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Thread: Virus thread, the political one.

  1. #381
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by BBB View Post
    So, the cost is the cost is the cost. That seems fair enough in the circumstances....
    What a callous thing to say.
    You do realize that the consequence of not making severe effort to contain this virus will lead to many millions of deaths in US, not to mention the world.
    The projection from people who have studied this for a career have projected 80% of the population will be infected resulting in 2.2 million deaths in US, IF everyone who needs a vent gets one. However, that scenario will cause the need for vents to be about 30 times the available supply. So, the death rate would be FAR higher.

    If you have not looked at this, you should. It projects the expected outcome with different levels of containment.
    Mark Walberg
    Building bike frames for fun since 1973.

  2. #382
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by thollandpe View Post
    On using hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus, there has been "very, very encouraging results" and "we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately."
    Someone took it literally: Arizona man dies after taking coronavirus 'cure' Trump touted with false claims | World news | The Guardian
    Chikashi Miyamoto

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    I used to LOVE the Weekly World News. It was the only paper I read.
    Chikashi Miyamoto

  4. #384
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sbti View Post
    The "Wartime" resident:
    “You know, every time I do it, like, for instance, I committed publicly that I wouldn't take the $450,000 salary. It's a lot of money. Whether you're rich or not, it's a lot of money. And I did it.” “Nobody cared. Nobody — nobody said thank you. Nobody said thank you very much."
    “Now, I didn’t commit legally. I just said I don’t want it”. “I don’t want my salary. I work for zero. I don’t want my salary. Nobody said, ‘Oh, thank you very much.’ But I guarantee you, if I ever took it, you would go out after me — you in particular would go out after me like crazy.”

    "No, I don't even think about it,". "You know, it's very interesting that you ask a question like that. You know, nasty question and yet it deserves to be asked, I guess."
    “What I’ve done by deciding to run — and I knew this. I knew this. The first day, I said, ‘If I win it’s going to cost me a lot of money. “It cost me billions of dollars to become president — to be president of the United States.”
    "I will say that it cost me billions of dollars to be president, and especially with all the money I could have made for the last three, four years. "And I didn't because I was being president, I have no interest in it. I'm allowed to, you know, I don't know if you know, George Washington? They say he was a rich man, supposedly, relatively rich. And he ran the presidency and he also ran his business. They say he had two desks. Nobody complained until I came along. I got elected as a rich person, but nobody complained until I came along."
    jesus, the rantings of a moron. what the? man, how do you vote for that?
    Matt Zilliox

  5. #385
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by alexstar View Post
    Turns out... the first breathless post was you! Great job.
    hes good at that
    Matt Zilliox

  6. #386
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    its like you havent read anything else at all, just that one article. yawn.
    Matt Zilliox

  7. #387
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    its like you havent read anything else at all, just that one article. yawn.
    Thanks for again adding nothing to the discussion. Nancy attempts to add several items that have nothing to do with fighting the Virus-holding up passing of a relief bill, and you give it a "yawn".

    That "yawn" speaks volumes of what's important to you. How will you survive the next 4 years of President Trump?

  8. #388
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Thanks for again adding nothing to the discussion. Nancy attempts to add several items that have nothing to do with fighting the Virus-holding up passing of a relief bill, and you give it a "yawn".

    That "yawn" speaks volumes of what's important to you. How will you survive the next 4 years of President Trump?
    you apparently havent read much of this thread if you think i havent brought anyhting to the discussion, thanks corso, we all missed you here with your bizarre reaches of logic and highschool jabs like "how will you deal with 4 more years of trump"... as if we have voted yet... As to your little right-wingnut breitbart article, it was already talked about by hors cat, who was kind enough to point out what is actually being discussed. its not what you presented, that was sensationalized and inaccurate.

    me yawning at your little interjection doesnt say anything at all about my priorities sir. i take my dads ballot to the post office box all of the time, shh, dont tell anyone, but hes doesnt really walk well. i also pay his bills and do his taxes. i know, crazy, the fraud possibilities are frightening, haha.

    all this shows is your fears. my priorities have been outlined elsewhere in this thread, where i talk about my wife on the front lines not having equipment because the president hasnt; done his job yet. so yeah, ill yawn at your article, and then ask you hows your 401k?
    Matt Zilliox

  9. #389
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corso View Post
    Thanks for again adding nothing to the discussion. Nancy attempts to add several items that have nothing to do with fighting the Virus-holding up passing of a relief bill, and you give it a "yawn".

    That "yawn" speaks volumes of what's important to you. How will you survive the next 4 years of President Trump?
    Hi Corso.

    I think this is an attempt to mitigate the negative effect of corona virus on voter turnout and to protect election officials from being infected by unwell voters visiting official buildings. While it does present an imperfect solution, it is based on the need to maintain safe distancing AND voting rights during this epidemic.

    The problem I see is that it makes the ballot deliverer a potential vector for infection.

    Obviously there have been problems with ballot harvesting (an incendiary term I think) in the past, so your caution about the process is shared by many people from both parties.

    However, like voter ID laws, it may be a well-intentioned solution to a problem with statistically few incidences of abuse. Better solutions may be simpler approaches like expanding deadlines for mail-in-ballots and so forth.
    Jorn Ake


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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by j44ke View Post
    Hi Corso.

    I think this is an attempt to mitigate the negative effect of corona virus on voter turnout and to protect election officials from being infected by unwell voters visiting official buildings. While it does present an imperfect solution, it is based on the need to maintain safe distancing AND voting rights during this epidemic.

    The problem I see is that it makes the ballot deliverer a potential vector for infection.

    Obviously there have been problems with ballot harvesting (an incendiary term I think) in the past, so your caution about the process is shared by many people from both parties.

    However, like voter ID laws, it may be a well-intentioned solution to a problem with statistically few incidences of abuse. Better solutions may be simpler approaches like expanding deadlines for mail-in-ballots and so forth.
    thank you for pointing out the obvious in a civil fashion. There are more serious issues at hand.
    Matt Zilliox

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    Post Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    "...hows your 401k?..."
    My 401K and other investments are currently at about the same value as when President Obama was in office.
    It took global pandemic and the shutdown of America to reduce magnificent growth back to mid-2016 levels.

  12. #392
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by corso View Post
    nancy really care bout you--

    pelosi 'stimulus' bill imposes nationwide 'ballot harvesting' without 'any limit'
    there is never a good reason to read a nazi publication.
    Last edited by snotrockets; 03-24-2020 at 01:41 PM. Reason: remove actual link to nazi publication

  13. #393
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    This will get trashed, of course, but for the sake of dampening the echo in this chamber, I request four minutes and twenty seconds of your time:

    Tucker: Media initially claimed coronavirus was no big deal | On Air Videos | Fox News

    Please watch the entire clip; I'll don my flame suit in the meantime.

    Trump's a jackass, true. Seems New York is chock full of them these days. After all, coronavirus is just a racist scam.

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Personally I am leery of giving anybody $500B to hand out without anyone else getting to know where it went for 6 months. Not to mention the kind of people whose allies stand in front of the camera going "Nothing to see here" and as soon as the cameras are turned off run to the bathroom, lock themselves inside and frantically dial their brokers screaming "Sell! Sell! Sell!".

  15. #395
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  16. #396
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    President Trump just said he “would love to have the country opened up, and just raring to go, by Easter”.

    Yes, me too. I would love that.

    But I am an adult. I have learned that sometimes I must delay gratification. I have learned that sometimes I must even experience some pain and/or humiliation (vaccines, colonoscopies, etc.) in order to prevent greater future pain (Shingles, flus, colon cancer.)

    Our president has the patience of a small child. He has the entitlement of a small child. He has the empathy of a small child. He has the leadership skills of a small child.

    I think we are all probably familiar with the Stanford marshmallow test: You can have one marshmallow now or, if you can wait five minutes, you can have two marshmallows then. President Trump has just demonstrated - as if anyone really needed more evidence - that he would fail a test designed for small children.

    I want to scream, but instead I decided I'd rather watch Todd Sanchez, who is not only not President, he's a cartoon character:


  17. #397
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by King Of Dirk View Post
    This will get trashed, of course, but for the sake of dampening the echo in this chamber, I request four minutes and twenty seconds of your time:

    Tucker: Media initially claimed coronavirus was no big deal | On Air Videos | Fox News

    Please watch the entire clip; I'll don my flame suit in the meantime.

    Trump's a jackass, true. Seems New York is chock full of them these days. After all, coronavirus is just a racist scam.
    i dont doubt the media made whatever claims it made, and could have lied or been wrong or whatever. but, i dont elect the media to run the country.
    however, responding in sensible and timely way is the presidents job, not the medias, correct? its true, there's plenty of blame and such to go around, but my wife's office got shot at 2 nights ago, and another patient just went belligerent today looking for my wife and was escorted out by security because her elective surgery was postponed on account of this "hoax". where does this narrative come from? its has real repercussions. if its happening here in tiny Grants Pass OR, its all over. its terrifying. all it would take is some class and honesty form leadership to alleviate this... the media is what it is. but its not their job to lead this country, just to give out the information its getting.

    if we had a leader with any class or decorum, my wifes office building most likely doesnt get shot at, because there would be no crazy right wingers getting bad information from their trusted source whos not to be trusted. for me it has become as simple as this, reduced to personal survival in a very real way. right now, if you support trumps rhetoric, you endager people in th medical community beyond the virus effects. reality
    Matt Zilliox

  18. #398
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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by mzilliox View Post
    i dont doubt the media made whatever claims it made, and could have lied or been wrong or whatever. but, i dont elect the media to run the country.
    however, responding in sensible and timely way is the presidents job, not the medias, correct? its true, there's plenty of blame and such to go around, but my wife's office got shot at 2 nights ago, and another patient just went belligerent today looking for my wife and was escorted out by security because her elective surgery was postponed on account of this "hoax". where does this narrative come from? its has real repercussions. if its happening here in tiny Grants Pass OR, its all over. its terrifying. all it would take is some class and honesty form leadership to alleviate this... the media is what it is. but its not their job to lead this country, just to give out the information its getting.

    if we had a leader with any class or decorum, my wifes office building most likely doesnt get shot at, because there would be no crazy right wingers getting bad information from their trusted source whos not to be trusted. for me it has become as simple as this, reduced to personal survival in a very real way. right now, if you support trumps rhetoric, you endager people in th medical community beyond the virus effects. reality
    You didn't watch the entire video, did you? Try again, and start at 2:40. Two "leaders" who ought to be drawn and quartered right about now. "responding in sensible and timely way" is a duty owed to us by more than just the President. "all it would take is some class and honesty form leadership to alleviate this," indeed, but it seems the nutcase who shot at your wife's office is probably responsible for fewer deaths than NYC's health commissioner...whose job is to do more than advance a narrative at the expense of actual human lives.

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by King Of Dirk View Post
    You didn't watch the entire video, did you? Try again, and start at 2:40. Two "leaders" who ought to be drawn and quartered right about now. "responding in sensible and timely way" is a duty owed to us by more than just the President. "all it would take is some class and honesty form leadership to alleviate this," indeed, but it seems the nutcase who shot at your wife's office is probably responsible for fewer deaths than NYC's health commissioner...whose job is to do more than advance a narrative at the expense of actual human lives.
    Can you provide bullet points of the claim? I'm not going to give Fox or Tucker Carlson any actual traffic.

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    Default Re: Virus thread, the political one.

    Quote Originally Posted by zachateseverything View Post
    Can you provide bullet points of the claim? I'm not going to give Fox or Tucker Carlson any actual traffic.
    No. I read the NYT and watch Rachel Maddow, so you can open your mind or just sit on the sidelines.

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