Quote Originally Posted by stackie View Post
Really need a budget and to know what you like to make. If espresso only, then get a Silvia and PID it, you'll be golden.

If you do milk drinks, it's nice to be able to steam around the same time as your shot, so I'd consider the Crossland CC1 as the entry level. PID brew boiler, with thermoblock steam. This is the machine designed by Bill Crossland who brought the legendary GS3 to market.

Remember to save enough for a good burr grinder. I like the Mazzer mini or Compak k3. Compak being slightly cheaper, but very well built. The Mazzer being the classic.

If these suggestions are way under budget for you, let me know, I'll be happy to spend more of your money...

Listen to this man. That Crossland looks awesome. Didn't even know it existed.