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Thread: -- were you ever sent to the principal's or headmaster's office & why?

  1. #21
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    Default Re: -- were you ever sent to the principal's or headmaster's office & why?

    Eight years under the watchful and ever vigilant eyes of the Sisters of Divine Providence and 4 years of Jesuit rule. Believe me, you did not want to be called to the Principal's office in either case, especially when Sister Andrew Marie was on duty. Yes, that was her name. "Sit up straight, hold your heads up high and all eyes on the chalkboard...release your excess energy on the sports field, not in my classroom." Oh I remember those moments very well, when kids were told to assume the crouch position with thighs at 90 degrees, backs against the wall and arms held out straight when they acted up in class...that was grade school. By the time that you arrived in high school, the Nuns had done the heavy lifting in the disciplinary department and the Brothers just taught class.

    My Dad always jokes that Parris Island (USMC) was a breeze, as there was nothing that a DI could do to him during the 12 weeks of boot camp that a Nun hadn't already done to him for the past 12 years.
    rw saunders
    hey, how lucky can one man get.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: -- were you ever sent to the principal's or headmaster's office & why?

    My older brother was a real problem student (cutting class, getting in screaming matches with teachers, etc) to the point that he had to be pulled out of regular classes. As a result when I was going through school I very rarely got the benefit of the doubt. I was also pretty close to the bottom of the social ladder, nerdy, scrawny, and made for an appealing target to pick-on and bully. I would retaliate and get sent to the office. Mostly I'd just get a stern talking to but a couple times it escalated to a detention or in school suspension.

    When I was in 7th grade someone made a bomb threat during the free period at the end of the day and they thought I was a suspect. They typed up a simple message in a word processor, threw some clip-art of a bomb on it, and printed it out in the computer lab. It wasn't found until after classes were over for the day. I didn't know anything about it until I got hauled into the principal's office the next morning along with 6-7 other kids that were working on the middle school's website with me. There were 20+ other kids in the computer lab that day so I don't know why we got singled out. They pulled us out of class for the day, threw us into a utility room, and spent all day pulling us out one by one for questioning. My parents weren't notified about their investigation until the end of the day. The school never figured out who did it, but freshman year two of the other kids got expelled for making death threats.

    Towards the end of my senior year I finally got fed up with a piece of garbage that had been bullying me for years. It went well beyond just normal school yard BS. At one point he made a webpage with a bunch of my personal information on it and encouraged other people to contact and harass me (thankfully it was the mid-90's and social media wasn't a thing). Anyway, he finally pushed a little too far so I just clobbered him. I tackled him, got a half dozen good shots in and walked away leaving him in a heap. No one tried to break up the fight but we did get called into the office by the end of the day. The principal gave both of us 3 days of in-school suspension which I spent learning Calc BC. He never bothered me again.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: -- were you ever sent to the principal's or headmaster's office & why?

    Evidently bullying now is a bunch of kids getting online and berating another kid to kill themselves. Friends' daughter experienced that recently.

    I think it is good that I am not a parent. I would ruin whichever dickhead did that to my kid.
    Jorn Ake


  4. #24
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    Default Re: -- were you ever sent to the principal's or headmaster's office & why?

    Never to the principal's office.

    Now the camp director's office? While a "Counselor in Training"? My answer would be different.

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