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Thread: new workshop?

  1. #1
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    Default new workshop?

    So I recently moved out of a drafty detached garage (in Indianapolis, IN) to an insulated, but damp detached garage (Rochester, NY). Plus the floor in the new place is pock-marked worse than a 16 yr old prom date. I think I need to find a better place to build.

    Does anyone have any tips on getting the local government to cough up disused property for cheap?

    Or I suppose I could ask at the LBS to see if they have space that they would be willing to rent. Does anyone know, if you sublet does that impact your insurance (or the cost of ins. for the renter)?

    Chris Ley
    The Bicycle Forge, LLC

  2. #2
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    Default Re: new workshop?

    Using the LBS is an interesting angle. Is anyone here doing that?
    Dan Reid
    rider, builder of a frame, owner of a pile of tubes

  3. #3
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    Default Re: new workshop?

    Chris- Welcome to Rottenchester. Tonight you'll find out how dry your basement is, given the forecast of rain. I live on the East side of town, near Winton Rd and Atlantic Ave. I'd love to talk building over a beer or two. My basement shop is relatively dry, a requirement when I bought the house.

    I don't know of any local shops that have space to rent. The biggest is loosing it's current location and the new spot will take some time to sort out. There is MakerSpace. I started to offer mechanical help for their members but the Winter got away from me and now it's the busy season for us wrenches (I work at Full Moon on South Ave).

    But i have long wondered about having a dedicated shop space, outside of my home. Perhaps we have a common need? I see you have a business name and LLC. Are you in the building business or just, like me, hobby building?

    I don't know the answer to your insurance question, your insurance agent should be able to give a more informed answer. But most shop/retail policies don't include include manufacturing or covering others that are not employees but still using shop facilities. Not that many won't do this kind of stuff under the radar, I've never liked that approach. When i had my shop in Cleveland the retail policy did cover using my brazing tools for repairs done by the shop, kind of a loose answer.

    I would speculate that your business insurance (which is to cover the manufacture and sales of bikes and the tools involved) (and i assume that if you're a real business you have said insurance) will have a location aspect to understand. If the address was in a building that also housed a school (as an example) I would expect the personal injury portion to need to reflect that. Or if the location was an industral building it will reflect that instead.

    Another aspect to consider is the fire marshal/building code. In Cleveland, again, all that was needed was to notify the fire dept and store the OA tanks in a code agreeable manor. In my personal home shop since I am not building for others this is not an issue.

    Let's get together and talk. 585 654-7788. After next Wednesday's Ride of Silence (which I orginize) I'll have more free time. Andy.
    Andy Stewart

  4. #4
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    Default Re: new workshop?

    Hey Andy, pleased to meet you.

    Yeah, the rain is a bit ridiculous. There are 2 lakes right now inside of my garage and the water is flowing up my driveway right under the doors. Not a tenable situation. (Going to have to do something about it regardless of shop location)

    My basement is dry, thank god (though it looks like it hasn't always been that way). Ceiling is too low for me to use it (and my wife won't let me braze where we sleep)

    I would love to get together and discuss shop options. I'm currently a hobby builder but working on moving to legitimate status (ie insured).

    Chris Ley
    Chris Ley
    The Bicycle Forge, LLC

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