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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #381
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Been doing this one as my twice a week hard day this last 5 weeks:

    4 x 4 min -- not trying to kill it on each one, just trying to hit the same watts each time. emough to be VO2 but not slaying myself and my old guy heart.

    40-45min of :30 on, 2:00 off. The on bits are whatever you find you can hold for the duration, probably about 160-170% for most folks.

    4-6 weeks of this makes for a nice end of season peak.

    42.4 mi Ride Activity on September 9, 217 by Robert K. on Strava

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  2. #382
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Heading into first CX race of the season on Saturday. Tried putting everything together tonight doing 3 sets of 2x hot laps (~6.5min each lap).
    My name is Hung | Instagram | Website/portfolio

  3. #383
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    4 sets: 30s surge @ 150% > 30s float @88%, 10x 15s on/off @ 125%/88%.

    Winding up and hitting the 125% portions wasn't too bad, but it was challenging trying to keep it at 88% in between and not drop down to a recover-level effort.
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  4. #384
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    3 sets: 8x 50s on/off @ 135%, 4min recovery between sets.

    Had to skip the 7th interval on set 2 and 4th interval of set 3 in order to complete without throwing up in my mouth.
    My name is Hung | Instagram | Website/portfolio

  5. #385
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Had an interesting experience today:

    I benched 5x5 @ 140lbs last week. Had to do partial sets (e.g. bust out 3, rack bar, count to 20, bust out the last 2) but I got it all done. For me that means that I stick at 140lbs until I can do a true 5x5.

    Today I bust out my first 3 sets and automatically know that I'l be doing a partial set for #4 + #5. Big, big, big dude offers to spot me. I bust out 8 -- he says he only helped on the last 2. Set #5 he says, "Add 25s to it, don't worry I'll spot you. You're strong enough to do it." Considering that this dude has been curling 75lb dumb bells for the past 10 minutes I'm pretty sure he won't let me crush my chest. I bust out 185 for 5 with some decent help on the last 1.

    He says he's not helping. I want to believe him but I just did 20 lbs over my PR on the last set.

    So is he helping or is the mental game so significant that I can add 45 lbs to my bench simply because I'm not so worried about crushing my chest.

    I wonder what it'd be like if I had spotters for my squat.
    Tom Tolhurst

  6. #386
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by false_aesthetic View Post
    So is he helping or is the mental game so significant that I can add 45 lbs to my bench simply because I'm not so worried about crushing my chest.
    I'd err on the latter - first of all, unless he was a real sociopath I doubt he'd be misleading you into racking an extra 25 alone next time, which would reasonably hurt you. Second of all, there are endless studies on the mental component of resistance exercises - music, companionship, lighting, smells (see: peppermint)...etc. can all cause significant increases in exercise thresholds.

    Another thing to ask yourself though is what other circumstances could have been different; how consistent is your diet? timing of exercise in relation to the rest of your day? stress levels? sleep?

    I personally went through a semi-obsessive (okay, totally obsessive) period of tracking everything from my bowel movements and resting heart rate in the morning to weighing my oats, noting the ambient temperature...etc. and plugging it all into a giant spreadsheet for about 18 months. I'm lucky enough to have some pretty massive statistical analysis programs that I work with every day for huge datasets so I could run all of this and find outcomes. You'd be surprised how many things in your life you're ignoring that impact your physiology. Marginal gains yadda yadda but really, that stuff makes a difference in the end.
    "Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants."

  7. #387
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Do you ride faster with a partner or alone.......

  8. #388
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Thanks for bumping this thread. This is timely, I've been into my winter routine for a month.
    Tom, I'm right there with you. After two seasons "on the rack" something changed. I'm more able to stabilize heavier bench presses and over head pressing improved alot. Dead lifts are a curse and I've got to go slowly or I'm sore for ages. Dead lifts are back to zero for me than steady progress to the Spring riding time.

  9. #389
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    How much ya bench yo?

    I'm in week three of a Smolov Jr progression. 1RM of 185 and trying to hit 200 by year end. Good progress on that since it was a two year goal.

    Figure 200 pound bench for a 50+ 135 pound bike rider is not too bad.

  10. #390
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I'll play. I do 4X20 sets of pushups M-W-F and might throw another set in there if I'm feeling froggy. Everyday I do swiss ball situps (60-70) and foam roller work on the floor. My waist is smaller but I haven't lost much weight. I think like Josh, the many months of consistent pushups have transformed from "this is kind of uncomfortable" during the down/up cycle to feeling the muscles work and no pain in my shoulders. I have much better form with a straight back the whole time. I think my challenge for the upcoming year will be introducing pull-ups into the gym routine. I'm still riding 140 or so miles a week on the trails using my headlight.

    Years ago I put a requirement on my son that if he is going to play video games, specifically first person shooter, that each time he died that he had to do pull-ups or push-ups until his character returned. I put a pull up bar in the doorway to his bathroom. Now he's 18, a senior in HS, a West Point and USNA candidate just waiting to hear back about an appointment, wants to be a SEAL or Ranger, and does the Murph workout (one mile sprint, 300 squats, 200 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, one mile sprint) three days a week. I'm getting him a weight vest for Christmas. He's so much more fit than I ever was in my 27 year career.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
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  11. #391
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by false_aesthetic View Post
    Had an interesting experience today:

    I benched 5x5 @ 140lbs last week. Had to do partial sets (e.g. bust out 3, rack bar, count to 20, bust out the last 2) but I got it all done. For me that means that I stick at 140lbs until I can do a true 5x5.

    Today I bust out my first 3 sets and automatically know that I'l be doing a partial set for #4 + #5. Big, big, big dude offers to spot me. I bust out 8 -- he says he only helped on the last 2. Set #5 he says, "Add 25s to it, don't worry I'll spot you. You're strong enough to do it." Considering that this dude has been curling 75lb dumb bells for the past 10 minutes I'm pretty sure he won't let me crush my chest. I bust out 185 for 5 with some decent help on the last 1.

    He says he's not helping. I want to believe him but I just did 20 lbs over my PR on the last set.

    So is he helping or is the mental game so significant that I can add 45 lbs to my bench simply because I'm not so worried about crushing my chest.

    I wonder what it'd be like if I had spotters for my squat.
    I'll 3rd or 4th that I have no doubt that you can add that kind of weight through "mental determination" alone, along with the giant's encouragement and psych-support. Especially if you work out alone all the time.

  12. #392
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I'm benching 130 @ 4X8. Don't laugh, I'm pretty skinny ;) In a couple weeks I lower the reps. and increase weight 20 lbs.

    Bill, I did a push up challenge last year (awareness of military suicide prevention) that kicked my butt. Did it and now I'm doing 25 correct pushups every day no pain. I'd like to equal your Swiss Ball standard so hey I'll start and see where it goes. For the time being I'm doing 50 pilates style situps every other day holding a 25 lbs Kettle Bell or to failure eg I need a cheat of some sort in order to complete the rep.

    For long time cyclists I'm finding that pigeon pose (standing) really does the job for hip flexors along with to keep quad tendons stretched out.

    I wish what I'd know all this 30 years ago.

  13. #393
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    How much ya bench yo?

    I'm in week three of a Smolov Jr progression. 1RM of 185 and trying to hit 200 by year end. Good progress on that since it was a two year goal.

    Figure 200 pound bench for a 50+ 135 pound bike rider is not too bad.
    One of the tricks I'd learned for 1RM efforts was to overload the bar before your attempt, like WAY over. Unrack it, hold for 10 seconds, then rerack it. Drop to your 1RM weight, and go for it. By unracking the overloaded bar, your body is readying for that lift. The 1RM weight will feel light in comparison.

    Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies...

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  14. #394
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    I'm benching 130 @ 4X8. Don't laugh, I'm pretty skinny ;) In a couple weeks I lower the reps. and increase weight 20 lbs.

    Bill, I did a push up challenge last year (awareness of military suicide prevention) that kicked my butt. Did it and now I'm doing 25 correct pushups every day no pain. I'd like to equal your Swiss Ball standard so hey I'll start and see where it goes. For the time being I'm doing 50 pilates style situps every other day holding a 25 lbs Kettle Bell or to failure eg I need a cheat of some sort in order to complete the rep.

    For long time cyclists I'm finding that pigeon pose (standing) really does the job for hip flexors along with to keep quad tendons stretched out.

    I wish what I'd know all this 30 years ago.
    I was thinking about a Yoga class over the winter. I need to learn some good form to increase my flexibility. And I'd do it in Redneck NE Texas.
    Retired Sailor, Marine dad, semi-professional cyclist, fly fisherman, and Indian School STEM teacher.
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  15. #395
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by David Tollefson View Post
    One of the tricks I'd learned for 1RM efforts was to overload the bar before your attempt, like WAY over.
    Nice - I'll try that next go at a PR.

  16. #396
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    In an earlier post either Doofus or 11.4 mentioned something about having muscle mass to help you out in your old age. Right about the same time I spoke with someone who was hit by a car -- Dr's told him that one of the reasons he came out "ok" was b/c he has a decent amount of muscle mass.

    I saw my dad at 50, 60 and now 70. He was never active and paid/is paying the price.

    The goals right now are simple:
    225 for the 3 major lifts, 5x10 strict pull-ups and back to a 6 minute mile.
    If I can make it and maintain it into my 40s I'll be pretty happy.

    Happy Thanksgiving Folks.
    Tom Tolhurst

  17. #397
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    As I was warming up for legs day I got news that my uncle probably won't make it through the night.
    Got through squats and dead lifts and called it a day.
    Legs were fine but my thinker was someplace else.

    It's easier to lift angry than it is to lift worried.
    Tom Tolhurst

  18. #398
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkC View Post
    I'm in week three of a Smolov Jr progression (bench press).
    One day left in week 3 -- 135 / 145 / 155 / 165

    Yesterday was 8 x 4 at 155
    Not easy but solid on all reps
    Final day is Wednesday 10 x 3 at 165
    Looks daunting but doable

    Planning to bump up the entire progression by 2.5 pounds per day and do another round. That will take me to the end of 2017.

    December also start Base Round #1 looking into the 2018 race season. Will be a bunch of sweetspot and some fat burning. I'm a few pounds heavy and about five off target race weight.

  19. #399
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Let's see if we can get the traffic level of the WOD thread up for a few months. For those of us with winter.

    First up - Successfully completed round #1 of the Smolov Jr progression. The final set of 165 pounds, 10 x3, was hard but not as daunting as I expected. A few reps were not spot on but overall held good form. Am in the deload (rest) week and for a change, actually taking the proscribed rest. Will likely do another round of this progression because it was challenging and fun.

    Next up - Need to commit to leg work. Typically this is squats and deadlifts with some calf raises and maybe some lunges thrown in. I have difficulty committing to the power work due to classic conundrum of riding year round and not wanting the legs to be crap when I ride with my buddies. The brain is a stupid thing sometimes.

    Core - I've gotten lazy on core work. Fortunately the lifting works the core but I'm going to amp it up again and do at least 5 days a week of the 7-10 min core routine.

    Riding - Recovery time is over so it's into Base training for 6-8 weeks. Haven't picked the goal races for 2018 yet but first ones I care about come in late April and early May. Expect to do Base through end of January and then build into May. Probably target some 40km TTs in June/July as the "goal" events.

  20. #400
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I deal with the same thing you do: legs day = sluggish riding

    For me, legs day is always Monday and I've switched some things up:
    1. Squats 3 reps 5 sets really heavy (used to be 5x5 or 6x5).
    2. Bodyweight jump squats. 10x3 (new to me)
    3. Dead lifts: 3x5 (used to be 5x5 or 3x8)
    4. Leg press: 4x360lb, 6x270, 8x180, 20x90.
    5. Lying hamstring curl: 4x10 (I still have pain in my hamstrings from a tear so I go light and long).
    6. Tabata on the treadmill.

    Been doing this for about 6 weeks now. Less fatigue on Friday/Sat/Sun.

    I'm jealous of your ability to do base through Jan. Pre-season crits are happening now and the first races are just about a month away.
    Tom Tolhurst

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