Quote Originally Posted by hampco View Post
next year we should see some 25th anniversary La Vie Claire accoutrements
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Mondrian color schemes aside…I’ve been following your website/blogs since I found the Vsalon, I guess about 2 years ago. In that time, it seems like you have made a lot of changes to your model lineup, most noticeably that one Tournesol being discontinued and now brought back as a city bike. What has been the process to determine what to market, what to discontinue, and do you see anything new coming down the pike?

How is the Crema selling so far? As someone who admires the whole ethos and aesthetic of the custom frame market, but is also a pretty proportionally built, flexible-enough rider that fits nicely on a 56/57cm, I am interested in where this “small batch” production is going. I’m on two factory-built aluminum bikes right now, and something like the Crema will likely be a first step towards the handbuilt arena at some point.