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Thread: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

  1. #181
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    I always find it interesting to see how different people (lifters, coaches, trainers, etc.) do workout splits. I tend to mix it up every month or so between full body workouts, anterior/posterior splits, or upper/lower splits. It also depends where I am in the season and if I'm lifting more than once a week. Right now I'm lifting 1-2 times a week so today I did a posterior chain workout and will do a front/back split for the next couple weeks before I drop down to one day of lifting a week. Then I'll go full body.

  2. #182
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Tabata Sunday

    Alternated 2 movements med ball then 2 movements kettlebell. 20 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest. Did 48 movements, 24 minutes.

    Saturday night was our DU banquet, long day, late night, Tabata Sunday was paying the piper.

  3. #183
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Matt, I change my routines and days at the gym too, depending on what I’m after. I’m going to the gym three times a week now and doing intervals twice a week. With spring near, that will change to more time on the bike and more focus on the core more so than the extremities.

    Just got back from the gym, today was “Leg day”
    All work outs start with ab and/or lower back work. Here is my work out of the day.

    Lower Abs, laying flat on the floor, leg raises- 3 sets for 30 reps, 30 sec. recovery between sets (the goal is 30 reps, but I did 25, 20 and 15 reps , not there yet).
    External Obliques- Side Dumbell Raises- 3 sets for 20 reps 30 sec. recovery between sets (40lbs, 35 lbs, 30lbs).

    For warm up, squats with just the bar for reps, two sets
    Squats (all weights include the bar)
    Squats- seven sets in a pyramid weight scale with 40 sec. recovery between sets.
    Set 1- 30 reps at 95lbs, Set 2- 30 reps at 115lbs, Set 3- 25 reps at 135lbs, Set 4 to failure at 155lbs (I got 18 reps), Set 5- 20 reps at 115lbs, Set 6- 25 reps at 95lbs, Set 7- 30 reps at 95lbs

    Hamstring (the back muscle of the leg is actually called the bicep femoris)
    Seated Leg Curl Machine- five sets in a pyramid weight scale with 40 sec. recovery between sets.
    Set 1- 30 reps at 30lbs, Set2- 20 reps at 40lbs, Set3- to failure at 50lbs (I got 8 reps), Set 4- 20 reps fpor 40 lbs, Set 5- 30 reps for 30lbs

    Calves (all weights include the bar)
    Standing Barbell calf raise (using two 25lb plates under the balls of the feet, heels to the floor, then raise). Four sets in a pyramid weight scale, last two sets to failure, 40 sec. recovery between sets.
    Set 1- 25 reps at 115lbs, Set2- 20 reps at 135, Set 3- I got 16 reps at 105lbs, Set 4- I got 15 reps at 95 lbs

    Tomorrow is a rest day. I’ll need it.

  4. #184
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Quote Originally Posted by Burnette View Post
    Tomorrow is a rest day. I’ll need it.
    No doubt! My legs would be jello.

  5. #185
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    20m easy spin warm up.
    20m sweet spot.
    10m rest.
    18m over/unders.
    spin home.
    My name is Hung | Instagram | Website/portfolio

  6. #186
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    mid-week tuneup:

    60min @ 91%
    25min @ 65% with 5 :30 spin ups to 130rpm
    5min cool down

  7. #187
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    One hr mostly 65 to 79% ftp and three one min. Long 500 watt efforts. Ouch.

    Dead lifting heavy.

  8. #188
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Deadlift: 10x12, 10x10, 10x6, 10x4, 10x3, 10x3
    Squat: 10x12, 10x10, 10x5, 10x5, 10x5, 10x5
    Leg Press: Who the hell knows.
    Bosu Balance / Bosu Single Leg Squat 20 seconds + 10, 80 seconds + 10, 120 seconds + 10

    Maybe a bike ride for lunch.
    Tom Tolhurst

  9. #189
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Just got back from the gym. Here is my work out of the day;
    Today was “Shoulder day” (delts, traps and biceps). I warm up with back and ab work.

    Back Extension machine- 3 sets for 30 reps, 30 sec. recovery between sets (80lbs, 70lbs, 60lbs). I went up ten pounds each set from Monday’s session.
    Ab Crunch machine- 3 sets for 30 reps, 30 sec. recovery between sets (45lbs, 40lbs, 35lbs)

    For shoulder warm up, overhead press machine- 4 to5 slow contraction reps for two sets at 50lbs weight

    Standing Dumbells Overhead Press- 3 sets with 40 sec. recovery between sets
    Set 1- 6 reps 30lb dumbbells, Set 2- 8 reps 25lb dumbbells, Set 3- 10 reps 20lbs dumbbell

    Standing Lateral Raise Dumbells- 3 sets with 40 sec. recovery between sets
    Set 1- 10 reps 15lbs dumbbells, Set 2- 15 reps 10lbs, Set 3 to failure with 10lbs, I got 10 reps

    Standing Upright Rows Curl Bar- 4 sets with 40 sec. recovery between sets
    Set 1- 6 reps 60 lbs, Set 2- 6 reps 50lbs, Set 3- 8 reps 40lbs, Set 4- 10 reps 30lbs

    Standing Shoulder Shrugs Dumbell- 4 sets with 40 sec. recovery between sets
    Set 1- 6 reps 45lbs, Set 2- 8 reps 40lbs, Set 3- 10 reps 35 lbs, Set 4- 9 reps 30lbs (goal was ten reps, didn’t make it).

    Standing Curl Bar Curls- 3 sets with 40 sec. recovery between sets
    Set 1- 6 reps 40lbs, Set2- 10 reps 30lbs, Set 3- 12 reps 12lbs
    I made gains over last week in the overhead press and on the back extension machine

    Tomorrow it's back on the bike doing intervals.

  10. #190
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    After three days of gym work (“leg day” was Tuesday) today it was time on the bike. Intervals were my work out of the day today. Did the same interval routine I did last week. The only changes were to cut recovery to four and a half minutes and to ride the drops for the first three minutes of that recovery period:

    Intervals- 10 sprints of 20 sec. each with 4 1/5 min. recovery periods in between.

    My first four sprints went well; I treated the fourth sprint as race/fast spin sprint.
    It taxed me really good, my recovery pace went down from 20 to 21 mph to 18 for awhile.

    Fifth sprint, I concentrated on muscle contraction for the whole rotation. This too taxed me pretty hard. (1 sip of water)

    Sixth and seventh sprints were fluid, hard spins, my recovery speed bounced back. (1 sip of water)

    Eighth sprint, it was taking it’s toll and I had to lay mind games. Swapping between the drops and the hood helped distract me from the pain and the obvious laboring during recovery. (2 sips water)

    Ninth and tenth sprint I did perfect pedaling form during the hard effort sprints. (2 sips of water)
    That left me with ten minutes recovery to finish the hour and it took all I had to finish it! The quit was strong in me. With four minutes to go I recovered enough to pedal at 21 mph
    average in good from to finish the hour out:

    interval workout B.jpginterval workout A.jpg

    Differences from last interval workout: in mph; max speed last week was 41.0, this week it was 38.1, avergae speed last week was 20.7, this week was about the same at 20.2.

  11. #191
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Nice form work Burnette.
    1 hrs. on the trainer (shoot me now) with 1X20 threshold and 2 hard sprints.
    1 complete set of Bear Complex.

  12. #192
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Today is my day off weights. The hard day, easy day, off day rotation is really working for me. I did get in a nice ride with the wife and started the day working the jaws of life. The new electric ones are so nice.

  13. #193
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Just started in on a row machine. I haven't used one since dry land training in high school(almost 30 years). I have to remind myself to take baby steps. Man I'm sore...

  14. #194
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Missed posting a few days but it was a good week. TT season starts April 2 but due to work related travel I won't be competitive for the season long points and am focused on upping the training volume and intensity this off season in hopes of seeing a "pop" in the second half. By increased volume talking 7-8 hours up to 10-12. The bulk of the extra time going to zone 3 work. Regardless of the hoped for pop, I feel good about the winter and that matters more than a 5 watt CP20 increase to me. Also working the weights lightly and the core much harder than normal. Anyway on to the workouts:

    Daily: 5-8 minutes of planks

    Every other day: Bench press, rows, curls, tris.

    Mon and Tues were easy spins, zone 1. I cooked it hard the week before and needed proper recovery. I'm paying a lot more attention to recovery this season and not blindly following my daily "plan". If I need the rest I take it. Took 49 years to learn that.

    Wed: 12 x 75 sec 105-115% done sets of 4 with 45s recovery between efforts (e.g. each set takes 8 minutes). Done on eMotions.

    Thursday: 1 x 40 min @ 90-95% with an extra 30 min tempo for w/u and c/d (eMotions)

    Friday: 70 min zone 2 "easy" (eMotions)

    Saturday: 90 minutes with 1 x30 and 1 x 20 zone 3. (e Motions)

    Sunday: 2:15 outdoors on my local hill ride. We don't have massive climbs locally but there are some good 5-7 minute efforts that link together nicely. 3200 feet of climbing in a bit over 2 hours. Didn't crush any of the efforts, just sat at 95-110% for each grade and enjoyed the hills. Nice temps, bit o'wind.

    This week will be more of the same and then a rest week.


  15. #195
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Workout Of The Day is the bomb!
    Mad props to you all. This has become a great resource for me for cycling specific training.

    Wow MarckC! Those are killer intervals. Check your PMs, I sent you one for more info.

  16. #196
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Tandem Day with Mrs. TT

    10 mins. warm up than throw down with the Sunday Warriors for 30 min. all VO2 with 2 hill sprints. Ouch. *Cool to have Mrs. TT down for this. She's all business when we are in a paceline.
    Followed by 3 1/2 hrs. of coffee stops, easy climbing, farmers markets than home.

    Mon. back on my head.

    MarkC - Agreed, more of that. Excellent plan.

  17. #197
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Wayne - replied to PM. Good luck!

    You guys are far too kind. I look at Robert's plan and think - I'm a hack, that guy gets it.

    Almost all of my training is focused on our time trial series (12 races, I'll do 20 TTs a season and a couple crits). With our TTs being mostly 8-12 miles it's all CP20. Most races I'm averaging 26-27 MPH. Am a small guy, 60-62 kg so doing it with tenacity and low CdA. I can beat the bigger guys if it's hilly or rolling and technical but in a flat, non-technical power throwdown just too small to make the watts required.

    My fitness goals are to attain a good level of fitness and maintain it from late April through late August. I follow a very simple plan with periodization, a lot of tempo/sweetspot, a small amount of VO2max and over the years have found some "fun" indoor workouts that I enjoy. Usually riding 8-12 hours a week depending on work and travel. With such low hours no worries of over-work, just need to make the time count.

    Big difference this winter is getting serious about core and upper body strength. I'm no pocket hercules but feel a lot better about my overall fitness.

    I am interested in what you guys have found to increase CP20. Most folks focus on FTP and while they are correlated, 20 min is different than an hour.


  18. #198
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Squats, deads, power cleans, core work and now I want to go back to bed.

    The squat form is really coming back and I think I'm a month or so out from really hitting heavy weights again.

  19. #199
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Today was chest day (chest, lats, triceps) and for muscle confusion I always alter the workout. Last week's "chest' routine used dumbbells
    descending in weight. Today I used straight barbell ascending in weight. Seated cable high and low for lats, cable overhead and
    push down for tripceps.

    I'll start riding three times a week now, two days interval, one day outside. Tomorrow is interval day (not Mark's intervals! I have a ways to go before I could do that!)
    where I try a new one that replicates climbing.

  20. #200
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    Default Re: VelocipedeSalon WOD: Workout of the day

    Heavy day done. Triceps and back. I'd list the exercises but I don't know all the names. I do know skullcrusher though. That name is worth knowing. Did those with my back on an exercise ball.

    Leg lifts for the abs.

    Finished with about 40 minutes of rolling.

    Just like the weekly ride thread keeps me motivated to ride this one helps keep me motivated to hit the weights. Thanks everybody.

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