Quote Originally Posted by bellman View Post
Hey Michael,
Thanks for adding to Smoked Out. I like the straightforwardness of your site and was concerned to read about the fire you guys had, glad you are getting it under control.
As a new(er) builder how have you been dealing with odd requests or more specificly, requests for a frame style that you either haven't built yet or aren't paticularly fond of?
Also, what has been your biggest hurdle to getting Magnolia up and running? (great name by the way)
I actually haven't been approached with any styles I'm not fond of but if I were it would depend on the degree to which I was not fond of the style. I'm not one to sacrifice my ideals to make a buck so if I didn't want to do it I would probably turn it down. As for a style I haven't built yet, I love to expand my knowledge and test myself whenever possible. I would never do anything I don't feel confident with or experiment on anyone other than myself.

As for the biggest hurdle I would have to say the lack of sales locally. I get a lot of enthusiasm from the cycling community and everyone wishes me the best but Memphis just doesn't have a large enough pool of cyclists to have a steady stream of business. Most of the guys are into carbon which I can understand since they are racing but they are slowly catching on and two guys have Speedvagens on the way so maybe that will get the ball rolling.

Thanks for the questions Jake