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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #221
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    2x20s @ 98%

    I did my best to do it DOOFUS style - nothing but a fan and a trainer pointed at the wall.

    I am weak. I resorted to musical doping.

  2. #222
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Using a multiplier is perfectly legitimate. The closer to 1 hrs. you can go the better BUT if you are not already in decent shape 20 mins. is what I'd have you do.
    Specificity and total volume of continuous training results into better LTHR / FTP numbers. Not sure if "better" is legit but you know what I mean. On any given day your LTHR / FTP is what it is. The "number" is a range to work with, honor that.

    Weather is getting TONS better so I'm changing over to weight maintenance mode next couple weeks.

    1.5 hrs. of pathetic pedaling (recovering from flu)

    Quote Originally Posted by teleguy57 View Post
    Glad I'm not the only one! Did the Sufferfest Rubber Glove test Thursday, and still thinking about whether I pushed as hard as I could have....

    Also, technical question for the gurus here. Doing LTHR since I don't have a powermeter. The Sufferfest test has a warmup, then 20 minutes all out. They are recommending that the 20-min average HR is LTHR; I've seen other tests where you go hard for 30 min, but take the average HR for the final 20 minutes and calculate 95% of that as LTHR. So I'm not sure if with the test I did I should use the 20-min average as is, or reduce it by 5%. Obviously, there is a difference in calculating training zones....

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Travel this week. Monday WO was an hour of elliptical and some weights. Today was breakfast fork lifting, 8 hours at the office, sitting five hours in an airport and if the plane shows up another six hours in a flying beer can.

  4. #224
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    quick roll out of the legs. Those real world efforts on the bike are hard.

    warm up:
    pushups 5x15
    pullups 5x3
    workout: all weights 35lb dumbbells except side arm lifts
    curls 5x6
    ball pushups 5x10
    overhead press 3x10 palms forward 3x10 palms facing each other
    side arm lifts 5x10 12lbs
    band pushdowns 5x10 each arm
    exercise ball bench press 3x10 palms facing feet 3x10 palms facing each other.

    Now to go finish up rolling.

  5. #225
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    1 hour Zone 2ish on trainer.

    50 pullups in 6 sets
    5X5 pistol squats (each leg)
    1X5 half reps, +2 full rep singles handstand pushups

  6. #226
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I caught the cold that my daughter had this Sunday. Runny nose, back ache, dizzy at times, it may have been the flu. No gym or bike work since last Saturday. Symptoms let up yesterday, I took no medicine last night in preparation for a trial workout.

    There is some lingering respiratory issues, shortness of breath, so no bike work. I went into the gym this morning and did my “chest” routine using dumbbells and descending in weight after each set.

    Flat bench- 4 sets
    Incline bench flys- 4 sets
    Flat bench dumbbell pull overs- 4 sets
    Seated lat pulls- 4 sets
    Tricep straight bar pull downs- 4sets

    I did four sets each knowing that stamina would be low per set, so the extra set allowed more volume.
    I did OK, had that nice pumped feeling when I left. Probably due to pent up energy. If I could go back in time I would have done my leg routine today instead. I will do legs tomorrow.

    As I write this though, I’m physically tired. I can tell that it’s the heart and lungs. I’ll try to stay hydrated and eat light and sleep well to recover and not overdo it tomorrow.
    I’m not 100%. It’s discouraging as I was making good gains, but I’ve got to have the discipline to not go too hard too soon. Today may have been a bit too much for me.

  7. #227
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    2 weeks since I did a lil' number on my back while dead lifting. Decided to be careful.

    Squat: 5x5 @ 185
    Deadlift: 5x5 @ 185
    Press: 12, 10, 8, 6, 4. Almost pooped myself the last set. Funny how not lifting for 10 days makes everything so hard.
    Tom Tolhurst

  8. #228
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by defspace View Post
    2x20s @ 98%

    I did my best to do it DOOFUS style - nothing but a fan and a trainer pointed at the wall.

    I am weak. I resorted to musical doping.
    Done paniagua this time.

  9. #229
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Today was leg day. Not 100% well, shortened squat sets to 7 and did lower reps on the last three sets.

    Squats, 7 sets in a pyramid, ascending in weight the first four sets, descending in weight the last three.
    Set 1- 95lbsX30 reps/Set 2- 105lbsX30 reps/Set 3- 110lbsX30 reps/Set 4- 120lbsX20 reps
    Set 5- 110lbs X20reps/Set 6- 105lbsX20 reps/Set 7- 95lbs to failure (got 30 reps).

    Leg Curl, *6 sets in a pyramid, ascending in weight the first three sets, descending in the last two
    Set 1- 30lbsX30 reps/Set 2- 35lbsX30 reps/Set 4- 40lbsX30 reps/Set 5- 35lbsX30 reps/
    Set 6- 30lbsX30 reps *Felt good, finished one more set to failure at 35lbs, got 35 reps.

    Calf Press Machine, 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 35lbsX30 reps/Set 2- 30lbsX30 reps/Set 3- 25lbsX30 reps/Set 4- 20lbs to failure, got 35 reps

  10. #230
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Friday - wrapped up work in time to catch two hours on my hill route. Nice day, low 60s and sunshine.

  11. #231
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Even though yesterday’s leg routine knocked me into the ground, I knew I had to keep going to get back on schedule. So, today was shoulder day. As always, I change it up slightly from the last one to promote muscle confusion/growth.

    Standing Overhead Press Dumb Bells- 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 30lb dumb bellsX6 reps/Set 2 25lb dumb bellsX8 reps/Set 3- 20lbs dumb bellsX10 reps/Set 4- 15lbs dumb bellsX12 reps

    Standing Lateral Raise Dumb Bells- 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 20lbs dumb bellsX6 reps/Set 2- 15lbs dumb bellsX8 reps/Set 3- 10lbs dumb bellsX12 reps/Set 4 5lbs dumb bells to failure, I got 16 reps

    Standing Upright Rows Dumb Bells- 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 30lbs dumb bellsX6 reps/Set 2- 25lbs dumb bellsX8 reps/Set 3- 20lbs dumb bellsX10 reps/Set 4- 15lbs dumb bellsX12 reps

    Standing Shoulder Shrugs Dumb Bells- 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 40lbs dumb bellsX6reps/Set 2- 35lbs dumb bellsX8 reps/Set 3- 30lbs dumb bellsX10 reps/Set 4- 25lbs dumb bellsX12 reps

    Standing Bicep Curls Curl Bar- 4 sets descending in weight.
    Set 1- 50lb curl barX6 reps/Set 2- 40lb curl barX8reps/Set 3- 30lb curl barX10 reps/Set 4- 20lb curl bar to failure, I got 14 reps

    It was very tough to get through the last sets of each exercise, I could feel lingering effects of the cold that I’m getting over.
    I feel very pumped and very, very tired. Tomorrow, it’s back on the bike (yay! finally!) and the work out week starts back on Monday on schedule.

  12. #232
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I rode the bike on the rollers last night for about forty six minutes to burn and get a feel of how my legs were. Today was chest/lats/triceps day. As usual I did abs and/or lower back to warm up.

    Straight bar flat bench press- 5 sets descending in weight
    155lbsX6 reps/135lbsX6 reps/115lbsX8reps/95LBSX10reps/75lbsX12 reps

    Straight bar incline bench press- 4 sets descending in weight
    105lbsX6 reps/95lbsX8 reps/85lbsX10 reps/75lbsX12 reps

    Seated Lat pull downs (upper angle) cable and narrow V bar- 4 sets descending in weight
    *90lbsX6 reps/70lbsX8 reps/50lbsX10 reps/40lbsX12 reps

    Seated Lat pulls to stomach (lower angle) wide straight bar- 3 sets descending in weight
    70lbsX6 reps/50lbsX8 reps/40lbsX10 reps

    Standing overhead Triceps extension cable and narrow V bar- 3 sets descending in weight
    70lbsX8 reps/50lbsX10 reps/40lbsX12 reps

    Standing Triceps push down cable and straight bar- 3 sets descending in weight
    70lbsX8 reps/50lbsX10 reps/40lbsX12 reps

    Tomorrow I do intervals for an hour on the bike.

    *I made strength gains in my lats today with a jump to 90lbs at the start. Tape measure wise I have gained size in my claves.

  13. #233
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    5X10 pullups
    5X5 pistol squats (each leg)
    2X1 handstand pushup

    1.5 hours Zone 2

  14. #234
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Saturday - Two hours on the TT bike

    Sunday - Two hours on the hill climb bike

    Monday - 40 minted on the rollers, weights and core

    Time to start dialing it up for race season. That means more TT bike time, harder interval sessions, yadda yadda. Will post up some of the workouts I find more entertaining.


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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Would you guys add your stretching regimen to your workouts?

    Im going back to my normal stretching regimen for cycling stretches that is roll quads straight on and roll at small angles until I flip to do the hams then do a pigeon pose for ~2-5 minutes per side.
    I finish it off stretching as long as I can toe to fingertip with deep breathes and then whatever this is called.

    when I do weights I use targeted stretches and generally don't foam roll.
    Matt Moore

  16. #236
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    18min (6x 2m under, 1m over)
    10x 1m on, 1m off.
    My name is Hung | Instagram | Website/portfolio

  17. #237
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Guess the thread is losing steam?

    Good mid-week training here. Starting to do more time at 100-105% FTP efforts which over the next month will work toward CP20 level efforts with VO2max stuff worked in as we get ready for TT season. Different interval routines to keep it interesting on the eMotions.

    My FTP is 240w so 190w is "tempo" and 240 is FTP or LT (determined by MLSS testing). So for anyone following the workouts and wanting to duplicate them or modify them, if I say FTP / LT / 100% those terms all mean 240w. Tempo means 190-200. Recovery rides are done "butt slow" and I keep those under 150w and watch the heart rate. I have a max HR of about 172 and these indoor intervals, the final ones will kick me up to about 165-167.

    Tuesday: 5 x 6 min @100-105% Do these warming up for ten minutes, then 6 minutes on and 4 min recovery. Repeat for an hour. This workout is nice as you get the mental break avery six minutes and the time flies along. Can do more or fewer intervals depending on where you are at in training.

    Wednesday: an hour alternating every 7 minutes between tempo and FTP. Warm up then 7 min at 80%, 7 min at 100%, 7m at 80%, 7m at 100% and so on. For riders who need mental breaks, this workout can be done as three or four 14 minute blocks of 7 tempo, 7 FTP, recover as the unit of work. Again, depending on fitness and tenacity one can increase or decrease the units to keep it interesting. 5 on / 5 off is a good starter. As one improves fitness the time at tempo can be reduced with time at FTP increasing until one is doing the typical 2x 20, 2x 30, 1 x 45 type efforts.

    Thursday: a bit of leg fatigue here so a funky workout to keep focus: 10 minute warm-up then 3 minutes at 100-105%, 1 min recovery, 1 min power grind (70-75 RPM, big gear). Repeat that unit for 45 minutes then cool down.

    Friday + Saturday I have time and can get outdoors so will do some TT bike sweetspot (e.g. just riding) and some hill repeats on the road bike riding a hilly loop. Sunday is snow / rain so 90 min on the rollers. Monday is rest.

    FWIW - the core of my training is the type of workouts above. In season I'll throw in more VO2max type work (8 x 3min type stuff). I don't do sprint focused work (TT'ers don't sprint much) but I do rides where I'll throw in a bunch of jumps or telephone pole intervals just to keep the legs in touch with the concept of "jumping hard". If I were doing crits there would be a lot more VO2 and sprint / jump type stuff. 30/30s, telephone poles, corner bursts, etc.

    AM still throwing in light weight lifting for upper body (biceps, triceps, lats, bench, rows, clean/jerk) plus core (7-10 minutes planking and mtn climbers) and will do that all season for health / strength reasons. My circuit takes about 20-25 minutes and is fun to add in on easy days.

    Hope someone is still reading and finding this series of 1s and 0s entertaining and / or useful.


  18. #238
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    Guess the thread is losing steam?

    Good mid-week training here. Starting to do more time at 100-105% FTP efforts which over the next month will work toward CP20 level efforts with VO2max stuff worked in as we get ready for TT season. Different interval routines to keep it interesting on the eMotions.

    My FTP is 240w so 190w is "tempo" and 240 is FTP or LT (determined by MLSS testing). So for anyone following the workouts and wanting to duplicate them or modify them, if I say FTP / LT / 100% those terms all mean 240w. Tempo means 190-200. Recovery rides are done "butt slow" and I keep those under 150w and watch the heart rate. I have a max HR of about 172 and these indoor intervals, the final ones will kick me up to about 165-167.

    Tuesday: 5 x 6 min @100-105% Do these warming up for ten minutes, then 6 minutes on and 4 min recovery. Repeat for an hour. This workout is nice as you get the mental break avery six minutes and the time flies along. Can do more or fewer intervals depending on where you are at in training.

    Wednesday: an hour alternating every 7 minutes between tempo and FTP. Warm up then 7 min at 80%, 7 min at 100%, 7m at 80%, 7m at 100% and so on. For riders who need mental breaks, this workout can be done as three or four 14 minute blocks of 7 tempo, 7 FTP, recover as the unit of work. Again, depending on fitness and tenacity one can increase or decrease the units to keep it interesting. 5 on / 5 off is a good starter. As one improves fitness the time at tempo can be reduced with time at FTP increasing until one is doing the typical 2x 20, 2x 30, 1 x 45 type efforts.

    Thursday: a bit of leg fatigue here so a funky workout to keep focus: 10 minute warm-up then 3 minutes at 100-105%, 1 min recovery, 1 min power grind (70-75 RPM, big gear). Repeat that unit for 45 minutes then cool down.

    Friday + Saturday I have time and can get outdoors so will do some TT bike sweetspot (e.g. just riding) and some hill repeats on the road bike riding a hilly loop. Sunday is snow / rain so 90 min on the rollers. Monday is rest.

    FWIW - the core of my training is the type of workouts above. In season I'll throw in more VO2max type work (8 x 3min type stuff). I don't do sprint focused work (TT'ers don't sprint much) but I do rides where I'll throw in a bunch of jumps or telephone pole intervals just to keep the legs in touch with the concept of "jumping hard". If I were doing crits there would be a lot more VO2 and sprint / jump type stuff. 30/30s, telephone poles, corner bursts, etc.

    AM still throwing in light weight lifting for upper body (biceps, triceps, lats, bench, rows, clean/jerk) plus core (7-10 minutes planking and mtn climbers) and will do that all season for health / strength reasons. My circuit takes about 20-25 minutes and is fun to add in on easy days.

    Hope someone is still reading and finding this series of 1s and 0s entertaining and / or useful.

    Still here! Rough week for me, but yeah, keep posting. This is one of my go to spots now on the net, I always like to see other people's training for ideas.
    Good stuff above Mark. I need to ride more and wean myself from the gym (hard to do, good gains!) and reading your posts and other's here is
    inspiring and helpful in that goal. Keep it coming folks!

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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    Tuesday: 5 x 6 min @100-105% Do these warming up for ten minutes, then 6 minutes on and 4 min recovery. Repeat for an hour. This workout is nice as you get the mental break avery six minutes and the time flies along. Can do more or fewer intervals depending on where you are at in training.

    Hope someone is still reading and finding this series of 1s and 0s entertaining and / or useful.

    Sounds like a good workout to keep the brain in one piece! Yes, a useful series of 1s and 0s.

  20. #240
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Keep up the thread! I get lot from this and the weekly ride reports. I haven't been posting here much but I am in a cycle that just keeps repeating the same workouts that I have already posted. It has been going really well but I am planning on changing things up in April. One of the biggest pluses has been putting myself on a 3 day rotation so that I don't even plan on working out the day after I've been on shift. Hard day, light day, off day. This doesn't include rides.

    Today was a hard back and tri's workout. Felt great and squeezed out some extra reps.

    Legs are stiff from yesterday's great ride. So I rolled. And rolled. I use either a lacrosse ball or the larger rogue fitness ball. The lacrosse ball just gets lost in the back of the leg if you use it on the floor. I work my back and then from the hips down to the ankles. A pull up assist band is great for pulling traction. I don't do a ton of static stretching anymore.

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