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Thread: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

  1. #321
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Interview - Greta Thunberg - Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change - Extended Interview - The Daily Show with Trevor Noah (Video Clip) | Comedy Central

    No reading necessary.

    I read the piece by Bill Mckibbon. For me this draws a very bright line in the sand, because I have investments in precisely those firms he calls out. Some were inherited, made decades ago, but regardless I have to divest.
    It will cost me.

  2. #322
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

    Photography >

    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  3. #323
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

    Photography >

    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  4. #324
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Quote Originally Posted by ides1056 View Post
    I read the piece by Bill Mckibbon. For me this draws a very bright line in the sand, because I have investments in precisely those firms he calls out. Some were inherited, made decades ago, but regardless I have to divest.
    It will cost me.

    Friends of mine did exactly that when a family member passed and left them oil company stock. They invested in solar panels, and that has done better for them.

    In addition to the better performance, it's inherently safe and a great hedge. If energy stocks tank, electricity prices rise and their investment will be even stronger. And when those fossil fuel stocks do tank, it will happen so fast our heads will spin.

    Last edited by thollandpe; 09-19-2019 at 12:56 PM.

  5. #325
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Exxon at a cost basis of $1.99, and it pays a dividend over 5%.

    If I don't do it, who will?

  6. #326
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Best Regards,

    Jason Curtis
    FoCo, CO

  7. #327
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  8. #328
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  9. #329
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Within the first few paragraphs: ‘...allegedly..’, ‘.....according to people familiar with the matter.....’

    This qualifies as illuminating journalism by what standard?

    Let me guess about this ‘journalism’ : Started as a ‘leak’. Obedient ‘journalists’ run full speed with the narrative as if it’s documented & verifiable. More leaks alluding to boundless mountains of evidence that prove the narrative is out there....once an investigation digs it out. Investigation goes nowhere, proves nothing.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

  10. #330
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Quote Originally Posted by Dallas Tex View Post
    Within the first few paragraphs: ‘...allegedly..’, ‘.....according to people familiar with the matter.....’

    This qualifies as illuminating journalism by what standard?

    Let me guess about this ‘journalism’ : Started as a ‘leak’. Obedient ‘journalists’ run full speed with the narrative as if it’s documented & verifiable. More leaks alluding to boundless mountains of evidence that prove the narrative is out there....once an investigation digs it out. Investigation goes nowhere, proves nothing.

    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
    It is documented and the general facts have been admitted to by Trump and Giuliani. But the verification is just being obstructed by the Trump administration. If there is nothing to the whistle blower report why does the administration refuse to release the details of the report? Quickest way to make it go away is to show clear factual evidence to the contrary.
    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  11. #331
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

  12. #332
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Oh yeah, facts do have that liberal bias...
    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  13. #333
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Quote Originally Posted by Dallas Tex View Post

    This qualifies as illuminating journalism by what standard?
    I guess it is hardly illuminating journalism when it is about the 562nd scandal Trump has been involved in.

    Nuking hurricans to paying hookers to not talk about how he had sex with them only months after his last child was born in case it made him look bad in election season. What's prevailing on a foreign leader to (allegedly) help with dirt on a rival in the grand scheme of things?

    Those nasty journos...always picking on Grandpa. Terrible.

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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

  15. #335
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    To be fair to the journalists, there are lots of issues.

    1. Broadcast media has consolidated to where 6 (or is it 5) companies own essentially all most Americans see. Thanks, Clinton.
    2. Interlocking directorates mean media investigations run into corporate profit motives (GE owns NBC, Bezos owns WaPo, etc)
    3. Profit pressure from publicly traded parent companies starve and even close newsrooms, which cost $$$ to run and are seen only as costs.
    4. The political parties are 'working the refs' and the reporters' bosses are so obsessed with maintaining access that we now have "he said this, she said that, who can tell if up is down or not?" reporting.
    5. As to the nature of reporting, it has *always* been "allegedly" and "on condition of anonymity". Whistleblowers get crucified and that makes it doubly hard to get confirmation of anything.

  16. #336
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Quote Originally Posted by ericpmoss View Post
    To be fair to the journalists, there are lots of issues.

    1. Broadcast media has consolidated to where 6 (or is it 5) companies own essentially all most Americans see. Thanks, Clinton.
    2. Interlocking directorates mean media investigations run into corporate profit motives (GE owns NBC, Bezos owns WaPo, etc)
    3. Profit pressure from publicly traded parent companies starve and even close newsrooms, which cost $$$ to run and are seen only as costs.
    4. The political parties are 'working the refs' and the reporters' bosses are so obsessed with maintaining access that we now have "he said this, she said that, who can tell if up is down or not?" reporting.
    5. As to the nature of reporting, it has *always* been "allegedly" and "on condition of anonymity". Whistleblowers get crucified and that makes it doubly hard to get confirmation of anything.
    Fantastic post. Very well thought out.

    I’m afraid many folks today don’t remember, or never experienced, what real journalism looked like.

    Many folks that do remember the pre-internet NYT wouldn’t even recognize today’s version of the paper.

    The day the journalism business model gained the ability to track the popularity of a story by the number of ‘clicks’ and then sell advertising based on that number was the day it all became a shitshow.

  17. #337
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  18. #338
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    C’mon now ! I canceled my NYT subscription in 2006 when they refused to publish that danish cartoon.

    I can’t see behind their paywall. So much for ‘free’ press.

    Take a screenshot & post or tell the gist of the story in your own words.

  19. #339
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

  20. #340
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    Default Re: Read me >>> sharing illuminating journalism

    Donald Trump vs. the United States of America

    Just the facts, in 40 sentences.

    By David Leonhardt

    Sometimes it’s worth stepping back to look at the full picture.

    He has pressured a foreign leader to interfere in the 2020 American presidential election.

    He urged a foreign country to intervene in the 2016 presidential election.

    He divulged classified information to foreign officials.

    He publicly undermined American intelligence agents while standing next to a hostile foreign autocrat.

    He hired a national security adviser whom he knew had secretly worked as a foreign lobbyist.

    He encourages foreign leaders to enrich him and his family by staying at his hotels.

    Agree to disagree, or disagree better? We'll help you understand the sharpest arguments on the most pressing issues of the week, from new and familiar voices.

    He genuflects to murderous dictators.

    He has alienated America’s closest allies.

    He lied to the American people about his company’s business dealings in Russia.

    He tells new lies virtually every week — about the economy, voter fraud, even the weather.

    He spends hours on end watching television and days on end staying at resorts.

    He often declines to read briefing books or perform other basic functions of a president’s job.

    He has aides, as well as members of his own party in Congress, who mock him behind his back as unfit for office.

    He has repeatedly denigrated a deceased United States senator who was a war hero.

    He insulted a Gold Star family — the survivors of American troops killed in action.

    He described a former first lady, not long after she died, as “nasty.”

    He described white supremacists as “some very fine people.”

    He told four women of color, all citizens and members of Congress, to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.”

    He made a joke about Pocahontas during a ceremony honoring Native American World War II veterans.

    He launched his political career by falsely claiming that the first black president was not really American.

    He launched his presidential campaign by describing Mexicans as “rapists.”

    He has described women, variously, as “a dog,” “a pig” and “horseface,” as well as “bleeding badly from a facelift” and having “blood coming out of her wherever.”

    He has been accused of sexual assault or misconduct by multiple women.

    He enthusiastically campaigned for a Senate candidate who was accused of molesting multiple teenage girls.

    He waved around his arms, while giving a speech, to ridicule a physically disabled person.

    He has encouraged his supporters to commit violence against his political opponents.

    He has called for his opponents and critics to be investigated and jailed.

    He uses a phrase popular with dictators — “the enemy of the people” — to describe journalists.

    He attempts to undermine any independent source of information that he does not like, including judges, scientists, journalists, election officials, the F.B.I., the C.I.A., the Congressional Budget Office and the National Weather Service.

    He has tried to harass the chairman of the Federal Reserve into lowering interest rates.

    He said that a judge could not be objective because of his Mexican heritage.

    He obstructed justice by trying to influence an investigation into his presidential campaign.

    He violated federal law by directing his lawyer to pay $280,000 in hush money to cover up two apparent extramarital affairs.

    He made his fortune partly through wide-scale financial fraud.

    He has refused to release his tax returns.

    He falsely accused his predecessor of wiretapping him.

    He claimed that federal law-enforcement agents and prosecutors regularly fabricated evidence, thereby damaging the credibility of criminal investigations across the country.

    He has ordered children to be physically separated from their parents.

    He has suggested that America is no different from or better than Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

    He has called America a “hellhole.”

    He is the president of the United States, and he is a threat to virtually everything that the United States should stand for.
    Guy Washburn

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    “Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”
    – Mary Oliver

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