of a set like I should have. It was good to stretch it out for now to see how it would feel.

    With the gym workouts and low cadence intervals I’ve been doing, it’s good to spread out the effort and do it at a higher cadence for a change. Without a power meter, I do struggle with metering my efforts. The hard efforts aren’t too hard to judge, but I may be going too hard on the 85% efforts. I’ll figure out my gearing and do a proper set by the plan Tuesday.
    Good workout, and my legs are once again toast.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    This weekend was good on the bike. Outside both days, a bit gray but better than rollers. Went outside of our normal roads to avoid the Hell of Hunterdon crowd. I don't do HoH since I ride those routs all the time and figure someone else should enjoy the spot. Killer event, great route.


    Saturday: TT Bike 3 x 10m at LT+ Went with a friend and had him chase me. Ended up with nice efforts and numbers for us both. Went to one of our circuit TT courses for the intervals. That took a bit under an hour so then we headed out for an hour of sweetspot checking out a future hill climb course for our TT series. Ended up with 40 miles, 0.8+ IF and about 150 TSS Plus very much needed TT bike saddle time.

    Sunday was hill day. Rode 2.5 hours seeking out various climbs in the area. Up-Down-Up-Down. Good stuff. In my memory is something I think Sean Kelly said: "Seek out hard terrain and ride it". More bang for the buck. Might have been someone else but I like that advice and tend to follow it.

    Monday is recovery day then back to the intervals and getting toward fitness for race season.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    After racing yesterday I thought I'd skip working out this morning, but I was awake and the weights were right there in the garage so I went for it. I kept it simple. Just some squats, rows, pullups and core work.
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  18. #258
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I got to the gym at 6:00am today to beat the crowd. Today was the last super set routine in my workout plan. It was for chest/back/tripceps. Supersets really burn you out and pump you up. They also reveal your weak spots. *The pushups got me, it was my tricpes that burned out way before my chest did, so I really got the most out of the press that I could to get the work done.

    Chest Incline Dumb Bell- 4 sets with reps of 6, 8, 10, 12
    Set 1- 40lbsX6 reps, Set 2- 35lbsX8 reps, Set 3- 30lbsX10 reps, Set 4- 25lbsX12 reps

    Chest Flat Dumb Bell Bench Press/Pushups To Failure- no rest supersets, 3 sets, descending in weight
    Set 1- 35lbsX8 reps, got 10 pushups
    Set 2- 25lbsX8 reps, got 5 pushups
    Set 3- 15lbsX10 reps, got 4 pushups
    *(the goal is to get 15 or so pushups descending down to eight or so. My dumbbell weight was too high. Still held good form and got the most out of the dumb bell phase)

    Wide Bar Cable Bent Over Rows/Seated Close Grip (V-Bar) Pull Downs To Failure- no rest supersets,3 sets, descending in weight
    Set 1- 95lbsX8 reps, got 10 reps at 70lbs on the pull downs
    Set 2- 95lbsX8 reps, got 14 reps at 50lbs on the pull downs
    Set 3- 80lbsX10 reps, got 20 reps at 40lbs on the pull downs

    Triceps Overhead Dumb Bell Raise/Triceps Wide Grip Cable Pull Downs- no rest supersets, 3 sets, descending in weight
    Set 1- 35lbsX8 reps, got 12 reps at 70lbs on the pull downs
    Set 2- 30lbsX10 reps, got 16 reps at 50lbs on the pull downs
    Set 3- 25lbsX12 reps, got 20 reps at 40lbs on the pull downs

    I got revenge on my triceps on the last exercise. The pump I have now is unbelievable. To feel your back swole is awesome. Supersets are a great plateau busters to do at the end of three or four week plans. They leave you feeling drained and yet energized at the same time. Tomorrow, it’s back on the bike. I need miles at base pace, so my goal is an hour and a half to two hours on the rollers while varying pace.
    Mentally, that’s going to be hard to do.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Friday: got my 2x20s in. I probably should up my target wattage.

    Sunday: 4:20 on the bike. Easy.

    Burnette: can you define super set for the dumbbell challenged? Also, a question for you weight lifters - how do you balance getting enough food to promote muscle growth while avoiding belly growth? I'm good at getting fat, good at getting skinny, not very good at getting lean and mean.

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Last week was my first 100 mile week in a very long time. Kind've neglected the weights.

    Today: shoulders/legs light weight.
    Shoulder Press
    DB Scaption
    Low Pulley Delt Raise
    Bent Over Rear Delt Raise
    Tom Tolhurst

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