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Thread: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

  1. #1
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    Default Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    I really and genuinely dislike/look down on this type of crap. There are some cool guys here, some cool clothes too, but this kind of shit isn't masculine, nor is it unique/original/creative/impressive/whatever the f. If I see one more pair of "dress" shoes/boots w/"work" soles, I'm gonna buy a van and become a theftless mugger, touring urban environs, and taking these pikers down one at a time. This kind of nonsense reflects poorly on all men, as if we're spending our time/energy shopping, styling our hair, consulting fashion blogs, picking out outfits, and posing for f-sake. Looking sharp - that's cool, I respect it, dressing the part, for the occasion, w/some style and flair, quality, craftsmanship, class, whimsy, a nod to _______, etc... But this isn't that, this is something else, and I don't like it.
    Best men's fashion Instagrammers - Business Insider
    you're not the lord of the flies

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Instagram is a good place to show fancy haircuts.

    Duh, Morissey had the same one 20 years ago, but that's a different story
    Andrea "Gattonero" Cattolico, head mechanic @Condor Cycles London

    "Caron, non ti crucciare:
    vuolsi così colà dove si puote
    ciò che si vuole, e più non dimandare"

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Wah wah Main M. is on a roll.

    Funny story...we were in NYC a few years back to see a lame show, meet Chase for dinner and bomb around. After seeing a few too many underfed men in skinny jeans I joked to my pals that the next guy I see in skinny jeans and no socks I'll drop kick....uh oh hey Chase nice to meet you.

    It's all good as long as they keep that @#$# inside the velvet ropes Mike, it's all good.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Dress better? If we ever see the day that Dickies, Red Wings and Seinfeld t-shirts go out of style, just kill me.

    PS: Team No Shave
    steve cortez


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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Tall skinny guys with weak chins and 5-day growth. Lives that haven't seen suffering. That's not fashion.

    You want fashion? Just look at yourself after riding for a couple hours in the rain, splattered in mud, cold to the bone, ready to eat your dog when you step in the house. That's a real, genuine look.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    If someone else were paying the tab I'd have the dresser from the NetFlix show Hannibal run my life. The menswear on that show it TIGHT!

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Polack View Post
    Tall skinny guys with weak chins and 5-day growth. Lives that haven't seen suffering. That's not fashion.

    You want fashion? Just look at yourself after riding for a couple hours in the rain, splattered in mud, cold to the bone, ready to the the first thing you see when you step in the house. That's a real, genuine look.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    And of course it was on Business Insider. I stopped reading that shitty site over a year ago because I couldn't stand what passed for a news.

    Road, CX, Mountain

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    If someone else were paying the tab I'd have the dresser from the NetFlix show Hannibal run my life. The menswear on that show it TIGHT!
    Don't say menswear, at least not out loud, but I agree w/you. ha ha ha
    you're not the lord of the flies

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    I follow Ben C/ Hodinkee.

    I wonder how many of those fights shave their legs?

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    I know it's not really meant for me, but I think most of those look ridiculous. I guess sometimes fashion means "dressing in ways I don't understand" so they hit their mark there. Of course this comes from a guy who has to wear combat boots to work as a civilian half the year.
    Insubordinate. And Churlish.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Looks like kinda overdressed hipsters. At least to my old eyes.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    That's fashion...the people out there cultivating and promoting these looks are at the extremes of what's new and hip. The masses will not actually dress in such a curated manner. By the time those looks make it to malls things will mellow and become mainstream enough that they won't look so ridiculous. Look at skinny jeans/pants and ultra short trousers. A few years ago it was the domain of models, hipsters, "magazines" (including online photo sources), etc. When I go to work now, I don't see a bunch of people in skinny pants halfway up their legs. But most men have moved on from relaxed fit with a deep break to a slimmer cut that stops at the shoe. It actually looks much more contemporary and, to my eyes, better.

    Those photos are like a photo essay of concept cars/bikes/gadgets/etc. It all looks ridiculous, but that's pushing limits until the couple gems among the crap get sorted out. Looking at those photos, my guess is the outcome is that a couple years from now people will start dressing up a bit more as ties and blazers are no longer seen as the domain of politicians and CPAs.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    My fashion sense has .... "evolved" over my last few postal codes -

    Bend (oregon)

    I've worked a side gig dressing folks for years, picking out professional outfits, "help me look like a grown-up" outfits, "what to get married in", designing shoes/clothes/accessories when the client was right - so let me tell you, "i've got opinions" ;)

    it'd be an understatement to say that my wardrobe of "what to toss on to go out and get a loaf of bread & bottle of wine" has changed a bit.
    My day job is still the same as back then (designer/design industry), but I've got a closet of blazers and sleek black/grey things that didn't get worn a ton in the last 7 years, and likely won't get worn again until I head back to one of those previous spots for a visit.

    eh, "FASHION" is so insular, based around a couple places in the world, and a small number pf intersecting social circles that I barely pay attention anymore.
    If I dressed up to go out in Bend like I did across the pond or in Miami, it wouldn't be right. It might be "RIGHT", but regionalism, nature of the person / personal sense of style, and nature of the occasion go farther in my mind than "What are beautiful people in New York wearing right now".

    I've got more rants on all sides of the fashion world than I've got time -
    should probably stop before I really get this thing wound up.

    some other time though

    ~If you aren't looking good, you are looking bad.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Quote Originally Posted by hidayanra View Post
    ~If you aren't looking good, you are looking bad.
    Not to be a d!ck about it, but I have no time for folks who really believe this sort of stuff.

    I suspect it means that there's someone out there who's either judging me, or maybe telling me that I'm too much of loser to hang with the cool cats. Either way, they can think what they like; I'm going on my merry way.

    Have a good ride.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mabouya View Post
    Not to be a d!ck about it, but I have no time for folks who really believe this sort of stuff.

    I suspect it means that there's someone out there who's either judging me, or maybe telling me that I'm too much of loser to hang with the cool cats. Either way, they can think what they like; I'm going on my merry way.

    Have a good ride.
    Regardless of how you dress, I'll still like you.

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Thanks Dave :)

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    ...or how incredibly uncomfortable I feel wearing a Nau jacket and clean shoes walking into a stop and pop in rural Kentucky to buy a Red Bull. Just me????

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mabouya View Post
    Not to be
    ah, sorry?
    I certainly don't feel that way at all, saab used the line the other day in the "King cages" thread, and it thought it had a nice ring to it so used it as my sig line for 4 days now.
    my apologies, didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, I'll desist.
    I'm certainly not judging anyone, I haven't been part of the cool cats group ever in my life that I recall -

    be safe-ish out there~

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Quote Originally Posted by Too Tall View Post
    ...or how incredibly uncomfortable I feel wearing a Nau jacket and clean shoes walking into a stop and pop in rural Kentucky to buy a Red Bull. Just me????
    there's a funny (now) story about having a bottle or two thrown at me in Kansas one time (Aggieville, if any of you have been near KSU) because I was literally just in town from scandanavia and didn't have kansas-standard-kit -

    just walking down the sidewalk to see a friend one sunny afternoon when a glass bottle went zinging by -

    that was one of various moments that helped me learn that notion of context-appropriate-apparel ;)

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    Default Re: Lots of sharp duds and a cool dude or two - ruined.

    Welcome to NYC!

    There is something about some of these fashions that bothers me too, but it is not the adoption of homosexual cues as tailoring benchmarks, but the hyper-immaculateness, the German tank driver haircuts and the skinhead innuendo in the rolled pant leg exposed ankle work boot/work shoe. Feels a bit too strongly Hilter Youth Gentleman's Quarterly on vacation. Way too much time spent on beard perfection for this to be healthy. What anxiety in the wearer is assuaged by so much hyper-immaculate grooming?

    The other styles are just rehashing things from the 1980's and adding skinny pants. That layering of coats over jackets or blazers over jackets and/or down vests has been going on forever. Polo shirt and white Adidas tennis sneaks. I don't call that a fashion or style really, just shopping. Guys are notoriously difficult to get involved in the sort of multi-seasonal buying of clothing that makes women's fashion so lucrative. And even when you dress some guy up in the latest Thom Browne suit during the day, he comes home and puts on a pair of 10 year old khakis and a LaCoste and wanders around the house drinking milk out of the carton.

    I would guess economically the gay community drives a substantial amount of the looks in men's fashion, while the remainder is driven by the need to sell to businessmen. Actual changes in overall style are glacial, but small changes like lapels, ties, pant lengths, jump around here and there every season. Much more import in men's fashion I think (and hidayarna can correct me here) is the "hand" of the fabric and the physical/psychological comfort of the cut (doesn't matter if it is stylish if I don't feel comfortable in it.) But the reality is that the kind of salaries required to buy designer stuff are from jobs that require a black European cut Italian suit to be worn 4-5 days out of the week (though tech is changing this maybe a little in certain regions.) So that trim black suit dictates pretty heavily what's going to be acceptable en masse, even if the clothing you are wearing says "I am so successful I don't have to wear the trim black suit to work suckers!"

    And if you feel threatened by men's fashion, you are supposed to. That's how fashion divides and supports, just like a push up bra. Artificial though it may be, it seeks to elevate those who wear it and diminish those who don't.

    So you know, just ignore it.

    caveat - Most fashion of any sort is no longer being made to the tastes of Americans. It is being made to sell to Chinese and Russians.
    Jorn Ake


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